School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Arzoth informs the new person he can come in. "My name is Arzoth and this is Zan. There are more people inside."
"Thanks for helping me. My name is Kaladin. i'm very tired, sore and hungry. It means a lot to me." -Kaladin
"Follow us inside, there is some food left and we got plenty of room for you. You can take a shower or a bath to help you relax." -Arzoth

With that Arzoth and Zan led Kaladin inside the house. Once they got inside Arzoth introduced Kaladin to everyone but Felix because he was absent at the time. Kaladin ate some left over food and went to take a shower to clean himself up. After the shower Arzoth showed him to a bedroom. Kaladin thanked Arzoth for the great hospitality and went over to the bed to lay down. Once he was in bed he felt his whole body relax, and was soon sleeping. Arzoth closed the door and went out to hang with the others.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Thanatos ran through the forest. Byrne and the others had gone somewhere too, but James had just suddenly popped away. He had been running about for an hour, trying to find him.
Suddenly, he saw a house in the forest. There were people there, and they had seen, him. They were waving their hands at him, shouting stop, but he id not realise this in time before he was blown back by the ward.
"It's Thanatos!" Aaron shouted. "Someone get Zan!"
Thanatos groaned, and got up, leaning on his elbows.
"What the hell? you should be dead?" Aaron stared in amazement.
"I'm a fucking god. I do what I want." He grunted, with a smile on his face. "But i don't think I can get past that ward of yours. Mind letting me in?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was asleep at the time and was warned someone was close "ahh fuck more people to let in!" I fly over to the edge of the warding and enter thanatos "Welcome sir, shit your spirit is dark!" I exit and add him to the wards entering Aaron "He can come in now" I fly back to my body and greet them as they com ein


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"Zan, do you not remember me? We were in the institution together, but then me, James and a couple of others were set a nanosecond behind in time, much like a guy called Marshall Sanchez from a while back. We found him, and managed to find out how to get back to our time. James then poofed away, and everyone else split off to go back to doing their own thing, going back to where they were before the institution. Problem is, I had nowhere to go really, since nobody believes in greek myth any more. So I figured I'd find you guys."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Welp, writing is hard. And I really can't think well.
But whatever, I feel like writing and the crazy ass write down of the D&D campaign I played some time ago probably will never get completed, so I came here.

IC: "Apparently I can be a cleric of Thanatos, which allow me to switch between thunder and lightning to life draining energy and it gives me a badass sword!"


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"What do I have to do with thunder and lightning? That's Zeus' job, and Tho- oh wait never mind. But my powers are ash destruction, reconstruction and healing, and of course death. I can teach you those, if you like.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"What do I have to do with thunder and lightning? That's Zeus' job, and Tho- oh wait never mind. But my powers are ash destruction, reconstruction and healing, and of course death. I can teach you those, if you like.

OOC: Thunder and lightning come from Kord, silly, not you.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I sit waiting in the mansion. Its so big here, I still do not know my way around the place. I get up, walk to the kitchen and put two pieces of bread in the toaster. I feel the floor rumble, the house starts to shake.
The toast pops out.
The rumbling continues.
"Can you feel that!" I hear Felix shout from upstairs
"GUYS,Get down here now!" Zan screams
we all come rushing to Zan at the front window. We look out. Multiple helicopters come down, surrounding the house. The side of the helicopter says Institution.
"Guys, I think they have found us" Deomi states.
"Leave the building now" A voice says
We decide we will fight against them.
"Felix, you come upstairs and fight from the roof, the rest of u go out. John, put up a force field. We go upstairs and start the fight. Felix starts firing shadow arrows at them, and i summon multiple lightning eagles. But we are no match for them. They fire missiles at the house, which explodes in flames!
Zan screams, and drops to his knees. Men in black suits come out and arrest us all, using special ray guns to disable our powers. We are chucked into the helicopters and flown back to the institutions, where we are thrown into power proof, soundproof, power proof cells. Now we wait

(I'm sorry guys)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Fuck you, Lyndon, I'm finishing this post.


I come out of the stained glass window, shadows orbiting lazily around the stones sewn into my waistcoat, and walk downstairs to the living room, where I see two new guys sitting down. One has a bored/annoyed look plastered on a face that looks like it could come from a corpse (I think that expression is the natural set of his face). The other looks rather unmemorable, quite an ordinary face. He's talking to Arzoth, while death-face is sipping a Bloody Mary cocktail, that Zan probably made for him, and is chatting to James. I decide to avoid him, as I'm not too good at first impressions.

"Hey," he says in an accent I can't quite pinpoint. I'll settle on Greek. "You want this?" He points at the Bloody Mary, "I hate Tabasco."

I come over, take the cocktail and sip it. Hmm... Spicy, but pleasant.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: how are they getting past the wards? There is a protective barrier they have to get through but its strong magic.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(there not, shockwave is not very coherent in the way he writes.... They have not come yet besides, we have lots to do and work on before they do, bella has to say when they attack us)
"Felix did you enjoy the twilight realm?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: No offence to Shockwave, he's my best mate, but he has a tendency to not fully read what happened before.


"Yeah," I say, "it was awesome. Wanna try this cocktail?"

"Felix," Zan replies, rolling his eyes, "I made it. I already know what it tastes like."
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"It already tastes horrible" I laugh "I wanted to see if any of you would actually tell me you did not like it..." I fly around on a ball of air as he hear something fall from the sky "Thank you wardings for stopping that helicopter from working! Felix would you like to go kil the men for us?" He smiles and runs out


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: Sorry, didn't realize bella would decide when they came. Since i have not been on for a while, I thought I would surprise you all with a REALLY annoying post. Anyway, we are in Zans mansion. What are we aiming to do?[DOUBLEPOST=1388413412][/DOUBLEPOST]And what is the ward?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I don't get what you see in annoying us all. Do you WANT to be disliked? Right now, we're planning to bring down what's left of the institution. The ward is a force field of magic that blocks anyone else from coming in or getting out without permission, as far as I know.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The ward is a protective barrier that Zan controls. Only people he lets in are allowed in. Say if someone wanted in they cant unless zan lets them. Think of it as a force field with permissions that are needed.

IC: After a few hours of rest Kaladin wakes up. Feeling much better after sleeping in a bed then on the ground. I then get dressed in some clothes that Arzoth let me barrow and walk downstairs. Kaladin makes a sandwich to eat. After eating he walks over into the living room where a bunch of people are and asks "Who likes magic? If you wanna see something just watch because im gonna do it anyway haha" I then proceed to conjure a real looking sword. Not a real long sword but a short sword like Bilbo's or Frodo's from Lord of the Rings, Elvish sword. I then proceed to arrange the sword so the tip is pointed at my gut. Then proceed to thrust it through. "I have a dark sense of humor... haha" and with that falls over faking a death. The sword appears to of gone out through the back but it disappears as Kaladin starts to get up. Showing no stab wounds or energy. "My name is Kaladin and i am a conjurer. I work as a dark magician meaning i do gory magic. I thought about making the trick last longer. Anyways i can almost conjure up anything really. I can also manipulate the conjure as well. Like i did with the sword act, i made it phase as it touched my body and have it shown that it went through. Well sorry if it was a really bad introduction of myself haha."

Arzoth: "Well that was quite interesting. Thought your were as psychotic for a moment haha."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"Gory magic?" I ask, "you mean morbid magic. The use of magic relating to the damaging or displacement of the body, mind or soul. I am with you, my friend, as a necromancer myself. Glad to have you here."


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Kaladin: "Im a conjurer but made a living as a magician so i preformed darker stuff no other magician can really achieve." I proceed to conjure conjure a spear. Aiming at Arzoth the spear flies towards him. Arzoth had his back turned as he was talking to someone. As the spear hit it went through him never hurting him. Arzoth looked over as he felt energy flow through him and almost freaked out and walked over to Kaladin and punched him real hard in the gut for almost spooking him to death. "Sorry i'm no necromancer. *Coughing from the hard punch* i deserved that one. I can manipulate anything i conjure to be effective or not. The spear i through looks real but i made it phase as it hit. i could of made it actually stick and look like it hit him but its difficult for a quick demo. As the spear hit it disolved into energy. Thats pretty much how my powers work. i can manipulate my powers to be harmless or i can make them real."