School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

They tossed my into the cell. Thirty by thirty by fifty. I should know, I've counted it so many times. There's not really much to do here, it's so dark you can't even see your own hand waving in front of your face. Heck, it's so dark I can't even read the books they gave me.

I've asked them for some light many many times, but they refuse to give me one. I think that they're worried that I'll tinker with it, which makes no sense. Why would I destroy my only source of light just to make another silly invention.

That's the other thing that I miss here, the inventing. All I had to do was take a pile of junk and use my imagination and I could make pretty much anything I wanted to. I was so frigging good at inventing that I contained a black hole. A frigging black hole! How many people can say that they've been inside a black hole? Well I suppose 3782 considering that that's how many people were stuck in that town when I set the device off...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I woke up in the experiment room again but this time there was a power socket and some uranium on a large podium, i focus my mind and picture myself flowing in through the electricty, i vanish and i am in a stream of power i rush in a direction i hit something god darn it a diode i cant get out. I re-appear in the room, i stare at the uranium for a while. make a explosion aye? I clear my mind and stare at it for about 40 minutes then boom it explodes i get flinged against the wall (sorry i'm brain dead right now) i pass out only to find my self in my cell when i wake up.
"you did well other then trying to escape, thank you for working nicely with us and doing as we say!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well guys, I'm leaving for a week so I've chosen a person to take my place and dish out experiments over that period of time. I trust that he won't f*** up and let you guys escape(muahahahahaha).


Jul 29, 2019
Byrne's Log:
So far... So bad. Nothing of any interest has happened in this building... I'm half tempted just to send a portal to Alpha Centauri to see what may pop out... Ursus may not be such a bad idea after all... So far... I don't think I've been noticed... but it seems that I can hide just that tiny bit longer in a power-line... but I tend to render the entire power-line ineffective afterwards. I did accidentally shut down all the power just by standing in one of those... It was very interesting, since it looks like I may have siphoned off all the power... whoops. There was a lot of scrambling and flashing red lights while everyone tried to get the 'containment fields' back up... I think it's a good time to go 'bio' which is... just to reconfigure my nanobots into something that resembles a biological cell, and would behave as such, to a particular extent. As of now... I think the fact that I saw an invasion coming on the way here would be reason enough to sit tight... It would be nice to see some things be hectic again. 1950 was a very good year... Even for the extra-terrestrial of earth. I think it was a nice time to show off... Haven't seen any hitchhikers lately, but I'll keep an eye out... It amazes me just how few defences this instituion has. It's worse than that outhouse I found once... I mean, if someone were to merely attack this building it would implode. The mass is improbable. I wonder... if I were to bypass all barriers, how long would it take me to get to the lobby... with everyone... Of course, that'd take a lot of assimilating, energy, time and all that... I could proabably cut time just by opening all the emergency exits... or blowing one up... It's more conspicuous, but faster and more efficient. Right then. I'm going to throw everyone in the lobby, just like that... and restore them to their original state... I think the hall might be a better place... Perhaps the hall should be the overflow... Hm... I have it.

Now this is an interesting situation... This organism is stuck inside an alternate dimension... If I can bring them out into a similar space, they hopefully won't die of trans-versal shock...

Well, that worked. They're in the cupboard with the secret entrance at the back.

Now for this glass... Might want to fix this odd situation first... Swapping minds isn't the issue... It's swapping the minds, where one of the organisms isn't you that's the problem. Hm... Although, there shouldn't be too much of an issue, if its a unnatural mind-swap, then it makes things much easier.

It was as I thought. All done... While everyone is unconscious for the time being... I can throw them all together. If I were to pull all the power out of this building, and a few from nearby power sources, and nearly everything out of that pocket dimension converted to energy... That should work with minimal damage.

*Lights flicker off, turn red for a few seconds, then simply turn dark*
*Generators start up and whine, the pitch ever-rising as all electricity is sucked out of the building*
*All noise silences*

Whoops. Well everyone is in the lobby, thankfully they all fit, with no harm done in the process. I have taken what weaponry I can to the incinerators to refuel those *somewhat inefficient* generators downstairs... It was probably a bad idea to throw those 'grenades' and 'cartridges' in all at once... There's a large crater in there now. Also... that pocket dimension exploded with energetic overload, so someone is going to wake up with a headache... But thankfully, anyone I may have missed in that dimension was forcefully ejected into the 'real world'. Hardly real, if you want my opinion... but that's what the residents of this dimension believe, and it does no harm, so why not? I'm slightly disppointed by the lack of alternate-dimension organisms here. Counting me there's about 3, and that's not a lot. Well... other than a lot of flat batteries, and every single light-bulb in the general vicinity having blown up, locking the doors shut, I consider that a success... Perhaps now's a good time to rig those generators up to something that may work more efficiently in their place.

I'm sure no-one minds if these rusty generators are replaced by a neon-green glowing fusion reactor. So long as they don't try to poke it too hard, everything should stay together. Wait... Since they're all 'exploring the delta realm', they shouldn't notice, except that they'll find that they are only relying on backup power that's more than supplying this place with enough. Right... I may have just put a little too much power into that... Most of them haven't stirred for a week, even though all systems are functional. Thankfully, they respond quite well to energy packet injection... It's getting boring here... No-one realises that there's something else that I put in the basement. Neither should they, awake or not. I may want to consider to bring beds here... I wonder if there's enough... Oh well, if there's not, magnetic levitating beds aren't too hard to manage. But we'll see... They seem to be fine, even when scanned by one of the 'bots from their medi-bay. All of them. So, good. It looks like that massive shockwave of energy may have stopped the invasion for the moment... But since everyone is in a bed now... I might just go sleep inside that attic again... It's nice in there.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm going to assume either Rymmie or Techno is the temp leader.
They've got good RP skills.
Techno, I didn't really read that last post of yours, was it you?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am the new temp rp leader. Apparently. I don't know why but bella told me to keep giving experiments and make sure people don't escape. Anyone want a experiment?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thomas coughed. How long had it been he wondered. Hours, months, days? He didn't care. He didn't know if he could even die, which he felt was awesome, or would have if he wasn't you know, in a maze he couldn't escape from. He felt another tinge of pain go through his arm, he had long since broken the bone, dust now. His mind recalled an old song that kid that always hung around him, Kenneth, played. Who was it by, Kansas? Stupid old bands from before his grandma was born probably.

He picked himself up and screamed abuse at this pathetic institution. He was tired of eating nothing, and he hadn't slept well, something about this maze, all his rest was a composite of crawling and sleep. He began to smash his head against the walls again and again, and again. He smashed his whole body into it, over and over again. He felt himself falling back to unconsciousness, and men in orange suits appeared and lifted him up, apparently escorting him from the maze.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am the new temp rp leader. Apparently. I don't know why but bella told me to keep giving experiments and make sure people don't escape. Anyone want a experiment?

I didn't do that!

Anyway, yeah, you may have noticed, I would like Deomi trying her powers on everyone. Also, the guy that can boost powers should also try his powers on everyone.


Jul 29, 2019
OOC: No, Whizz, I'm not leader. :p
Byrne sat back as everyone simply walked back to whereever and whatever they were doing before the teleportation happened. It was a boring occurance. So far... No-one had noticed the reactor in the basement. But they hadn't noticed the turret on the roof, neither the meteor storm... So Byrne thought they didn't see very much, as far as it was concerned.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: No, Whizz, I'm not leader. :p
Byrne sat back as everyone simply walked back to whereever and whatever they were doing before the teleportation happened. It was a boring occurance. So far... No-one had noticed the reactor in the basement. But they hadn't noticed the turret on the roof, neither the meteor storm... So Byrne thought they didn't see very much, as far as it was concerned.

Shame isn't it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Experiment 46573
Applicants: (don't know the numbers) demoi is to be put in a chamber with any willing subject.
This is to find out how her charm affects different people. She is not allowed to body swap.

On Wednesday either bella or I will have to choose a replacement for me since I'm going away. God why did bella choose me. Whizz or techno please take my place. PM me!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Experiment 46573
Applicants: (don't know the numbers) demoi is to be put in a chamber with any willing subject.
This is to find out how her charm affects different people. She is not allowed to body swap.

On Wednesday either bella or I will have to choose a replacement for me since I'm going away. God why did bella choose me. Whizz or techno please take my place. PM me!
OOC: seeing as my character has instantly fallen in love with Deomi, I volunteer.[DOUBLEPOST=1374960453][/DOUBLEPOST]After the current experiment, of course.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

I walk into the experiment chamber, to find a large crab, about the size of a football, but instead of pincers, it had long, flat knife-like points.

"Hello?" I say.

"HOLY SHIT!" It screams in the voice of an American teenage boy.

"HOLY SHIT!" I scream back. It talks? Nobody told me it can talk!

"What the hell?" It says irritably, "why didn't he tell me I had a visitor?"

"You talk..." I mumble, "how can you talk?"

"Eh, vocal chords, larynx, some shit like that, I don't really care."


"Look, buddy, I have a hot date with a nap, so just do what you have to do and leave me alone."

And then, we both hear feedback from the tannoy, and we both yelp.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy, Tim," the tannoy man says, "Felix here has to train you to do a task of his choice, and, if done successfully, he gets to keep you - oh! Here's my hot chocolate! See you in about eight hours!"

He then proceeds to make awful slurping noises that eventually devolve into snoring. Note to self: when I escape here, find out what hot chocolate he buys. I'm finding it hard to sleep at the moment.

I lean in close to the crab, I'm assuming Tim, and tell him my request.

Hysterical laughter on Tim's part follows.

After calming down a bit, Tim says "okay then, in all seriousness, let's get down to business."

"Excuse me," I say to the tannoy man, "I'm so sorry, but we have to go outside the chamber for this."

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, sure." The tannoy man says before getting back to snoring.

The door opens into the corridor with the glass chambers containing the sweaty boy and the perfect girl.

"You know what to do." I say to Tim.

Tim jumps onto the banister, and then onto the chamber with the girl. I see her scream, look at me and give me a 'what the hell are you doing?' look. 'Just bear with', I mouth to her.

By now Tim has started cutting a two metre high, one metre wide hole in the glass. Two minutes pass, and Tim finishes. He then proceeds to place the glass piece between the hole and the corridor, forming a bridge. I signal to the girl to come on, gingerly walks across to me, and jumps off of the banister to beside me.

"You saved me," she says in a voice as soft as velvet.

"I did," I say.

"No, I did!" Says Tim, suddenly beside me, and making the both of us scream.

"Quiet, you," I say to Tim half-mindedly.

"But... Why?" The girl asks shakily.

I laugh. "Are you serious? Look in a mirror!"

"What do you mean?"

"I probably shouldn't say this, seeing as I don't even know your name - "


" - but you're the most beautiful, perfect masterpiece of a person I have ever seen. I love you, Deomi. If I'm not with you, I'll... I'll just wither and die."

"Really? You... You mean it?"

"Yes, Deomi. I saw you wink at me from that chamber and my heart just lit up. I know it sounds clichéd, but - "

She cuts me off with a kiss, straight on the lips. My heart hammers against my chest, my stomach is filled with butterflies and my head goes blank.

"Sooo... Are you going to need me any more, then?" I hear Tim say.

We break off the kiss because we're just laughing too much, and end in a passionate embrace. I start walking back to my chamber and she runs off the other way, looking back to blow me a kiss. I wink back, and escort myself the rest of the way, thinking about what a life-changing day this has been, with Tim right behind me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm happy. I feel like I am the luckiest girl of the world. A very sexy guy, that I don't really know, just told me the magical words: I love you. I ask him if he means what he's saying. He says he does. Words quickly run away from my mouth and I don't know what to do. I just feel like...kissing him. I do it. I think I am really happy. I am just..trying to diggest it. I think I have a new boyfriend. I go back to my cell. I just hope this wasn't a prank from my last one.

OOC: Me, John, submit myself to the new experience. Just please allow Deomi to swap. It's fun.
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