So rumors are GregT is now an IC2 dev

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I'd be fine with GT incorporated into ic2 if he left vanilla recipes alone and turned GT into a config setting for hard mode, in a way. Think about it, every Greg machine is a layer on top of ic2 that isn't really necessary but is useful if you want to make the investment. No only that, but the new multi block turbine generators he's adding to GT in 1.6 would significantly improve ic2's power scaling issues.

Of course that's not going to happen because he doesn't collaborate well and would lose his drive in a group decision setting, but meh. Too bad.

I think he'll be fine with ic2 if the others assert their ground, but I could easily see him taking over. He has a dominant personality and can crudely lead through results-oriented merit, but I think it would be better if he learned to work with others.

An interesting thought, ic2 could be gregified not by Greg, but by requests by the other ic2 developers. Ic2 is stagnant, alkaba isn't coming back, and it needs new direction and content. Greg is more than capable of providing that revitalization, since even if it divides the fan base it will grow with new fans. Without some sort of movement, ic2 will cease to be relevant sooner than later. Greg is generally well regarded among ic2 players so there's no huge stigma like there is here.

Only time will tell.
Oh wonderful news, I hope he'll keep to the current theme, but now we can finally see some big updates on IC2.

GregoriusT will be much more powerful now.
You see, here's where I would like to respectfully disagree. TE really can't be replaced, not for what it does.

You've got Tesseracts for energy, items, and liquids. Using EnderStorage -can- work for cross-dimentional transportation of ill-gotten gains, however you're going to need to pull stuff -out- of your EnderChest. A Tesseract hooked up to an ME Interface runs MUCH faster than an EnderChest hooked up to an Import Bus, even one set to pull stacks at a time.

You've got Energy Conduit, which makes even the most modern version of BC energy pipes seem like weaksauce, and still better on your system resources. Redstone Energy Cells are the ONLY way to store MJ (unless you get into UE mods).

Well, like I said. "Can be replaced." You can attack the problem with UE mods, most notably Mekanism. But also the resurgence of Logistics Pipes means you really do have a whole new world of automation available to you that even AE can't really match. A high performance extractor pipe on an ender chest? Works well. And if we ignore discussions of "OP-ness", LP also makes Liquiducts totally obsolete. LP's system for logistically handling liquid does introduce a minor power inefficiency, but that pales in comparison to the benefits.

And of course if you can solve the power issues, just linking the AE networks entirely means cross-dimensional item transfer. I've seen RR-ers move steam this way too, and its surprisingly effective!

Then we get to talk about the machines... the major advantage being the revolutionary concept of side-configuration. You can tell any TE to input or automatically output to any face other than the front. This is actually pretty huge, a significant boon to anyone wanting compact designs. They can pass directly machine-to-machine with no need for intervening pipes/translocators/etc... This is nearly matched by Mekanism's Configurator, but even that doesn't let it automatically output, you still need to pull it out somehow.

I like this, but I feel the need less acutely with LP. I'm happy to pay the extra cost. Which is not to say it isn't an amazing feature! I'm just saying, TE is a great ore processing chain with some really cool liquid features and relatively cheap X-dimensional teleportation as a bonus. MFR automates stuff that very few other mods touch.

Fortunately, no one is being asked to give up either one.

I'm feeling a lot of pressure to get to 1.6.

I'd also like to point out that it is Alblaka who is a closer example of Elorram by vanishing on the spot. King Lemming told us flat out he had some things to take care of and it would be delayed.

I do not begrudge these mod authors their time or schedules. It's fine. I'm just steering my project an playtime.
A few interesting opinions have been said here. Going with the original topic, I encourage anyone that feels negative about Greg being an IC2 dev to look at the build commits added and WHO is the one doing each one. Greg added an API for the mining laser to control shots, strength, handle forcefields properly, etc.? Yes please. :) I don't follow closely of course, but I have seen nothing that tells me anything other than Greg is, GregTech issues being clearly separate, a very good thing for IC2 with many desperately needed improvements under the hood. Need I point out a longstanding bug with IC2 Uranium that Greg griped about in his console log during load of MC? :P Find me an example of him misbehaving BEFORE assuming there is a problem. If you take a moment to consider...does kneejerk perspective really benefit anyone? :(

And yes, mod devs are people too! :o Some are multiple peoples! :o :o :o (ok done... XD) And while Greg is cranky and irritable, he does have great skill and interesting ideas. Neptunepink and mDiyo are both doing some things I don't recall ever seeing anywhere else. AlgorithmX2 answered many prayers. Sengir, MysteriousAges, and Binnie make my brain sting. Azanor makes me doubletake at the cool goodies. And so many others I could mention, whose freely produced HARD WORK and DEDICATION to this hobby we all share, that provide so many endless hours of fun.

Personally, if I get myself in order and get a mod concept I'm working on going, I may have to add something like this to my sig anywhere: "Yes, I code the (redacted) mod! I'm nice to nice people and mean people will be induced to sneeze blueberries. Don't make me code it! :mad:" or something to that effect. More fun to be bonkers at least and it keeps people on their toes, be sure to keep em trimmed! :)
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I'm feeling a lot of pressure to get to 1.6.

Who's pressuring you? I know myself that I'd be happy to keep playing the 1.5.2 pack. I only update because of mod updates and what new things the modders bring to the table, never because of vanilla changes (although the exp for mining made me pretty excited) and maybe it's because I don't look up mod progress as much as you, but I've not seen anything super exciting in any mod's 1.6 update that would make me want to give up MFR OR TE..
Who's pressuring you? I know myself that I'd be happy to keep playing the 1.5.2 pack. I only update because of mod updates and what new things the modders bring to the table, never because of vanilla changes (although the exp for mining made me pretty excited) and maybe it's because I don't look up mod progress as much as you, but I've not seen anything super exciting in any mod's 1.6 update that would make me want to give up MFR OR TE..
There is a lot of pressure on some mod packs to go on to 1.6.x. I'm feeling it as well. In fact, I've rather got some Humble Pie served to me by my earlier boast that I should be the first 1.6.x mod pack out, since everyone is pretty much waiting on the same two mods to come out. Best laid plans o' mice an' men gang oft agley...
I'm feeling a lot of pressure to get to 1.6.

I can feel you but I think you are right that MFR is irreplaceable. The mod a core piece of my builds and I am sure it is for many others. IMO until TE and MFR come out I wont update. Now TE3 will be out. Its not just King lemming working on it. Zeldo I know has worked quite a bit on many features for the new release for a while now. So patience is key :) Now as for the MFR situation I am not sure what is up with power crystals but I know he has a team that works on it and denoflions is now working on 1.6 for his stuff and could probably update MFR if need be ( he has recently been working with MFR). MFR is an open source mod so really anyone could update it. So its really unlikely it will die. Another wait and see situation. So even though the scare of rp2 creeps up the spine fear not there is hope for MFR.
I can feel you but I think you are right that MFR is irreplaceable. The mod a core piece of my builds and I am sure it is for many others. IMO until TE and MFR come out I wont update. Now TE3 will be out. Its not just King lemming working on it. Zeldo I know has worked quite a bit on many features for the new release for a while now. So patience is key :) Now as for the MFR situation I am not sure what is up with power crystals but I know he has a team that works on it and denoflions is now working on 1.6 for his stuff and could probably update MFR if need be ( he has recently been working with MFR). MFR is an open source mod so really anyone could update it. So its really unlikely it will die. Another wait and see situation. So even though the scare of rp2 creeps up the spine fear not there is hope for MFR.

To be fair though, you said this about RP2. I remember distinctly.

I mean, we can make do. I'll need to pull the trigger on 1.6 beta builds soon for my project. Especially with the immanent 1.0 of my 1.5.2 modpack.
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No it's not. People need to learn the difference between source available and open source.


Just becuase a dev has his source avable or even has something like a Github does not mean the mod is open source. Access to or avablity of source code is not directly related to any sort of licence.

But then again most probly don't even know what the diffrance is between the varius licences out there.
Ahh I had just read someone else say that. Didnt check up my bad.[DOUBLEPOST=1377040106][/DOUBLEPOST]Still he does have several people working on the mod and has in the past given it to others to keep it updated.[DOUBLEPOST=1377040323][/DOUBLEPOST]
To be fair though, you said this about RP2. I remember distinctly.

I mean, we can make do. I'll need to pull the trigger on 1.6 beta builds soon for my project. Especially with the immanent 1.0 of my 1.5.2 modpack.

LOL you remember me cool I hope... Anyone else making their own pack is cool in my book :)
I hope you guys are following the jenkins closely :).

I especially love how greg goes into all the changes of player and tdark and adds forge dictionary support where appropriate xD. Lots of work being done on the enet, hope it's worth it.

Metal former seems to be the new plate bender. Hope it's not also the new stone crusher, if you know what I mean.

Wonder if it's gonna need molten metal or if it'll simply form from ignots.
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Who's pressuring you? I know myself that I'd be happy to keep playing the 1.5.2 pack. I only update because of mod updates and what new things the modders bring to the table, never because of vanilla changes (although the exp for mining made me pretty excited) and maybe it's because I don't look up mod progress as much as you, but I've not seen anything super exciting in any mod's 1.6 update that would make me want to give up MFR OR TE..

I, personally, won't be updating to 1.6 until the MASSIVE bee nerf in 1.6 Forestry is undone. There are quite a few 1.6 changes that I'm not too thrilled about, either, for that matter--I've been rather disappointed by the update, both on Mojang's side and the major mods' side. :/
I, personally, won't be updating to 1.6 until the MASSIVE bee nerf in 1.6 Forestry is undone. There are quite a few 1.6 changes that I'm not too thrilled about, either, for that matter--I've been rather disappointed by the update, both on Mojang's side and the major mods' side. :/

It is actually not so bad. DoctorOr went over it with me. I am sure he can comment more on the affects, but it does a few things like encourage the use of bee boxes early on to build up drone stock (only queens are affected by the nerf, I'm told, and they don't die in bee boxes).

But for us, we're gradually moving away from the classical buildcraft stack over time. I don't really get some of the changes made in that ecosystem.
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Honestly, I'm not really too excited for 1.6.2. Despite all the good stuff that may come out from the classic bundle of mods, I'm actually thinking that going through UE (and some slight BC and IC2) this time may be the solution.
Actually, going through UE is probably what I'll do doing this update.
And fun fact: Mules are awesome.
Even in vanilla, they defeat carts as transportation of a LOT of stuff. I'll still use stuff like Railcraft and TiC and TC3 and Factorization and other stuff, but honestly, with the TE delay and the stuff that may come out of IC2, UE seems the best solution to me.
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pff, where is the time where you needed to pump out of the back, front or sides of a macerator and than put it on the top of a furnace...
Some of the new stuff Im seeing coming out of the experimental branch is a bit meh in my oppinion. For instance now you need to use a hammer to get plates of metals and then you need to use some cutters on a copper plate to make copper cables. Seems for one of the lowest tech items in IC2 that ammount of effort to make your very first machines is a little overboard but, though it is not reall any more expensive or anything. Also the good part, I earlier saw someone complaining about hammers/cutters only having limited uses but you can use the metal former in place of them which is nice.

As for what they have done for the ore processing that seems interesting, can now quadrupple ingot output from one ore by using macerator -> Ore washing plant -> Thermal Centrifuge -> Furnace and you get a little extra of another ingot like in TE in the form of a tiny pile of dust which is nice.

more work on te block merging - saw that as one of the changes on the jenkins which not 100% sure what it means but if I am correct in assuming it is something to do with thermal expansion possibly removing ores that appear in both so that only one set is generated or something like that, which could certainly be interesting. Though that is speculative just based on what it says there.

Other change that interested me is thre now appears to be Fluid UU matter which is cool and one of the jenkins changes indicates incoming UU matter changes so that seems nice all of this seems to be reall revamping IC2 to be quite new and overhauling some of the parts that had become a bit stale. Which quells most peoples points about IC2 being dead. Though admitedly a couple of the changes I am not too keen on.
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