Mods in the MC pack, but not the DW20 one:
- Advanced Machines - I use these a lot, no worldgen though
- Advanced Solar Panels - ditto
- Extra Bees - I was about to get into beekeeping
Also, adds world gen.
- Traincraft - Don't care mainly, although the extra oil is nice. Adds world gen.
- Twilight Forest - Don't care. Adds world gen, but only in its own dimension.
In my opinion, not a good idea, unless you added the first three back in, in which case I personally think that adding MindCrack would be easier.
You don't have any sort of remote shell access to the server? Hopefully it doesn't happen again.
That is truly odd. Can you please go to my age and type "
/ticks" and "
/profile e" and post the results here? I don't have permission for those commands, but suspect that it isn't the turtles. Don't know what it is though, although I suspect it might have something to do with the logistics network.
My turtles are running an algorithm that if anything should be less laggy - every 5 seconds they check if the first stack isn't full. If it isn't, it sucks up stacks until the last stack is full. Repeat.