ok, im glad it's not my internet, but im not glad the server isnt up.Nope
IGN: xxxzzzmark
Age: 18
Time Zone: EST
How often will you be online? I'll be on here and there. I can't commit to any "I'll be on at this time" thing because I'm a college student and college comes first.
Skype (If you have one) xxxzzzmark
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? Occasionally.
A bit about yourself: I'm a regular guy looking for a server to play. I've been playing since around the time the "Halloween update" came out.
Any comments, questions, or concerns: Other than that I like potatos? not really.
IGN: maxamb
Age: 14
Time Zone: CET (GMT+1)
How often will you be online? whenever I have time, 10 hours+ per week?
Skype (If you have one)
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? every now and then.
A bit about yourself: I'm a norwegian over-matured guy. Oh, and if you touch my skin it will feel like touching a potato ...The more you know...
Any comments, questions, or concerns: How often will there be world resets? Will it be whenever WorldGen screws up? Also how much RAM does the server have allocated?
IGN: 997ares
Age: 19
Time Zone: Eastern
How often will you be online? About 4-7 hours a day
Skype (If you have one): I do not use my skype
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? Ye
A bit about yourself: I have played minecraft since the early alphas but since mods came out for it I cant go back. I love building but mainly I prefer the logical side
Any comments, questions, or concerns: N/A
As for the world resets... not often I hope. This was a rare time and everyone wanted it so we went with it. Maybe once every few months but it's certainly not going to be a common thing.
No, the server is fine for me? Is anyone else not able to connect? I've been fine...[DOUBLEPOST=1409503643][/DOUBLEPOST]still down or? :S
WelcomeIGN: kabahata
Age: 14
Time Zone: GMT-5:00
How often will you be online? everyday for atleast 2+ hours depending on how i feel after school.
Skype (If you have one): no skype but i have ts
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? yes
A bit about yourself: i like narwals... thaumcraft and botania and chisel.
Any comments, questions, or concerns: nope
Sounds good!Maybe some sort of grand finale would be cool before every reset?
I just restarted the server, maybe you can join now?still down or? :S
I can't deal with all the crashes/lockups. I freeze a couple times every machine I make. Hope they fix it soon, as for now I am just playing the Bevo's pack on my home server until they fix it. I'll keep checking in and see if a update fixes it.I just restarted the server, maybe you can join now?
I agree, I really hope the next update fixes things.I can't deal with all the crashes/lockups. I freeze a couple times every machine I make. Hope they fix it soon, as for now I am just playing the Bevo's pack on my home server until they fix it. I'll keep checking in and see if a update fixes it. If you get bored my ts is up 90% of the time and I am on it while I game. enolamron.no-ip.org
Yeah it's the right ip... something on your side is preventing it. Hmm I really don't know :LWell it still does not show up for me :S
is it the right ip? :S
Sorry, not accepted at the moment. Try reading through the rules one more time and coming back to fix your applicationApplication:
IGN: omri123453
Age: 17
TimeZone: GMT
How often will you be online?: I will be online about 5 hours a day and saturday will be some more
Skype/teamspeak server: don't have any of them
a bit about yourself: I play MC since 1.2 and Modded MC since 1.2 too, and I know most of the mods in this pack
any comments, questions or concerns: I would love to work with a partner