Solid Boilers after 1.5.1. Wood source?

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Also, UE was buggy. And I hate those transformers. Transformers should MULTIPLY and DIVIDE voltage, not ADD and SUBTRACT it.

So I got UE working pretty well now. The problem is that there is only one specific build of BasicComponents that works (and the Voltz crew is using a totally borked modpack in general, so don't take their experience as gold standard), but once you find it everything seems to work. I can give you my build list and configs if you want.

As for your complaint about transformers, I am not sure what you mean. The steps are 120v, 240v and 480v, right? And those basically control the amount of energy deliverable to a machine per tick. I think the only way amperage comes into play internally is for power loss over wires.
Transformers shouldn't add or subtract the voltage. They should multiply and divide it.[DOUBLEPOST=1366914168][/DOUBLEPOST]And thank you for your suggestion, but I'll stick with Ultimate for now... If you and Way release your pack, maybe I'll try it!
Transformers shouldn't add or subtract the voltage. They should multiply and divide it.[DOUBLEPOST=1366914168][/DOUBLEPOST]And thank you for your suggestion, but I'll stick with Ultimate for now... If you and Way release your pack, maybe I'll try it!

What is 120 * 2? What is 120 * 2 * 2? I'm actually confused what you're getting at here, because 120, 240 and 480 are not unusual voltages to see in the real world.
I'm rather confused at all the hate. Everyone knew Steve's Carts tree farms were going to get nerfed at some point, simply because it was just too much coming out of a ridiculously cheap creation.

I also don't see where all the bellyaching is coming from in regards to the solid boilers. You're still cranking out far more wood than your HP boilers are ever going to use, who cares if it's eating up twice the wood, that just means half the additional storage required.

Of course, my boifuel run boilers are actually getting a stealth-upgrade, due to the fact that I actually do tree-breeding and the saplings being produced are going to get a LOT better at producing biomass.

To each their own, I guess.

Incidentally, I've never bothered trying to measure how much MJ a multifarm eats up, does anyone have the figures on hand? I'm going to try something a bit... different... in this setup.
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you have 240v line and hook a step-down 60v transformer to it. What would you get? 180v. It's not how transformers work.
Could you just tell what is new heat value for wooden planks? Actually, if he didn't change the value for charcoal, it's not that bad...

NEIPlugins isn't showing heat values for any solid fuel, but does for liquid fuel. But Jaded reports charcoal is nerfed.
You're still cranking out far more wood than your HP boilers are ever going to use
Wrong. I had to set up a second Steve's treefarm because first one didn't keep up with 3 36HPs.

And I don't hate SC nerf. I was just asking what to do when it arrives.
you have 240v line and hook a step-down 60v transformer to it. What would you get? 180v. It's not how transformers work.

Ahh. Now I see what you mean! I suspect this is just the name of the transformers for the sake of convenience for users. Last time I checked, you couldn't hook a 480 to a 60 downstep and be like, "Wake and bake, voltheads!" Instead you got an explosion because evidently this is Minecraftworld's way of lol-ing at electricity. I agree the naming is poor. But then we've tolerated IC2's incorrect insulation names for a long time now ;).

So I think the actual power calculations are done in terms you and I would find familiar, but they get locked into specific voltage brackets for the purposes of simplifying the user's interaction with the model. RP2 did something like this as well, but Eloraam did a better job expressing it.

We should bug bigC to make that a config option for Electrical Expansion, because I was irritated by it as well.
Ahh. Now I see what you mean! I suspect this is just the name of the transformers for the sake of convenience for users. I think the actual power calculations are done in terms you and I would find familiar. We should bug bigC to make that a config option for Electrical Expansion, because I was irritated by it as well.
As I saw in some tutorial, they calculate things wrong - they add or subtract N to the voltage. Maybe tutorial author was wrong ^_^
Actually, I'm not trying to be serious on a video game forum, but if it bugs someponyone, I can stop using it

Yes, please stop using it. It has nothing to do with serious or not serious and everything to do with butchering the English language for no reason. We don't communicate for ourselves. We communicate to convey information to other people. What you say to yourself in your private conversations in your mind is your business. When you're communicating to others, a reasonable effort to make appropriate use of the language is typically appreciated.

More to the point, I'm a little disappointed by yet another nerf that didn't need to happen. I have a fairly robust Oak farm (in terms of size/number of trees that can be planted) and my SC logger acn't keep up. I've got two HP 36 steam boilers with the second acting as sort of an overflow during the burst periods when the cart drops off a fresh bunch of material but neither of them goes anywhere near 1k degrees unless I manually feed the boilers in between batches. In short, the SC logger could maybe keep one boiler going if I tweaked the delivery system, but I don't see it as OP. And if the Galgadorian cutter is anywhere near as costly as the Galgadorian drill, you might as well start looking for new ways to handle your tree farms now. Every time a mod dev says, "that's OP so I'm jacking the cost/time/effort through the roof" I just stop using their mod. It can't be OP in my world if I don't use it.
A conversation is one part conveyance, and one part comprehension.

If someone can't honestly understand what this person is trying to say because he/she substituted one utterly inconsequential word, then I'm not sure the aforementioned person is the fault.

Other than that, I agree with you. I'm of the opinion that the SC nerf didn't really need to happen. Sure, it's a really easy and carefree system to use, but I still prefer MFR for my own reasons. At this point, I'd probably never use SC for tree farming.
Wrong. I had to set up a second Steve's treefarm because first one didn't keep up with 3 36HPs.

And I don't hate SC nerf. I was just asking what to do when it arrives.

You see, this is precisely what I mean. You're trying to keep multiple boilers fed from a single farm? No. Just... no. The fact that it CAN means it needs a nerf badly.
A conversation is one part conveyance, and one part interpretation.

If someone can't honestly understand what this person is trying to say because he/she substituted one utterly inconsequential word, then I'm not sure the aforementioned person is the fault.

I made no mention whatsoever of understanding. Your interpretation is a bit off. It's about respecting your intended audience, which on a public forum includes the majority of people reading the forum. This isn't a brony forum. It's an FTB forum. Standard usage of the primary language is implied, and that means not substituting irrelevant words for the sake of trying to be cute or witty or expressing one's interests or any of that, because if we all did that the language would quickly become meaningless. You should not be struggling to understand this as you seem to be. It's not complicated.
I made no mention whatsoever of understanding. Your interpretation is a bit off. It's about respecting your intended audience, which on a public forum includes the majority of people reading the forum. This isn't a brony forum. It's an FTB forum. Standard usage of the primary language is implied, and that means not substituting irrelevant words for the sake of trying to be cute or witty or expressing one's interests or any of that, because if we all did that the language would quickly become meaningless. You should not be struggling to understand this as you seem to be. It's not complicated.

Words change between societies. Those crazy brits call a cellphone a mobile phone, yet I still have no problem understanding what they mean, despite the fact that they use a completely different word. Or calling a cookie a biscuit. It's just a different word.

The fact is that I understand what is being articulated, and I respond in kind. I don't make a big issue out of it because I'm not british and expect to be talked to like someone who isn't british.
You see, this is precisely what I mean. You're trying to keep multiple boilers fed from a single farm? No. Just... no. The fact that it CAN means it needs a nerf badly.

One cart will barely keep up with a 36 HP boiler. Beyond that, you just butchered the argument. They CAN'T keep up, so saying they need a nerf badly because they CAN is kind of...not helpful or relevant.[DOUBLEPOST=1366917266][/DOUBLEPOST]
Words change between societies. Those crazy brits call a cellphone a mobile phone, yet I still have no problem understanding what they mean, despite the fact that they use a completely different word. Or calling a cookie a biscuit. It's just a different word.

The fact is that I understand what is being articulated, and I respond in kind. I don't make a big issue out of it because I'm not british and expect to be talked to like someone who isn't british.

Again, there's a difference between dialects and cultures, and people just trying to be cute. We don't support the butchering of the language because the language requires consistencies to remain valid. You might be okay with it, but that's you. Don't pretend to speak for everyone. PonyKuu mentioned that if anyone had a problem with it they would stop. I have a problem with it. You don't need to play forum hero. You're not going to change my mind and I wasn't talking to you.
As I saw in some tutorial, they calculate things wrong - they add or subtract N to the voltage. Maybe tutorial author was wrong ^_^

Hmm. Not sure.

The alternative though is IC2's power system which is... uhm... absurd? Like in the extreme. UE at least penalizes you for trying to pass infinite current over copper cabling. In IC2, you actually get big benefits to doing it this way (basically you move things along glass cable with no whats to give, and no one uses any other kind of cable except to stop gregfires™ in workshop contexts).
One cart will barely keep up with a 36 HP boiler. Beyond that, you just butchered the argument. They CAN'T keep up, so saying they need a nerf badly because they CAN is kind of...not helpful or relevant.

Okay, perhaps I'm not making myself clear...

She was complaining because it couldn't fully furnish THREE 36HP boilers. The fact that she was apparently able to run TWO off of the same SC farm means there was a serious imbalance in the amount of wood the tree farm was delivering.

Honestly, I would just plain remove wood and wooden planks as an option for solid boilers completely. Back in the day, you couldn't get the heat you needed for a boiler out of wood. You needed good coal or coal coke. Not charcoal, and certainly not wood. They just didn't get it hot enough.
Hmm. Not sure.

The alternative though is IC2's power system which is... uhm... absurd? Like in the extreme. UE at least penalizes you for trying to pass infinite current over copper cabling. In IC2, you actually get big benefits to doing it this way (basically you move things along glass cable with no whats to give, and no one uses any other kind of cable except to stop gregfires™ in workshop contexts).
Yeah, IC power is definitely NOT electricity... As well as BC. I think RP2 is pretty close, but there are not much uses of it.
Mod makers shouldn't base their nerfs off of mod packs. The boiler shouldn't be nerfed neither should the SC farm be. In a world with just Railcraft (which is what they should be basing it off of) Solid Fueled Boilers are a waste of time. You can't run one of those without BC, or a slew of other mods. Same thing for the SC farm. In vanilla, that amount of wood is stupidly unnecessary. It's not only useless without other mods it really takes up more space then it's worth.
Okay, perhaps I'm not making myself clear...

She was complaining because it couldn't fully furnish THREE 36HP boilers. The fact that she was apparently able to run TWO off of the same SC farm means there was a serious imbalance in the amount of wood the tree farm was delivering.

Honestly, I would just plain remove wood and wooden planks as an option for solid boilers completely. Back in the day, you couldn't get the heat you needed for a boiler out of wood. You needed good coal or coal coke. Not charcoal, and certainly not wood. They just didn't get it hot enough.

"Serious imbalance" relative to what? I can't run two boilers off one cart. These arbitrary assessments of what should or should not be possible are getting tiresome. For a fraction of the time, space, and planning I can pull the same amount of energy out of a self sustained lava system, so how is SC out of whack? I went the SC/boiler route for something different that seemed a little more interesting. So SC eats a pointless nerf. Depending on the cost of the Galgadorian cutter, the dev might as well just pull the option. No point implementing a system nobody is going to use.