So rumors are GregT is now an IC2 dev

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Note that it says a lot that TE is not on ForgeCraft at this time.

This means that there is absolutely no working development version suitable for even a test environment.

I am much, much more concerned about MFR than TE. TE is a cool mod, but replacable. MFR automates so many things that are traditionally untouchable, and does so in a way that is clever and consistent. It's very hard to replace and anyone who likes MMC automation has come to love it dearly. It's very much my RedPower2. :)

I do wonder if the inherent hostility of the minecraft mod environment has something to do with this. From what I've seen, it can be a rough place. Searge's radically inappropriate outburst, Aidan and Covert arguing, the ongoing passive-aggressive relationship of Buildcraft to TE, the totally weird life cycle of Logistics Pipes, the backhanded compliments some devs toss at mDiyo...
I do wonder if the inherent hostility of the minecraft mod environment has something to do with this. From what I've seen, it can be a rough place. Searge's radically inappropriate outburst, Aidan and Covert arguing, the ongoing passive-aggressive relationship of Buildcraft to TE, the totally weird life cycle of Logistics Pipes, the backhanded compliments some devs toss at mDiyo...

Is there a DramaWiki where someone can read up on these things? :P
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I am much, much more concerned about MFR than TE. TE is a cool mod, but replacable. MFR automates so many things that are traditionally untouchable, and does so in a way that is clever and consistent. It's very hard to replace and anyone who likes MMC automation has come to love it dearly. It's very much my RedPower2. :)
You see, here's where I would like to respectfully disagree. TE really can't be replaced, not for what it does.

You've got Tesseracts for energy, items, and liquids. Using EnderStorage -can- work for cross-dimentional transportation of ill-gotten gains, however you're going to need to pull stuff -out- of your EnderChest. A Tesseract hooked up to an ME Interface runs MUCH faster than an EnderChest hooked up to an Import Bus, even one set to pull stacks at a time.

You've got Energy Conduit, which makes even the most modern version of BC energy pipes seem like weaksauce, and still better on your system resources. Redstone Energy Cells are the ONLY way to store MJ (unless you get into UE mods).

Liquiducts are a far more system resource efficient means of moving liquids than waterproof pipes, and they also have a decided advantage on throughput and convenience by being able to be wrenched into auto-output mode.

Then we get to talk about the machines... the major advantage being the revolutionary concept of side-configuration. You can tell any TE to input or automatically output to any face other than the front. This is actually pretty huge, a significant boon to anyone wanting compact designs. They can pass directly machine-to-machine with no need for intervening pipes/translocators/etc... This is nearly matched by Mekanism's Configurator, but even that doesn't let it automatically output, you still need to pull it out somehow.

CAN you live without TE? Well... yes, you could. Heck, you can live without any mod and just go vanilla if you like. However, it brings quite a lot to the table that is either a direct improvement over what any other mod can do, or unable to be duplicated elsewhere.

Fortunately, no one is being asked to give up either one.

I'd also like to point out that it is Alblaka who is a closer example of Elorram by vanishing on the spot. King Lemming told us flat out he had some things to take care of and it would be delayed.

Oh, while I'm on that topic, I'd also like to point out that everything IC2 has put out since 1.3.x has been beta-test versions (the last 'official' release was v1.111 for MC 1.3.2) with their own slew of bugs, as contrasted to Thermal Expansion which, other than the sawmill bug, runs on rails. I'd also like to point out here that the entire fork of IC2 that GregT is working on might well end up getting pitched if Alblaka disagrees with Player's decision to bring him in. Quite frankly, IC2 is more up-in-the-air than TE, even if they do have others trying to carry the torch. Reminds me a lot of Logistics Pipes, actually, in that regard.
No. But I dunno if you have noticed but mod authors show up here. Some are nice people. Some are interesting people. Some are mean people.

Holy shit authors are PEOPLE?????
totally blown my mind there........

Sorry couldn't resist, I mean it's pretty much a given that mod authors will have different takes on how things should be and how to interact (or not) with the end users, though I do think more than a few need a bit of a reality check, damn is there some first world problem shit expressed in various tweets\threads etc
I do wonder if the inherent hostility of the minecraft mod environment has something to do with this. From what I've seen, it can be a rough place. Searge's radically inappropriate outburst, Aidan and Covert arguing, the ongoing passive-aggressive relationship of Buildcraft to TE, the totally weird life cycle of Logistics Pipes, the backhanded compliments some devs toss at mDiyo...

...this very topic...

You're very much right about the hostility of the environment at times...but I'd like to think that the FtB community does a better job than most internet communities in keeping discussions civil and mature. Perhaps if We The Users make a concerted effort to "always treat each other excellently", the devs will join us in solidarity.

Holy shit authors are PEOPLE?????
totally blown my mind there........

Beat me to the punch. ;) Too often we denizens of the internet forget that we're people, and the people we're talking to are people, too.

And while I'm here, official moderator mode on:
Respect, people. It's a thing, and should be used with regards to people. All people.
I don't like the tone I've seen developing in this topic, keep it civil and don't make me temp-lock this and/or hand out warning points. Don't make things personal--those who are edging into that territory, you know who you are. Play Nice. This is your and the topic at large's final warning.

Work with me, guys. I'd rather be this:

Than this:

As someone who hates and Loves Greg. I think this is wonderful. He is not there to add content but help fix and update and add more API for developers out there. This is only Win Win. Anything outside of this is just people who dislike his mod or him but as a Developer at least he is stable and pretty good and that is more then I can say for many others devs. IC needs Greg and you guys need to cut him slack for this. Go troll his own mod not the IC thing.
Might be worth adjusting this topic to now discuss the changes taking place in IC2. Everything that could be said about GregT being a Dev has been said.

So far, we've seen they've now introduced Lead (Direwolf20 found some in the new forgecraft 1.6 series). Personally, I hope to god that there's a valid reason for adding a new ore. If it's only used in a handful of recipes, then there was no need for that new ore. (when just using IC2, not other mods that also use Lead).
Mentioned in this topic that some recipes have also changed (seeming to be more long winded) - this seems influenced by GregT

So far, the general direction IC2 is heading in (from the limited observations/comments to date) don't look encouraging. It could be totally different to what we are used to from years of using the mod.
It could be totally different to what we are used to from years of using the mod.

Isn't that what everyone wants ?[DOUBLEPOST=1376993081][/DOUBLEPOST]
You're very much right about the hostility of the environment at times...but I'd like to think that the FtB community does a better job than most internet communities in keeping discussions civil and mature. Perhaps if We The Users make a concerted effort to "always treat each other excellently", the devs will join us in solidarity.

The FTB community is probably no better than most other communities, we're all humans on the internet. There is always a climate of hostility, and even if we want it gone, it is impossible, especially when we see that even the most "respectable" users in these forums still go nuts and fight for their "cherished" mods aggressively while bashing others trying to shove their opinion and points down the throats of other users that DARE saying bad stuff about their favorite mod.

But I also see the contrary, I often see the hypocrisy of users trying to sound like they are perfect very nice and ultra open minded people while there is 99% chance that they aren't in real life. Maybe it isn't as "primitive" as raging, but it's another way to try and impose their opinions on others, while not looking like they do, because those people will be considered as models, and others will follow them. It is definitely a more complicated process, but it's the same thing in the end. Why cannot we speak normally, like anyone would do in real life, without being a bitch or an hypocrite ?

But I think the reason is the hostility between devs and mods, not the other way around.

On topic, I can only think positively about Greg being a dev. He is not the lead dev, so the general direction from IC2 won't change much, but we'll definitely much more work being done on it, and even new content, I hope. IC2 is one of the first technical mods that ever existed, I'd like to see it keep a place in our hearts and in our modpacks
Isn't that what everyone wants ?
Well, I think opinions are a bit mixed. There need to be changes and improvements, but overall not of the Greg type changes (as that's what GregTech mod is for). So far it seems that changes that have been made so have that Greg flavour. So IC2 could end up like marmite, you either love it or hate it.
But I also see the contrary, I often see the hypocrisy of users trying to sound like they are perfect very nice and ultra open minded people while there is 99% chance that they aren't in real life. Maybe it isn't as "primitive" as raging, but it's another way to try and impose their opinions on others, while not looking like they do, because those people will be considered as models, and others will follow them. It is definitely a more complicated process, but it's the same thing in the end. Why cannot we speak normally, like anyone would do in real life, without being a bitch or an hypocrite ?

Trying to appear nice even though we have our flaws isn't hypocrisy. Nor is pressing the advantage of not being known within a social group by acting in the way you want to be perceived without the rest of your life's baggage. What you wrote reminded me of something someone said to me in real life recently. This person tends to get so set on their own opinions that when someone presents an opposing point of view they mistake persuasiveness for "shoving" opinions down their throat.

There comes a point where people get so sensitive about opinions that it looks like we are headed to a point where "debate" becomes a euphemism for advertising one's opinions and the right to not be persuaded becomes held above all else.

I hope you don't feel picked on BananaSplit2, I can see that you don't want to shut down debate in the way I described. This is just something I see happening in my own life a lot and occasionally on these forums.
I will be a very VERY happy person when both these trends of ridiculous permission controls and massive grind= difficulty/challange/fun die off and we almost inevitiably go back to The oblivion-esque drama of NOT being included in a modpack being a problem and having to be carful there was no 'win' button in any of them. (Think EE2, but accidently trigarable).

Least it would be possable to enjoy a mod without infinate time, or pick up a new pack when one trys to snub a mod.

That IC2 is looking to go down the opposite route is always an annoying sign.

He added Greg because he knew some people would argue and boom he comes back an fixes the mod
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