Status updates for private mod pack owners

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We almost got everything up and working perfectly, but hit a few small snags. We are working on it and they should be fixed soon.
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I think we finally got everything sorted. As usual, reply to your modpack conversation if there is still anything wrong or you have a hotfix.

As a sneak peak of the upcoming changes, take a look at the modlist on the launcher of your recently updated modpack.
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Announcing a complete rework of the 3rd party system. The updated guidelines can be found at the usual place. The notable changes are outlined below.

95% less permissions: You now submit ONLY the permissions that are not already listed as open on the spreadsheet. For the majority of packs, this will be less than five or so. The exact procedure is in the guidelines, but we DO NOT ACCEPT spreadsheets or any form of a full list of permissions. We ONLY want the mods that aren't open on the spreadsheet.

Bigger spreadsheet: I have added a LOT of new mods to the spreadsheet. Seriously, go look. I'll be adding more over the next couple weeks.

New submission method: I'm not going to link directly to it, but we have this nice fancy form page where you submit your pack now. Once you hit the submit button, it will take you to a thread in a private forum section. You'll use this exactly like the conversations are used now, submitting updates, asking questions etc. But it makes it worlds easier for us to organize things.

No info.txt: Everything goes through the form now, permissions included. If you want to change any of the details, give the new ones in your update message. We will ignore any notes or other files included in the zip.

No more weekly updates: We have improved our workflow to the point where we are changing the update times. We will guarantee a pack will be updated within 72 hours of submission, though extreme circumstances might change this. The majority of the time it will be much faster, usually within 24 hours. However, we will frown on people who update too often. Hotfixes, or even hotfixes for hotfixes are fine, but we're not going to allow people to update every two or three days for weeks on end. Test your stuff before submitting.

What you need to do: Everyone will have to RESUBMIT their pack under the new system. No getting around this. Look through the guidelines, get your couple permissions and fill out the form. Should take all of 5 minutes. One minor change, we want all the your permission images hosted on imgur. We might make exceptions for established packs, but you'll need a good reason. If you have multiple packs, you will need to submit each one individually. Use the same code as your existing pack and post after you have submitted that you are updating an existing pack.

Thank you to everyone who has used the 3rd party system over the year and a half I have been working on it. I've been working on these changes for a long time now and am glad they are finally here. It has always irked me that the ATLauncher, and even the Technic platform, was a more attractive option for hosting your own pack. I'm hoping this changes that.

Lastly, a huge thank you to @tfox83. He has taken all the burden of updating packs and checking permissions off my back so I had time to do all this. He will continue to process the majority of the new packs and updates while I go around fixing problems, and doing homework.
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Looking into the extra ? marks at the ends of peoples pack names, authors and descriptions. Should hopefully be fixed soon.
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Due to the ongoing legal problems with bukkit, cauldron server files are not permitted.
I realize that blue is not the ideal color for links in the mod list. I'm working on it, but changing the colors makes some things a bit more complicated. You'll have to live with it for now.
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I changed the link colors in the description to aqua. It should apply to your pack the next time you update.
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I am officially dropping support for any minecraft versions below 1.6.4. Obviously the launcher still supports them, and any 3rd party packs already on the launcher for those versions will work, but it's not worth the great deal of extra effort to upload new packs for those older versions.

If you feel you have a pack worth an exception, pm me.
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We're finally ready everyone! The modlists for the 1.7 official packs are stable enough that we can start reviewing and pushing to listed status 3rd party packs without the fear of them conflicting with with the upcoming FTB packs.

I will work on an official addition to the guidelines, but here are some basic requirements.
- The pack must already be on the FTB launcher with public permissions.
- The pack must be substantially different from all other official and 3rd party listed packs on the launcher for 1.7.
- The pack must be well supported. You need at to at least have a thread in the Public Packs section and be available to answer and fix bug reports.

@tfox83 and I will be going through the public packs and will approach pack authors later this week. We're hoping to get 4 or 5 listed 1.7 packs up as soon as the end of next week.

For this initial period, do not message us asking for your pack to be listed. We may move back to that after the first round, but we don't want to handle the dozens of messages that would generate. Just keep working on your pack and we will notice you.
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I have been extremely busy this week with real life stuff, so updates have not been going out as fast as I like them too. I will be back on a normal schedule starting Sunday and through the next few weeks so expect to see your packs be approved and updated much faster. I have a little time today and plan to play catch up as much as I can. What I do not get to I will finish Sunday. Once again sorry for the delay. (@Watchful11 and I are still working on a few things to support listed 1.7 3rd party packs, we will keep you posted)
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Was planning on updating 3rd party packs this morning, but there seems to be some issues with connecting to the repo at the moment. It is being looked into and I am sure it will be fixed shortly. I will resume pack updates/approvals tomorrow.

EDIT: Repo was back up within minutes of this post, so all pack as of now are updated and uploaded.
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Finally have some news.

I've been holding off on the 1.7 3rd party packs for a few reasons. Some of the packs I wanted weren't ready yet and some of the official modpacks weren't quite as far along as I had thought. Mainly however, I wanted to have a better idea of when Jampacked 2 was going to happen. I needed to leave space for the awesome packs that was sure to generate. However, I have been informed that we will be holding off on Jampacked 2 until early next year. This is due to a number of factors that I won't go into, but I believe it's best this way. The current up and coming packs won't have to worry about being eligible, and other people won't be put off from starting new packs.

So once again, I'll be approaching authors and getting some 1.7 packs up sometime later this week. Unless something else happens to stop me, which seems to happen way more often than I think it will.[DOUBLEPOST=1414040197,1413696500][/DOUBLEPOST]I've opened a discussion for 1.7 listed packs here. Feel free to chime in.
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Just reposting what @Watchful11 said above to avoid confusion of the posts merging::

PSA broken packs

If the launcher tries to unzip a pack, but fails for some reason, it blindly carries on as if nothing is wrong. Since it normally unzips to a temporary location, then moves files to the launch folder, this results in only some of the files from the original zip ending up where they are supposed to be.

If the unzip failure happens before the pack.json file, and there is no pack.json in the minecraft folder, as in the case of a new install, the launcher uses a default one and launches vanilla. If there is a pack.json file from an old version, it launches with that.

This should explain the array of symptoms people are messaging us about, everything from launching vanilla, to missing files, to forge not being updated.

We are working on both rezipping the packs with a format the launcher doesn't crash on, as well as looking at the launcher to either get better unzip code or at least an error message.

We can't just go look at every pack updated in the last two weeks, so if you haven't already, please reply to your modpack thread if you are seeing any of this in your pack. If you have already done that, just sit tight, we will get to your pack and message you when it's fixed.​
Update again.

tfox is out of town for a few days, but he should be back today ish. I've been spending all of my meager spare time trying to get packs caught up, but I've only managed to get through Saturday morning. I'll keep working on it.

We are also working on bring some other people on and up to speed with the system so this is less likely to happen. And hopefully to reduce normal update times to less than 24 hours eventually, but we'll see.
Almost there on getting all the packs caught up.

PSA, bumping your thread is not helpful. We update modpacks starting with the oldest outstanding one, if you reply to the thread again it moves you to the front. Normally it would still get updated fairly quickly, but with the backlog this week there were several cases of people bumping the thread multiple times and I didn't get to the update until nearly a week after it was posted.
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