How far from spawn are you? The world border is 3k blocks from spawn in a circle.The servers bugging out since we change to MCPC+ right now I'm spamed with you have reached the edge of the worls and I cant open most GUI's
What happens?That happens if oyu use outdated Bukkit plugins on FTB (or 1.5 for that matter), the only way to rectify this is to remove said plugins.
Why are you so far away?I'm at at least 10k but I suggest removing that plugin I cant be accurate because I cant go to my house
I was way off I'm only about 5.5 thousand blocks from spawn also I found this mod that adds aspects from other mods lastly Im still having GUI problems and can only open my inventory the tinker table and the forge lexiconWhy are you so far away?
Also, switched permissions plugins from YAPP to PEX. Pex is a lot more user-friendly and less buggy.
Edit: Due to the fact that I can use other people's homes, I disabled the world border and teleported to your home (it's called bed, right? Got a diamond ender chest, a sorting system and some machines. I'm hoping that's the right one). It's a bit over 6000 blocks away, and so I set the world border to be 7000 blocks from spawn (I don't want people getting too spread out, and I'd rather that you be considerably closer, but that is a rather nice spot you have there) and now the server is slowly generating every chunk within that radius. It doesn't seem to be causing a noticeable performance drop, but it may cause the server to be slower if you try doing some other intensive thing at the same time.
Edit2: Kind of random, but don't use REP's. They will crash your client. Wireless jammers however do not.
Crafting bugs out, as in nothing can be crafted, I also think that every mode of travel (Including Portals) stops working.What happens?
There never was a private pack code you have to set it up yourself and Shal destroyed the server by adding mcpc+ theres no reason to log in the servers deadDoes this server still exist? I'm whitelisted, but haven't been on it in forever- nor do I still have the private pack code.
I will be setting up a TS server sometime after I get the server completely back up.Whitelist Applications
*Do we have raidcall or teamspeak cause I want to to voice chat instead.
- Your minecraft username. DiamondKing489
- Have you ever been banned from a server? If yes, why? No. Look:
- Have you ever played with FTB before? Been a long time and some private packs (which my friend adds mods that isn't compatible that makes it crash XD)
- Why do you want to join this server?Less grief, Better community, no PVP and safe building
I will be setting up a TS server sometime after I get the server completely back up.
Read the new installation instructions. Use the private pack code 152wgtHow do we get FTB Ultimate to be 1.5.2 I have 1.4.7 only.