School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I plan for James to make an epic appearance saving everyone and their mother's ass using his abilities to the maximum. And dying in the process.
Or not.
In the meantime, stay with him in the verge of death.

I'm now dead.
Or somewhat like that.
Wait, why am I talking in first person? What the hell is going on?!
Anyway, I've sacrificed myself so my girlfriend and my friend could live. Big fucking deal.
"You know, you did really do something that is a big deal."
"To be brave is to care more about other's safety than your own, to use your strengths to protect others. Believe in your strengths." White.
"To be in union with nature is to follow its cycle. Everything comes around, and everyone has something that makes that cycle stronger. Believe in your strengths." Green.
"To be intelligent is not to have knowledge, but rather to use your knowledge how help others. Knowledge is the strongest thing. Believe in your strengths." Orange.
"Great, I've been thrown into the middle of an inspirational speech with Majora's Mask references."
"Everything is worth something, with the price varying. But to sacrifice one's own life, one saves more than one life. And to sacrifice one's own life, one must be strong. Believe in your strengths." Red.
"To be practical, deploying a plethora of techniques is to be versatile, and versatility is what allows for different strengths. Believe in your strengths." Yellow.
"To be willing to explore the unknown, even if society despises it, is a proof of strengths beyond the most basic fears. Believe in your strengths." Black.
"What, are you going to sell me a mask?"
"To take the time to search for knowledge, understand it and distribute it is a test of the mind's strength, for knowledge is power, and everyone should have power. Believe in your strengths." Blue.
"To control one's interior magic requires a strength beyond one's most capable thoughts - instinctive strength is the hardest one to control. Believe in your strengths." Turquoise.
"To seek control over one's own abilities and knowledge, one must have a strength beyond the greatest heroes of the past and the future. Believe in your strengths." Purple.
"BELIEVE IN YOUR STRENGTHS. BELIEVE IN YOUR STRENGTHS." The voices kept repeating over and over. The powerful chorus was reining over my control.
And I was controlling them.
They were me.
And I was them.
I screamed, out of all emotions. Of sorrow and nostalgia, pain and pleasure, fear and happiness.
Out of love.
I was in the right behind Zan, Lewis, Felix, Deomi and Aaron.
And so were Sally and Thanatos.
"I am here. Stronger than ever. Hello, everyone, I came here to bitchslap Pun-Pun for 2dAssload damage."
Did he basically explain what each colour of Magic is[DOUBLEPOST=1389443556][/DOUBLEPOST]I cant believe I am doing this. I go invisable and sprint forward. Going up one wall, across the ceiling, down the other side repeatedly. I reach the ceiling above the orange woman.
For the good of the team.
I fall down directly on top of her, crushing her skull
"Umm, Felix. Did you say don't kill these guys."
"Yea, If you can"
"Ok, well I couldn't"
There is only 4 alive ones left. Blue, Purple, yellow and green. Sorry, 3
Felix just speared yellow in the heart
A: We must not kill anymore of these guys


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He did the awesome, is what he did.[DOUBLEPOST=1389443768][/DOUBLEPOST]FUCK YOU LYNDON, WE TALKED ABOUT THIS![DOUBLEPOST=1389443798][/DOUBLEPOST]I thought we agreed that the Pech was going to be a final boss!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No. Thaumaturge is yellow. IC: the Pech lies on the floor, bleeding all over the shop. I run over to him, shadows primed. He looks at me, smiling with mad eyes. I see a glimmer in his heart. A shimmer in the air around it. I touch it, and retch. Vomit spews from my mouth. He seems to have somehow replaced his heart with a focus. I didn't even penetrate it. He takes out a wand from his backpack, as I watch on. The Pech's pupils dilate. He shakes, and drools a bit. Then, he emits a blood-curdling scream. I really shouldn't have stared at him.

Green tendrils drift out of his wand, and they wrap around my wrists and ankles. A thicker tendril goes through my chest. I scream in abject agony, and start convulsing. I hear something snap, and scream even louder.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I run toward the thaumaturge. Invisible. To the ceiling. To the floor. To the ceiling. I fire balls of energy towards them. I drop and land on the thaumaturges chest. I grab the wand and snap it.
The walls start crumbling. The tendrils retreat.
"We need to get out now!"
Me and Aaron grab Felix and we all run for the door.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We burst through the door, and I fall over and scream.

"Are you okay?" Deomi asks hastily.

"Leg..." I gasp, "leg is broken... Carry... Carry me... Come on... Not... Not that heavy..."

John hauls me onto his back, and we run to the far side of the hall. The room crumbles, and the door turns blacker than night, as a crude red eye burns into it. The room flows like a liquid into the darkness, and the eye blinks, then blinks again. This time it doesn't open, but burns itself out. The darkness spreads to the whole wall, and, with a deafening boom, shrinks again into nothing. The rocky wall behind it looks like it was always there. The hunchbacked guard is nowhere to be seen. It must have been caught in the implosion.

"Well, shit," Aaron says, "where are we going to meet now?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tell the others to wait here. I antigravity and walk to the rubble. Towards the ceiling there is a hole that any human could fit through. I see Felix get a cat shell on. I call the others. Up here
L: "We can get out here"
We do a circuit. 1 at a time I get everyone up and through the hole and again back down on the other side. All the wizards are definitely all dead.
"Wait here guys, I got and idea. Get shelter under that fallen pillar"
I walk to the giant pile of rubble blocking the door.
"Are you sheltered"
"Yes" I hear Deomi shout
John puts up a force field. I lift all the rubble from the ground and fling it to the sides. The dust that erupts from the rocks is unbelievable. The others come over to me. In front of us is the main entrance door to the magic institution. We work together and pull it open. We walk out to the air. Fields of ash. I only know 1 other place where there are fields of ash.

The Institution...
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Jesus, Dave, you weren't lying wen you said Gpuzzle is a brilliant RP'er.[DOUBLEPOST=1389434743][/DOUBLEPOST]And Lyndon, you're improving!
Thanks, but it was more of a crazy burst of inspiration than anything else. And I am better at writing in first person.
Also, did you get the Pun-Pun reference?
For those that didn't, Pun-Pun is a Level 1 Kobold on D&D that has infinite stats, and he will bitchslap you for 1dAssload damage.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My home away from home... We walk around the ashen corridors of the institution, wiping away the grime from windows only to find nothing, and saying nothing. I hear the faint feedback of a broken speaker, the clattering of broken glass beneath my feet, and the worried murmuring of my friends. No other sound is heard. Until...


We spin around to find an overweight old man in a raggedy pinstriped suit with white hair and three scars from the slash of a claw oh so long ago on his face. He's stooped a bit. He's holding a flintlock pistol. He's aiming it at us. He's the...

"Speaker man?" Deomi asks meekly.

"Oh, God," he says angrily, "I'm absolutely FED UP OF YOU CALLING ME THAT! Well, since we've been through so much together, I might as well tell you my - hic - name. My name is Emmanuel Franklin. I'm sixty-three years old. My father was a devout Christian, as was my mother. I never thought I'd need the phrase, 'an eye for an eye', but you... You freaks pushed me and you pushed me and you nearly drowned me with absinthe... You'd think that after years of dealing with anomalies I'd be able to handle just a hip flask... Heh... Heheheh... Guess not! But the thing... The one thing that pushed me just a little bit too far... You DESTROYED MY JOB! YOU LITERALLY TURNED MY JOB TO ASHEN SHARDS! JAMES O'REILLY! YOU STARTED THIS! I'LL KILL YOU FIRST!"

BANG! The wall beside James puffs out a cloud of dust and rubble. Emmanuel screams in crazed anger. I walk towards him, shadows raised.

"HA!" He barks, "Shadows! So primitive! Now... I know what you're thinking. Flintlock pistols? What are you, a pirate! And to that, I say, BANG!"

Blood spurts out of my shoulder and I shriek in shock and pain.

He giggles a tad, and says "but that's only the warm up. You think, after all I've been through, that I'd just shoot you all in the head and be done with it? Oh, no, no, no, no. Oh, no. I have a little friend with me. Nothing much, nothing much, I just tamed a heavy hog."

A huge creature comes out, an anthropomorphic pig, with huge musclular arms and a comically hunched back.

"Hulk smash?" Emmanuel says. The pig grumbles. "Good girl."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Yea, blaady blaady bla! You call that a beast. I summon 4 spontaneous combusting pigs to run around Emmanuel. Ha ha ha. The look of his face as the pigs singed off his eyebrows. He will think twice next time before he shoots my friend with a pistol.
"However strong we are guys, I think we need to search around for others. We could do with a little extra help"


New Character!
Name: Ciara
Powers: Heat Resistance, Earthquake generation, Shape shifter, Sonic flight,
Important experiences: I will explain after I've had dinner


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"What?! I didn't do anything! And my name is O'Riley, you son of a bitch! Don't you dare hurt anyone here but me! Shoot ME, you old fuck, but not them. Not Aaron, not Felix, not Sally, not Lewis, not Deomi, not Zan, not Will and not Thanatos! Don't you shoot or tell your pig to kill the fuckers."
I kneel down.
The old man points the gun at me.
I open my coat.
"Shoot me, you old fuck. You can't do it." I whisper.
He pulls the trigger.
The bullet goes flying towards me.
And a technicolor shield of purple, turquoise, blue, black, yellow, red, orange, green and white appears in front of me.
"You are not strong enough. Strength is not about whether you can or cannot shoot a bunch of teenagers."
I take a deep breath.
Today is going to be a long day.
"It is about whether or not you are able to sacrifice yourself in order to allow everything you've ever loved to still exist. And sir, you are not strong, you are a coward. And one hell of one."
I bring a dagger out, and it starts randomly flickering between lightning, fire or ice, all with a turquoise colour.
"Yeah, Kord doesn't like cowards, and neither do I."
I stab the old man, and lighting goes out everywhere.
"DO YOU THINK A SOLE SORCERER CAN DEFEAT ME?!" He screams, at the top of his lungs.
He smiles for a moment.
"But a Warlock can."
And his smile turns into a face of naught but pure horror.

OOC: I should make a TVTropes-like page for this RP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I send another half dozen pugs at the man, all which combust in his face. I have to hand it to him. He is one tough cookie.
I run down the corridor and search the cells. Only 2 cells contain prisoners. A girl called ciara and a boy called Jamie. I break them out and get them back to the others.
"Freed a couple more" I tell them

Anyone can RP Jamie J2LUK


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Emmanuel stares into James's eyes. Blood seeps out of the wound in his torso, and he starts to waver. Lightning crackles around the two, then fire, then rain. Emmanuel starts to glow turquoise, orange, purple, red, yellow, blue, black, green and white. His eyes glow with fiery energy. he opens his mouth, which glows too. Black flecks materialise in the glow, and a gasping demonic scream shakes the room.

The ground falls apart below them into a bottomless funnel, a fiery yellow with chunks of black nothing dotted around the place. The energy swirls in an incomprehensible shape, the heat from it is almost unbearable. The floor starts cracking as the pit starts growing. James drifts away from the pit, and we're forced back with him. Fiery whips latch onto Emmanuel's body and he starts to flake away, like, physically flake away. The scream gets louder, and his eyes and mouth widen until the glow takes up his whole face, and then his whole body. Then, the glow resides, until he is left as a shrivelled, bloated husk of a man. He's still flaking away, slowly.


He explodes into charred flakes and rags, rags of rags. The fragments drift into the pit, drift into oblivion. Oblivion spins faster, disorientating me, and the chunks of blackness slam upwards into the gap, forming the floor again. I stare for a good five minutes at the floor.

The alarm sounds, snapping me out of it. "ELITE FORCES!" The new girl yells. Ciara, I think.

And so, as it has been so much before, it is now time to run.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Leave them to me. I can handle them. Sally, follow them."
"James, I don't want to leave you. I don't know anyone. I don't feel safe."
"I love you, and I want you to live."
And I kissed her. And she kissed me back.
"You'll be safe with them. I know these guys, and they'd be willing to keep the group safe as much as I am, even if that means that they will die."
"Okay. Come back as soon as you can."
"I will."
A gray wolf appeared at my side, in a green ball of light.
"Are you ready to do this?"
"More than ever, Grey."
I punched the floor. Lightning came out of it. Standard priest stuff.
The forces were knocked back and thrown to the floor. I turned into a wolf in a mist of green light, knocked another one that was trying to get back on foot, turned back into human in a green light, picked up a rifle and started shooting.
Shadows came flying towards another two, and light threw another two guys into a wall.
"Felix, Aaron - are you ready to knock this fuckers to the ground?"
"You know the awnser."
"Okay. Let's roll."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We run straight towards the main section of the institute. They never wanted people to escape this place, yet they still put signs up telling us where to go! We find the door to the magical research and testing unit. The MRTU. Sector 7 I believe. I'm absolutely positive there will be more of us in here. I get everyone to hold me. I turn us all invisible.
"Considering there is at least 10 of us, this invisibility will not last long"
We go through the door. Hundreds of men look at the door that just opened by itself. Didn't think about that. They all come running to the door.
We all stand on the ceiling while they feel around where we just where. Guys, distract them.
I drop the guys behind a big desk and run towards the large shelves in the wall. I jam keypads and open them all. Freezing units. Every single shelve has one of us.
"No time to talk, all we need to do is blow this place to pieces and get away"
They all seem to agree.
So what, now there is
Sally (I think)


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
James, I'll take care of Sally. You're needed here, but she'll need protection to make it out of here. I'll just break through walls until I get us out, said Thanatos.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An orb of light came out of James' hand and an Elite fell, dead cold.

J, what did you think of the "Believe in your strengths" scene?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No one actually explained how we got to the institution, lydon your characters a bit.op, in fact its getting a bit mary.sueish

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