Download page. Does not require Immibis Core or any other mods.
Simple Recycling is a tiny mod that allows you to smelt undamaged metal tools and armour back into ingots, like so:
If you have IC2 installed, you can also macerate them:
Macerating works for all tools with a dust form, not just metal tools:
Same for pulverizing:
And that is literally all this mod does.
Compatibility notes, for modpack authors:
To detect tools, this mod takes each known tool material, and tries crafting it in certain shapes. Specifically: a pickaxe shape, a shovel shape, a hoe shape, a sword shape, an axe shape, a shears shape, a RP2-like sickle shape, a chestplate shape, a leggings shape, a boots shape, and a helmet shape.
Tools whose only crafting recipe does not follow one of these patterns will not be detected.
Tools that are not detected can be added manually to the config file.
To detect tool materials, the mod tries the first item from every ore dictionary name, as well as any items specified in the config. Materials starting with "ingot" in the ore dictionary, or added to the "ingots" config option, will be smeltable. Materials not starting with "ingot", or added to the "gems" config option, will require macerating.
Simple Recycling is a tiny mod that allows you to smelt undamaged metal tools and armour back into ingots, like so:

If you have IC2 installed, you can also macerate them:

Macerating works for all tools with a dust form, not just metal tools:

Same for pulverizing:

And that is literally all this mod does.
Compatibility notes, for modpack authors:
To detect tools, this mod takes each known tool material, and tries crafting it in certain shapes. Specifically: a pickaxe shape, a shovel shape, a hoe shape, a sword shape, an axe shape, a shears shape, a RP2-like sickle shape, a chestplate shape, a leggings shape, a boots shape, and a helmet shape.
Tools whose only crafting recipe does not follow one of these patterns will not be detected.
Tools that are not detected can be added manually to the config file.
To detect tool materials, the mod tries the first item from every ore dictionary name, as well as any items specified in the config. Materials starting with "ingot" in the ore dictionary, or added to the "ingots" config option, will be smeltable. Materials not starting with "ingot", or added to the "gems" config option, will require macerating.
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