Whitelist Server Small Server | 1.7.10 | Mechanical Titan Pack | Slots Open

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IGN: TheLastBlacGuy
Age: 18
Time Zone: EST
How often will you be online? Uh I'd play most evenings for a few hours
Skype (If you have one) I have skype but dont use it often in less i have a reason too.
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? Yes I would use it if I needed something or just to talk with other players.
A bit about yourself: Completely bored with most mods now days and have yet to try 1.7 mods. Would love to jump in and give it try with you guys. I am far from new with modded minecraft and know most 1.6.4 mods rather well.
IGN: Benissbored
Age: 20
Time Zone: EST
How often will you be online? Hopefully everyday!
Skype (If you have one) no
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? Yes!
A bit about yourself: I have been playing minecraft for quite sometime but recently have stopped playing due to overplaying all the 1.6 mods. I have been waiting to try out the new 1.7 mods but hate playing singleplayer! So I would love to play on a small friendly server and try them out!
Any comments, questions, or concerns: just a general question, has there been any news on the thermal expansion release for 1.7? also Potato!
If some one did reply to your application it will be denied think you might want to re read the on what your application needs to include

P.S. if you don't want to find what you need to include just add potato somewhere
That was quite a give away man... The reason this part is in the rules is that applicants shall read and fully understand said rules before applying for a whitelist on the server...

Your statement pretty much counteracts this intentional addition
P Application:
O IGN: xEtnies
T Age: 22
A Time Zone: UTC -5
T How often will you be online? any time I am not asleep or at work
O Skype (If you have one) dont have one, will get if necessary
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? definitely!
A bit about yourself: been playing MC since alpha, and been playing modded minecraft for a long time too! I am trying to find a small fun community to play with!
Any comments, questions, or concerns: note the bold italicized underlined letters :)
IGN: TheWarHound
Age: 44
Time Zone: EST
How often will you be online? Everyday
Skype (If you have one) Yes
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? Yes
A bit about yourself: Been playing Minecraft before Beta, and modded Minecraft since the first DW20
Any comments, questions, or concerns: I love potato
IGN: Le_Joueur
Age: 48
Time Zone: GMT-6 (CDT)
How often will you be online? Daily, provided the appropriate server atmosphere
Skype (If you have one): Fang Langford
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? If forced to.
A bit about yourself: I'm a father of two teenagers looking for a place to settle down (they prefer vanilla minecraft).
Any comments, questions, or concerns: What kind of grief prevention is employed on this server? Of all words, why Potato?
IGN: CheatingChicken
Age: 22
Time Zone: GMT +1 (Germany)
How often will you be online? Usually pretty much every day, depends on when i have free time ;)
Skype (If you have one) I'd have to dig out that name, didnt use skype for years
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? I would join in, but since I don't have a working mic, i would be one of those silent users
A bit about yourself: I have been playing minecraft since the early beta days and am pretty comfortable with modded minecraft. I want to try out the 1.7.10 packs, but i can't keep myself from getting bored when plaing singleplayer, so I'm looking for a community, so i don't have to farm my potatoes all alone.
Any comments, questions, or concerns: No promises at the eyesores, I'm not a good builder ;)
IGN: boutros90 (The B may be capped)
Age: 14
Time Zone: Central US
How often will you be online? 1-2 hours on weekdays and around 3 hours
Skype (If you have one) charles.sandlin2 wont be able to talk to much
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? Possibly
A bit about yourself: I love modded servers and survival. Most modded servers I've played on have gotten shut down. I was excited when I saw this post. I think whitelisted servers are the best.
IGN: bwblazerkid
Age: 19
Time Zone: PST
How often will you be online? every day
Skype (If you have one)
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? I dont have a mic sorry
A bit about yourself: I have been playing modded minecraft for years and have not found a good server, and i dont like single player. I would like a place to spend a lot of time
Any comments, questions, or concerns:
how long do you plan to have the map, and how is the base/living situaution setup?
IGN: bwblazerkid
Age: 19
Time Zone: PST
How often will you be online? every day
Skype (If you have one)
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? I dont have a mic sorry
A bit about yourself: I have been playing modded minecraft for years and have not found a good server, and i dont like single player. I would like a place to spend a lot of time
Any comments, questions, or concerns:
how long do you plan to have the map, and how is the base/living situaution setup?

Just a little friendly advice, there's a little something missing from your application. Read the first post again if ou don't know what i'm talking about ;)

Time Zone:GMT+8
How often will you be online:Everyday
Skype jenson.ting
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it: Yes i would
A bit about yourself: Modpacks are my favorite part of minecraft
Any comments, questions, or concerns: pretty much my first white listed server application

Age:14 (It's ok if I'm too young)
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time
How often will you be online? I will be on about 2-6 hours on weekdays, and pretty much all day on weekends.
Skype (If you have one) xander7696
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? Yes, I would use the teamspeak.
A bit about yourself: I have been playing minecraft since a week after the indev came out, and I mostly play modded minecraft. I have a bit of experience with coding plugins, mods, etc.
Any comments, questions, or concerns: I don't have any concerns or questions.
Hello fellow people of the internet! :D
Have you ever wanted to play on a server like the ones you see on YouTube and Twitch?
A server like forge-craft, mindcrack, or the buildguild?
Like many other people at the moment, that is my goal, not to have a famous server that everybody knows about and wishes to be a part of, but to have a server with a close, fun to hang out with community that enjoys playing this wonderful game we call Minecraft :)

This server will be running a 3rd party pack hosted on the FTB Launcher called The Mechanical Titan.
To find out more about this wonderful modpack, check out their thread!

1. The obvious (No greifing, stealing, etc)
2. Only 1 chunk loader per person.
3. Automated mining is allowed, but please don't leave giant holes in the ground :)
4. Try to keep the general eyesores under control (Giant dirt pillars, creeper holes, unfinished trees)
5. If you read all of these rules put the word "Potato" in your application.
6. Have Fun!

Time Zone:
How often will you be online?
Skype (If you have one)
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it?
A bit about yourself:
Any comments, questions, or concerns:



IGN: Mineturtle47
Age: 13
Time Zone: EST (eastern standard time)
How often will you be online? Well considering I have school maybe not as much as I'd like but still most days
Skype: PotatoByte
I would use teamspeak as I use it frequently with some of my friends
A bit about myself: I absolutely love ftb, mods and other cool things. I can learn new ones quickly and teach other people these things rather fast too. I'm also kind of crazy when it comes to efficiency and usefulness in my creations Also potato
IGN: miguelseara1
Age: 29
Time Zone: 00h gmt london
How often will you be online? every day
Skype (If you have one)
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? yes
A bit about yourself: Im 28 so you can expect a mature and a experienced player. Ive been playing minecraft for long now and i currentely play on two different servers but they are not FTB.
Any comments, questions, or concerns:
Application: Potato
IGN: Crhymez
Age: 28
Time Zone: GMT
How often will you be online? I tend to play for many hours daily
Skype (If you have one)
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? yes, during the day I can/will
A bit about yourself: I have been playing minecraft for a few years now, most of that time modded. Recently I have been testing 1.7 mod packs and found this one, it looks promising and would like to try it on your server

Don't worry, this is a full text but the necessary details will be put down in the summarize. I just like the way I can structurize my thoughts in full text. First of all, my name is Constructer105. I know that is not the correct English spelling but I was 18 at the time I started minecraft and my English was really bad. At the moment I am 21 years old and I live in Belgium. That, ofcourse, means that my timezone is GMT+1. Since I started university this year, things will become a bit more busy for me, but I need my daily dose of relaxation and what is better than a bit of modded minecraft for that. I've been playing modded minecraft since 1.2.5 (Remember, looking through your creative inventory for that one little item...). I have skype and it is actually the same as my In Game Name (Constructer105). I recently created an account for teamspeak but shortly after that, the server where I played Unleashed on shut down. Since then I haven't played multiplayer and I really miss it. Minecraft is not the same without multiplayer. I decided to apply for this server since I very much like the idea of a smaller server with a whitelist. Whitelist usually means less banned items and less people to destroy your stuff which means that I can go nuts. So, up to the summarizing part for me. Also, I've been playing with the idea of making a fully automated potato farm in minecraft for food production (up to teleporting it in my inventory)

IGN: Constructer105
Age: 21
Time Zone: GMT+1
How often will you be online? I'll try to be online daily but as a university student that might not be possible sometimes
Skype: constructer105
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? Yes, I like the idea of teamspeak and it is lighter than skype if I'm not wrong
A bit about yourself:
  • History student
  • Loves modded minecraft and is enjoying it since 1.2.5
  • I want to try out AE2
  • Into woodworking
  • Also, as someone else stated, my age is definitely an advantage in ways of patience, experience and being mature
Any comments, questions, or concerns:
  • I hope my application is not to long
  • I want to build a fully automated potato farm which plants, grows, bakes and teleports the potatoes (teleport to my inventory, no idea how to do that yet though)
I hope to get whitelisted. If not, please tell me why so I can work on that specific problem.

IGN: Grogg13
Age: 36
Time Zone: gmt -5
How often will you be online? often
Skype (If you have one)
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? yes
A bit about yourself: ime autistic minecraft is a relief for me ime looking for a nice community
Any comments, questions, or concerns: potato
IGN: RebelGurlie
Age: 23
Time Zone: central
How often will you be online? im online often
Skype (If you have one)
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? I would but idk if id talk much :p
A bit about yourself: I love modded minecraft and been in search of a server and a 1.7 pack so yeah :p
Any comments, questions, or concerns: Potato
Time Zone:GMT+2
How often will you be online?Every day.
Skype (If you have one)-
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it?Yes.
A bit about yourself:Returning to minecraft modded MP after break and I need new server to play on.
Any comments, questions, or concerns: potato
IGN: lirannl
Age:15.5 (16 on 22.2)
Time Zone: GMT + 2 (Israel, which is exactly like Greece in terms of time zones)
How often will you be online? A LOT, but, I might go on and off at any second with, or without warning. Parents stuff, sorry.
Skype (If you have one): lirannl
If we got a teamspeak server would you use it? I'd love to listen from time to time. I would rarely ever talk on it. Parents stuff, sorry.
A bit about yourself: I'm a tech-oriented boy, I love to build systems in minecraft, Simcity 2013, and I wish to be a successful modder, as a mid-term goal. (mid term being the next 3 years)
I love interacting with the community, and I use the chat a lot. I like having discussions with other players on various subjects and visit people's bases, and learn and give tips for their systems. I want to automate everything :)
I think potato chips are tasty, especially when greasy.
Any comments, questions, or concerns: None that I can think of. I know some admins do not reply if they reject an application. Please, reply, even if I'm rejected.
To the ones who will be (hopefully) accepted with me now: Would any of you like to team up with me?