School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

i could probably do better, but meh....
i don't draw irl as well as i do in a paint program, so yeah.

(he's wearing his I-R uniform, but no-one but me knows what I-R is so what's the point saying this? even i don't know o_O)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's really great. Don't forget to actually role play guys :p

>(oh, i've been formulating my next input, might as well finish it now:)<

IC: Varlow could hear the voices below, two of them, vaguely familiar. he had been waiting in ambush for well over an hour now, with his claws dug into the wall above a doorway. his quarry was a group of agents trying to neutralize as many escaped.....what did they call them? SCP's, right. as many of those as possible. after going a ways into the institution, he had stumbled upon a room with several armed agents and their commander. without them noticing, he listened in....

Commander: "...and make sure not to make eye contact if you DO encounter it, understood?"

men: "yes sir!"

Commander: "now, there is one more thing we are being tasked to contain. a new SCP was being brought in when this mess arose, and due to interference by some of the escapees, it is now loose in this sector. the SCP in question has yet to be given a number, so we will refer to him as SCP-U for the time being. information on SCP-U is in these files here, please review them as soon as we deploy. also in those files is the location of SCP-U's containment area. if you are able to apprehend him, take him there immediately."

"As of right now, only the command sector, the secret sector, and the containment sector are under full control, due to their extra security measures and in the case of containment, most of the SCP's having moved away from it. your rifles are armed with primarily tranquilizer rounds. however, if it becomes apparent lethal force is neccessary, the rifles are also equipped with a toggle to standard rounds. any questions?"

After hearing that, Varlow had decided to hunt this little unit, leading to him being on the wall. one of the agents below was talking into some kind of communicator:
"yes sir....of course, we are avoiding that area until the Keter has been dealt with......yes......4 Euclids, and 9 safes so far sir.......yes sir, we'll get right on it."
he paused, then his companion asked:
"do you think it'll put up a fight"?
"of course it will"
"well then, what are we waiting for?"
with that, the two emerged from the doorway, and Varlow dislodged from the wall, only to land on them while repeatedly stabbing them with his hands.

maybe it was a reflex, maybe it was quick reaction time, or maybe it was just dumb luck, but what happened next was completely unexpected.

the third agent, standing behind the other two, had been silent the whole time. when Varlow eliminated his companions, he fired a single tranquilizer round and hit him in the neck. the last thing Varlow heard before going unconscious in a n enraged haze was: "uh....sir? SCP-U has been n-neutralized........sir, agents Olander and Moltin were killed......yes, right away sir....."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC: Nami turned a corner and ran down the hall front of him. Anything could be chasing him after all and he had to move as quickly as he could if he was to find a way to escape. He ran up to a door, pushed the button to open it, turned another corner and came face to face with a Statue.

Not just any Statue though, this one Nami recognized from when he came into the Institution. The guards had walked him by a team of people dragging it into a cell. How had it gotten here? Nami backed away from the statue and closed the door. Slowly he turned around and began to turn the other way. As he did so however, he heard the door opening up again. He swung around to see who it was and suddenly came face to face once again with... the same statue from before.

He was so screwed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Will sat in his cell, bored out of his mind. He'd practised archery and knife throwing for hours on end and had practised his control over water too. What else was there? He remembered some things he had learned on his second trip to Nihon-Ja. He had learned four Martial Arts from them, one of which he practised and the others he didn't like. It was through the first that he had discovered how to control water. He still remembered how to use the other Martial Arts, however. So, he tried one of the moves from the second Martial Art, the one they called wind, and in a moment of serendipity, a gust of wind appeared in the chamber and stopped. His body glowed and he moved his hand, another Gust of Wind appearing. He tried the third, and the fourth arts, and the same things happened, for Earth and Fire. And as his body glowed red, a spinning circle of White, Blue, Green, and Red appeared, whirring faster and faster. As it finally stopped, he saw into his home in Araluen, shortly after he had gone, by the looks of things. Alyss was distraught over what had happened. He took up his Longbow and equipment and stepped through, the portal closing shut behind him, reducing the chamber to rubble.
OOC: I'm done with Will, and possibly this RP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Will sat in his cell, bored out of his mind. He'd practised archery and knife throwing for hours on end and had practised his control over water too. What else was there? He remembered some things he had learned on his second trip to Nihon-Ja. He had learned four Martial Arts from them, one of which he practised and the others he didn't like. It was through the first that he had discovered how to control water. He still remembered how to use the other Martial Arts, however. So, he tried one of the moves from the second Martial Art, the one they called wind, and in a moment of serendipity, a gust of wind appeared in the chamber and stopped. His body glowed and he moved his hand, another Gust of Wind appearing. He tried the third, and the fourth arts, and the same things happened, for Earth and Fire. And as his body glowed red, a spinning circle of White, Blue, Green, and Red appeared, whirring faster and faster. As it finally stopped, he saw into his home in Araluen, shortly after he had gone, by the looks of things. Alyss was distraught over what had happened. He took up his Longbow and equipment and stepped through, the portal closing shut behind him, reducing the chamber to rubble.
OOC: I'm done with Will, and possibly this RP.

You do know that all the cells have opened up and all the SCPs are free? Jesus christ, there's no pleasing you is there?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Really? It wouldn't help Will one bit considering he's from another Universe and Time. That's why I had to put that portal thing there. I might make another char later.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Really? It wouldn't help Will one bit considering he's from another Universe and Time. That's why I had to put that portal thing there. I might make another char later.

There's one that nobody knows a damn thing about, I think he'll survive. Also, see earlier post.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I'm not in it and I['m happy. :p (Also, I don't think my post sent properly. :()
A: I didn't have any room left,
B: I couldn't quite pinpoint how I pictured Byrne.[DOUBLEPOST=1379229501][/DOUBLEPOST]
View attachment 7493

i could probably do better, but meh....
i don't draw irl as well as i do in a paint program, so yeah.

(he's wearing his I-R uniform, but no-one but me knows what I-R is so what's the point saying this? even i don't know o_O)

YAY I've started a trend are you proud of me now mummy


Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I can't draw. :( Byrne let Flare run around. Interestingly, if you were to ignore all the noises, you could believe a semblance of normality reined. Flare sniffed at the air, then shot off in a direction, leaving behind a faint smell of smoke. Byrne changed his shape, so that it was easier to navigate, checking his bag was still tightly on him. Making sure his bag wouldn't fall off, Byrne bounded off after Flare, his new shape allowing him to easily maneuver around bodies, potholes and the odd projectile, despite his increased density.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Zan looked around the bare halls; there was nothing but smashed open cells lights hanging out the ceiling and a box, it glowed, maybe it was a experiment? "Are you testing me!?" Zan saw something move in the shadows from what he could tell it was like a human but it held a large knife. "Come at me bro!" Zan shouted.
The creature did not reply it just stood in the shadows waiting to lunge forward and claim another victim. Zan jumped back and lifted his hand up the creatures legs started to move forward until it was in the light. "What did you do?!" It snorted "oh I just made you take a little walk!"
Te creature lunged at Zan with the knife which missed by a fraction on a hair "not nice bro not nice!" He lifted his hand towards the creatures face and sent charges of electricity into it; the creature fell onto its knees (the electric charges ruin the natural pacemaker a solid charge would keep the heart in one position) the creature fell Onto its face and Zan took back the power he had used, "my knife!"
(My longest post lol)


Jul 29, 2019
A: I didn't have any room left,
B: I couldn't quite pinpoint how I pictured Byrne.[DOUBLEPOST=1379229501][/DOUBLEPOST]

YAY I've started a trend are you proud of me now mummy

OOC: Drawing a Silver wolf that has glowing orange lines can't be too hard.... actually, maybe it is. ;)

The general walked up, with his blade in hand. Being in this kind of battle exhilarated the general, being flanked by enemies on all sides, his only allies being the hellhounds by his feet.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Drawing a Silver wolf that has glowing orange lines can't be too hard.... actually, maybe it is. ;)

The general walked up, with his blade in hand. Being in this kind of battle exhilarated the general, being flanked by enemies on all sides, his only allies being the hellhounds by his feet.
Oh, plus the fact that I never knew he was a wolf. My bad.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That did not make sense.

There's an SCP that nobody can remember anything about. Again, two fucking thousand SCPs.

Nami slowly backed away from the statue doing his best not to blink while doing so. Unfortunately behind him was the containment chamber for an interdimensional rift in time and space. As one might guess, Nami tripped.

His first thought while tripping was as to what the hell the statue was going to do to him. His second thought was of where the hell he was going now. This all happened in a matter of milliseconds. His brain did work faster than anyone else's on Earth after all. Then his brain went blank. If he could have thought at the moment of this, he probably would have thought that this was quite strange as his brain never went blank. It was always calculating things. Particularly the piece of paper in his pocket. Then he blacked out.

Two minutes later he woke up with a strange figure standing over him.

"Greetings traveler, my name is Will. I commend you for escaping that place. It was not fun." Said the stranger.

Quickly Nami processed in his brain what was happening. This was that asshole that left. He couldn't stand to be in THIS reality a second longer. He walked back through the portal yelling "Two thousand things bitch! How do you get bored with that?" On his way out.

I think you should tell the peoples on #Site19 this :p I'd love to see what would happen.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I need something to overdose on references after Jim's character sheet. Also, did anyone find out what I'm referencing there? If not, I'm incredibly disappointed.
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