School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Who's Deomi?

Deomi is my second Character. Deomi is also the only Female Character of this RP so far. You can have 2. Also, you should read all the pages.

Name: Deomi (dee oh mee)Jonson
Age: 16
Power: She can "body swap" for 20 seconds with someone elwe. While swapped the brain will move the other person's body when trying to move his own. She can also see small memorys of the person she's swapping with. Also, she's as pretty as hell, most boys will do as she says.
Personality: Generaly nice to everyone
Important Experiences: She had 26 boyfriends so far. With them she learnt how to controll both powers.
How they got to the institution: While swapping with her last boyfriend, she saw the institution's building and a way to get there. She got there and knocked.
Number: 2554


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Sure since they both can be charming might be interesting! Depending how he feels and such and body swapping sounds fun! Maybe his charges amplifies your power?

I don't like people who are homophobic maybe cause I'm a homosexual


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(Sure since they both can be charming might be interesting! Depending how he feels and such and body swapping sounds fun! Maybe his charges amplifies your power?

I don't like people who are homophobic maybe cause I'm a homosexual

Maybe. Unfortunatly, it seems like Bella(Bella, are we still the same person or what?) doesn't like that we see the other characters. There's also another character that can boost powers.

Just FYI, I'm not Homophobic, I have no problem with Gays, I just don't comprehend how it is possible.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I woke up in a glass container there was a big room on the other side was another container with a girl. I can't see what she looks like but I think this thing has heating! It's getting hotter. At least there's no rubber in here but the main room looks odd. I stand and wait.
"Hey you over there can you here me!?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Marshall curls into the fetal position on the floor of his cell, muttering to himself.

"So long, so long, so long. Oh god, so long."

His hair is matted and hangs in thin strips against a face he's clawed at for weeks. The tattered remains of his clothes are laid on the floor as though he had once been trying to say something, but the dampness has caused mold to grow over them until the words have become distorted beyond recognition. He hasn't eaten in over a week. The cool mist that keeps his cell moist isn't enough to drink, but still he hasn't died. Through a parched throat and swollen tongue he keeps repeating those words.

In this cell, the fire may never come. He is forgotten and alone. He wishes he could die. By whatever gods there may be in the universe, he wishes he could die, but the fire is far away. The hunger passed days ago, the result of his stomach having too little energy to even growl anymore. The thirst is gone, too. Whether he has become used to the feeling or some biological process has stopped, he cannot know. Even now, he cannot die. All that is left for him is the pain of dessicated flesh rotting off of his bones.

Yes, the pain...and the words.

"So long, so long, so long..." The cruel hope of rescue is gone. The unholy specter of fear passed over him long ago. All he has left is the blessed release of the fire and the flame, and the release of sweet silence.

Because his rest is silence.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Marshall curls into the fetal position on the floor of his cell, muttering to himself.

"So long, so long, so long. Oh god, so long."

His hair is matted and hangs in thin strips against a face he's clawed at for weeks. The tattered remains of his clothes are laid on the floor as though he had once been trying to say something, but the dampness has caused mold to grow over them until the words have become distorted beyond recognition. He hasn't eaten in over a week. The cool mist that keeps his cell moist isn't enough to drink, but still he hasn't died. Through a parched throat and swollen tongue he keeps repeating those words.

In this cell, the fire may never come. He is forgotten and alone. He wishes he could die. By whatever gods there may be in the universe, he wishes he could die, but the fire is far away. The hunger passed days ago, the result of his stomach having too little energy to even growl anymore. The thirst is gone, too. Whether he has become used to the feeling or some biological process has stopped, he cannot know. Even now, he cannot die. All that is left for him is the pain of dessicated flesh rotting off of his bones.

Yes, the pain...and the words.

"So long, so long, so long..." The cruel hope of rescue is gone. The unholy specter of fear passed over him long ago. All he has left is the blessed release of the fire and the flame, and the release of sweet silence.

Because his rest is silence.

Well that seems lovely.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Experiment 49821:
Applicants: 2006 and 320
Experiment: 2006 will attempt to move and active 320.
Status: Approved.

Experiment 49822:
Applicants: 2005
Experiment: 2005 will attempt to create a miniature contained nuclear explosion.
Status: Approved.

Experiment 498823:
Applicants: 2987 and 057
Experiment: Will be placed on 057 with three body guards. 2987 will then attempt to see the future.
Status: Approved.

Experiment 498824:
Applicants: 2998
Experiment: 2998 will be placed in a device that will attempt to siphon the energy coming off of 2998.
Status: Approved.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Experiment 49821:
Applicants: 2006 and 320
Experiment: 2006 will attempt to move and active 320.
Status: Approved.

(make an nuclear explosion? thats a little far fetched he would need uranium and stuff he cant make explosions. you should work on those rps as a teacher and get us to heighten our powers?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I woke up in a glass container there was a big room on the other side was another container with a girl. I can't see what she looks like but I think this thing has heating! It's getting hotter. At least there's no rubber in here but the main room looks odd. I stand and wait.
"Hey you over there can you here me!?"

OOC: I don't know if I aprove it or what, but Anyway, I'm doing it!

IC: I woke up. I'm not in my cell! I'm in a glass container. This is awkward. I hate when I fall asleep with my boyfriend and I wake up naked, but this is even more strange!

Just noticed. There's a room on the other side of a glass container there's a boy but he's still asleep. I think he's in one of these too. He's hot. He's a little bit older then me, I think but still... He's wakin' up. He's looking at me and I'm looking at him. He's sweating. I think he likes me too. I think he's talking to me. I can't hear him. I think it's time to see what he sees... I am. It's pretty much the same. I look the other way. I can see he's having fun in my body. I guess I have to try it. I think really hard. I'm sorry I can't hear you, I'm sorry I can't hear you, I'm sorry I can't hear you, I'm sorry I can't hear you, I'm sorry I can't hear you, I'm sorry I can't hear you. It must be enought. I start to look to "my"(his) body closelly. He really is hot. Time's up.[DOUBLEPOST=1374696872][/DOUBLEPOST]OOC: I feel awkward writting as a girl (I'm a lad) so, rate it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i was in her body i dont know how, but i must say she's pretty fine i wish i could actually talk to her.
It was so odd being in a girls body :S but her glass thing is colder then mine!
I wonder what she thinks of me, i heard something in my head saying im sorry i cant hear you. i think it was her talking through her mind.
*the glass doors slide up*
I quickly walk out from my glass cage the main area is very cool it feel's nice, I think shes fallen asleep or got knocked out by that purple gas, i'm feeling sleepy i sit down i feel exhausted but I think it's because i have not been near power recently.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm back on my glass cell. I have to say, this one is a bit colder then the other. Maybe he wasn't sweating 'cause I'm hot...Maybe he doesn't likes me. I feel bad. I really liked him.

I just noticed, this is getting purple-ish. Maybe he also has a gift. Making the air the colour he wants? It doesn't seem like a great gift. Maybe. Maybzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wakes up again all sweaty my t shirts tight against his skin he gets up and knocks on the semi open glass which holds the girl.
I lie down with my top off and think about what might be going on in the outside world.
" I wish they had a gym here!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wakes up again all sweaty my t shirts tight against his skin he gets up and knocks on the semi open glass which holds the girl.
I lie down with my top off and think about what might be going on in the outside world.
" I wish they had a gym here!"

Wait...What? "I wakes up again all sweaty my t shirts tight against his skin he gets up and knocks on the semi open glass which holds the girl.
"Hello?"" 1st Person or 3rd Person? I'm sorry, but I'm really confused...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wakes up again all sweaty my t shirts tight against his skin he gets up and knocks on the semi open glass which holds the girl.
I lie down with my top off and think about what might be going on in the outside world.
" I wish they had a gym here!"

As a matter of fact, sector three does have a gym. But the only way you'll get in is by cooperating with the institution.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
IC: As I sit in my cell, bored, the speaker speaks.

"Well, my little friend," the speaker man says, "We have another experiment for you."

"Oh, God..." I mutter. This is turning into a joke.

"I have decided to be nice to you today, and have my bodyguards escort you to the chamber instead of sedating you."

The second he finishes the sentence, two muscular men in suits come in, drag me to my feet, and pull me out of the room, the door sliding closed behind me.

As we walk along the bridge, I see two glass chambers beside me. One is a young man, and the other is... Is...



She's... She's beautiful. The most beautiful, amazing-looking work of human perfection I've ever seen.

She has short hair, black as night, with purple highlights; pale, delicate skin that looked as if it would shatter at a single touch; a cute button nose; eyes not quite bright blue, not quite bright green, but a stunning turquoise that lights up her chamber, and my life; blood-red lips; a round face with smooth skin and a tinge of pink in the cheeks and a perfect hourglass body (nice rack, too, but that's just the hormones talking). She's dressed in a black Honey Badger t-shirt, a navy-blue hoodie from GAP and maroon chinos. I would have made a Gay And Proud hoodie joke under different circumstances, but I would probably get eternal damnation for insulting this masterpiece of God.

I catch her eye. She winks at me.


Holy shit.

Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit. She winked at me! My heart starts thumping in my chest. Different questions start running through my mind. Is it my hair? Is it my glasses? Is it my eyes? Does she really like me? Doesn't she? If not, why did she wink at me?

The bodyguards yank my arm, signalling me to keep moving. Without thinking, I wink at her too. Behind the glass, she giggles. As I start walking again, I think about what a great day this has been. It's up to the experiment to ruin it now.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: This is going to be fun in so many ways.

Marshall couldn't remember how many twists and turns he had been down. He had been on three elevators during the walk, but he wasn't sure if they had gone up or down. Whatever this place was, it was massive. Three large men walked with him through the blank halls. The food and water that he had been given sat heavily in his stomach. A little wave of nausea passed over him once in awhile as his stomach started digesting again. He didn't recognize the reflection in the windows they passed. His body had wasted into nothing more than a skeleton covered in sagging skin.

They passed doors from which faint screams filtered through the soundproofing. All the while, through each corridor, he saw no one but his reflection and the three guards. They came around the final turn, and, at the end of the short, narrow hall, he saw a black door. The guard behind him nudged his back, urging him forward. Marshall took a few steps and looked back. The middle guard nodded toward the door. Marshall shuffled the final steps and stood there, looking at the number 057 etched in the wall next to the door.

Marshall jumped at the sound of the voice coming from the speaker above him. "There is a fatal maze behind this door. Most people survive for some time before they die, but they all die. What may give you comfort is that this chamber is fireproof. Now, I would urge you to use your foresight to complete this experiment. Good luck, Mister Sanchez."

Marshall nodded slowly. He closed his eyes and tried to see something, anything. The time-lost feeling came over him like a familiar wave of warmth and light. In this state, the pain and nausea and confusion faded, even if only for a moment.

The wall slid aside revealing an open chamber within the complex. The torso of some unlucky person lay just inside. Their crushed pelvis and legs lay in space outside. The walls around him shifted and started to close the chamber. He ran forward and jumped, but he was too late. The walls closed in on him, and the vision went black.

Marshall came back to himself with a jump. Somehow, he didn't hurt as badly as he had. His stomach still knotted around the food, but he took a breath. A small button next to the door blinked as if waiting. He pushed it, and the door opened.

The door slid shut behind him. He could see well enough even though there was no apparent source of light. The grinding of stone on stone grew as the walls began their intricate dance. He could see now that the interior of the room was a series of monoliths connected by short corridors that snapped open and shut at random. The grinding of the walls came to him, and the walls to either side of him opened. He picked the left wall and started to run.

How long had it been? Marshall didn't know. The food had left his stomach and was working its way down. The familiar dryness of thirst had come back awhile ago. He breathed in short gasps that spread a dull ache throughout his chest. Sometimes he could swear he was walking uphill through this maze, and he had dropped down ledges more than once. The floors were strewn with pulverized bones of previous runners. The ceiling slammed shut behind him several times while he ran from room to room. He had lost track of direction and time. Nothing made sense anymore except survival. The thoughts of flame hadn't entered his mind for hours or maybe days. All he could do was push his haggard body from one room to the next.

Then it happened. The wall slid open in front of his face, and he saw the crushed legs. He didn't hesitate this time as the walls to the inner chamber slid open and the ceiling came down. One. Two. Three steps. He felt the rush of air as the ceiling of the other room came down and the wall slammed shut. His eyes darted from left to right as he waited for the next wall to open, but nothing happened. He sank to the floor and leaned against smooth circular wall. The interior of this room was not quite white, not quite blue.

Marshall leaned his head back and closed his eyes. No fire, no flame, no death. He waited there as his body wound down. Everything ached but in a good way. It was the ache of exercise and triumph. He put his ear against the wall. The grinding had stopped. He chuckled through his parched throat. He looked up to the ceiling and croaked in a hoarse voice.

"I did it. I won. What now?"