So this whole Gregtech thing.

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Team Member
FTB Founder
Jul 29, 2019
I am looking around and seeing a lot of people comment ask about the Gregtech mod. I thought it would might be helpful to expand a bit on the current answer of
At this time there are no plans to include Gregtech in a pack
This a totally true statement and right now none of the packs we are currently working on will have Gregtech in them, I suppose the question is why? I think most people know for a long time, I was a fan of what the gregtech mod tried to achieve (ie provide an endgame type environment to Minecraft and help with some cross mod balancing. I haven't looked at the mod in a while (for no other reason than shear lack of time) However I am told that the mod has gone a lot futher down this road as of late.

However that is not what is preventing us from using Gregtech in any pack. So first is we are at a point now where there are several mod developers that no longer provide any tech support to any collection of mods where Gregtech is involved. This makes the process of tracking down and fixing issues in any pack containing Gregtech a bit of a problem. Second part to the problem is the builds of IC2 that we are using for the packs we are releasing at the moment are not compatible with Gregtech and my understanding is it will remain like this for a bit moving forwards. So even if we wanted to somehow include Gregtech somewhere we couldnt.

Moving on to be clear on this, as far as I know. Beyond FTB not having consent to distribute Gregtech and Tinkers Construct in a single pack there has been no changes in permissions with regards to the Gregtech mod and FTB. So the question will now be what about the future. First thing that I think it is safe to say is that we are planning on including Gregtech into the Universal Configs so it easy for you to just drop the mod in. However, The team wants to get this done by someone who is well versed in both Gregtech as a mod and more specifically the Gregtech configs. In the universal configs we will probably target it towards minimal intrusion upon other mods whilst still retaining the difficulty and end game that it provides.

As to packs, of course there should be 3rd party packs coming out that will contain Gregtech. However also I dont think anything is saying that Gregtech will never return to a pack we make. Honestly I hope it does return. Having said that though this next part should be made very clear.

Any pack we do put out that contains Gregtech in it. Gregtech will be disabled by default and or any pack where Gregtech is used will be issued with little to no tech support by either the FTB Team or a large portion of the Mod Developers. In other words you wont want to play this pack unless you can troubleshoot your own issues.

There is no ETA for such a pack if it does come. It certainly wont be before the New Year that is for sure.

The ETA for its inclusion on the Universal Configs also doesnt exist because we still have to pick someone to actually help set that up. However it should come a lot sooner than any pack that has Gregtech in it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not saying there aren't scores of people who want GT. But who the hell comes to the forums to post thsy are glad there is no GT.
The vocal minority can be quite loud at times. ;)
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un worry

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for explaining. Adding Gregtech to the universal configs would keep many of your FTB fans happy.

I enjoyed both Mindcrack and Unleashed packs - adding Gregtech (config-ed to Easy) midway through each really expanded the game for me and gave me a reason to put all that plant and AE auto-crafting capability to good use :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Something that people need to understand (which is why I bring it up whenever discussions like this start up) is that GregTech is ultimately not a content mod anymore (like it was in 1.4.7). GregTech is going more and more the route of a total conversion mod that aims to change the entire Minecraft experience instead of adding to it. Think Terrafirmacraft, except with technology as opposed to stone age.

That is the ultimate goal the mod has, and if it isn't there yet in parts, then only because Greg hasn't gotten around to everything yet. Even dropping IC2 dependency and becoming fully standalone is in the cards for the future (just when, nobody knows).

I think it's important that people who want to try the mod understand this. You can't expect to drop it in a pack and not see it change a million things anymore. That worked in 1.4.x, and it worked a lot less well in 1.5.x, and it will continue to get more and more intrusive as time goes forward. That is not Greg being mean, but rather simply the goal he has for his mod. It stopped being "just an addon" a long time ago.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
^ This.

Gregtech worked well in the 1.4.7 Mindcrack pack, but now like many others have said it is becoming a lot larger and more intrusive to simply add to a modded instance without issues.

The fact that it's listed as "GregTech-Addon" ingame doesn't help though.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think Gregtech should just make the jump and aim towards being a complete overhaul mod like Better than Wolves or TerraFirmaCraft.
though it still depends on IC2, so it'd either keep that in, or add own versions of IC2 machines and blocks

but this probably won't happen for a while as greg is currently supporting the developers with IC2 exp.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I agree with you, GT back in 1.4.7 days was a great addon, now though he chooses to mess with far too much.
I love GT as it is in the ultimate, and even unhinged pack, but I do believe he has messed with far too much. mainly the insane material costs imposed on other mods, the very steep ramp to get into the mod (and even IC2) due to high materials cost for even basic machines, and changes to vanilla stuff.
almost no other mod I see even touches vanilla materials.

what I think needs to happen is the mod split into two parts, starting with the 1.5.2 build, and keeping roughly the same content- the total conversion that hes currently taking it, and an IC2 addon that it was originally, and that I still love, and few had issues with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@above : GregTech can be very easy if you tinker with its config.
What FTB should do is have two (or more) different configs regarding GregTech's Internal Difficulty.
My suggestion is one that disables any nerfs (Normal), one that runs default GT (Hard) and one that enforces any possible nerf (Hardcore/Insane).

With a note for "Normal" users, that bronze machines would be completely useless.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Back during the whole GT/TiCo, I posted in the GT thread about it being an addon vs a total conversion, Greg outright stated it was a total conversion, so its direction has been confirmed.

I think the FTB team has a good solution here. GT has become a massive mod, and it's famous for its extensive configs. Taking their time to do it right with someone knowledgeable about it seems smart.

Also, thanks for keeping us in the loop. I know some folks had complained about the lack of news, but the past few days you guys have been very quick to correct misconceptions. Thanks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
By the way, GregTech intention is to compatible with any forge mod.

that is quite impossible with the direction's he has taken with the mod, unless he's planning on reverting some of these changes later on.
to be honest it's much better for Gregtech to just go for a full overhaul, that way it can do whatever it wants without people complaining about it


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
that is quite impossible with the direction's he has taken with the mod, unless he's planning on reverting some of these changes later on.
to be honest it's much better for Gregtech to just go for a full overhaul, that way it can do whatever it wants without people complaining about it
You can turn on and off pretty much everything in his config. Most of the changes he does are actually compatible with most mods, such as the tools requiring plated versions + hammer/file, or the wood option. The major thing holding the compatibility back is other mods not using the standard oredict form.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@above : GregTech can be very easy if you tinker with its config.
What FTB should do is have two (or more) different configs regarding GregTech's Internal Difficulty.
My suggestion is one that disables any nerfs (Normal), one that runs default GT (Hard) and one that enforces any possible nerf (Hardcore/Insane).

With a note for "Normal" users, that bronze machines would be completely useless.
that works, and its what i do. its really not much i change, just some of the hard recipies, plates needed, and the vanilla nerfs.
. . .
at least until he takes away those config options.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can turn on and off pretty much everything in his config. Most of the changes he does are actually compatible with most mods, such as the tools requiring plated versions + hammer/file, or the wood option. The major thing holding the compatibility back is other mods not using the standard oredict form.

now now now, to say the problem lies with other mods is a bit unfair, because greg also does some things that other devs don't agree on.
but in my opinion if you need to configure a mod completely for you to be able to use it, then it isn't a good mod. I tend to play a mod as how it's presented to the player, trying to keep the changes of configurations as low as possible, so if I had to disable alot of the functions to get it working well with other mods then I start to think if it's even worth of using the mod.
but I still stand with my previous statement, that gregtech should go for a full overhaul. that way greg can do whatever he wants with the mod, without worrying about the other mods.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
now now now, to say the problem lies with other mods is a bit unfair, because greg also does some things that other devs don't agree on.
but in my opinion if you need to configure a mod completely for you to be able to use it, then it isn't a good mod. I tend to play a mod as how it's presented to the player, trying to keep the changes of configurations as low as possible, so if I had to disable alot of the functions to get it working well with other mods then I start to think if it's even worth of using the mod.
but I still stand with my previous statement, that gregtech should go for a full overhaul. that way greg can do whatever he wants with the mod, without worrying about the other mods.
For you to be able to use it, maybe. Why should the mod come in easymode defualt, when the mod is designed not to be (the configs are there for convenience). Since everyone configures it different amounts (not event needs to configure it completely as you say), best to leave it default and let them get on with it.
Keeping changes low is impossible, especially with GT, as some people like it for different things, while others like it for different things, so config changes will be different depending on the player. You don't have to disable any functions to get it to work well with other mods, it does that on its own.
And if he said it was a full overhaul, then people would find a way to complain anyway.
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