School For RolePlay

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
*Will starts practising with his bow and arrow, aiming at the wall where he knows no one is. Suddenly, a short cry is heard and a person with an O-23 badge starts to appear with an arrow stuck in his arm. Will lets in a sharp breath and runs over to the man* I'm sorry. Are you okay? Did you not see me shooting? Where did you come from? *The man starts pulling out a gun, but Will doesn't see it*
OOC: It's time for somepony to save Will.

OOC: I'll take that literally, shall I?

IC: Will heard a man yelling "LOOK OUT!" and then a loud booming sound before he blacked out.

When he came to there was a... pony standing above him. "Are you okay?" It asked him. "Surely I must be dreaming." He thought. "No Will, you're not dreaming." The thing replied.

"How... how did you?" Will asked. Before his eyes the pony's limbs shook and contorted into the strangest shapes possible as it morphed into a human being. Standing before him was someone that he vaguely remembered from the institution. Perhaps he passed him in the hall during one of his experiments.

"Pleased to meet you." It said. "My name's Nami, and I'll be your savior for today."
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King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
"FELIX! WE NEED TO FORM THE BEING, NOW!" Aaron shouts over the gun fire.
We grab each other's hands, and swirl together, our brain, bodies and powers merging.
We use the light to grab everyone, pulling them close, and the shadows to teleport ourselves outside. We do this a couple of times until we're at least a mile away from the penthouse which we were in, and then we split into each other again, panting with exertion.
"All right, I'll wake up those with sedative in them." Aaron said, as he began to do so. Eyri also helped him, them purging the sedative, and then lightly shaking those shot awake.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"ARZOTH!" I shout as I am awoken I look up at Aaron, "Sorry. For fucks sake I thought they would leave us alone!" I groggily get up and poke Felix "we should be in Scotland where arzoth and I lived deep in a valley with trees all around its like a hidden castle! There is warding magic too... Killed our maid once..." The look scared "I can make it not kill you!" From above there is the sound of jet planes and people jumping out of them I blast fire at the parachutes causing them to fall to there death. I get everyone close to me and start wrapping a bubble of wind around us causing us on float "Aaron I need you to filter the air to make sure we can breath Felix shoot thins with shadows deomi uhh just stay pretty? Eryi keep healing me!" They all do as there told I stand at the back blasting fire from my feet and hands to move us up and forwards which exhausts me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Darklord, do you not feel at all uncomfortable writing a character who is in a gay relationship? I mean, I'm not saying stop, but... Um... Does it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ooc: no why? Back to the rp!

Oc: it's been 4 hours flying in a sphere of air; once we had reached a good height I had stopped using fire but I was still feeling very tired and I was the only one to not notice we were slowly moving to the ground "it's just... Over... There..." The bubble decends until we land at a house, I make the wards not kill my friends "here... We... Are" I look exhausted my voice is rough the normal sparkle in my eyes is gone.
"Zan you should go get some rest!" I start to open the door but I fall over.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I pick Zan up and, with Deomi's help, take him to the sofa and lay him down. I myself feel a bit fatigued, so I sit down beside him, pull my hat over my eyes and try to sleep.


I flail around in shock for a second, my hat falling behind the sofa, and hear Eyri curse in pain.

"Who put this tv here?!" She rages. I look over to her and see her hopping around, clutching her leg. There is a television on the floor by the coffee table. The floor looks to be cherry wood, and the walls are oak panelled. There is a lovely oriental rug on the floor and the sofas are antique.

"It's a nice place, Zan," I begin to say. "Zan?" I shake Zan, and he mumbles and goes back to sleep. I turn on the tv.

"Oh," I say, "Time Team's on! I love that show!"

"Really?" Deomi says, evidently unimpressed.

"I am who I am." I reply.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And James fell from the sky, in the middle of all that madness.
*crashes into the ground*
"That hurts. A lot. Can somebody help me?"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Darklord... Zeek...

An unwritten, yet implied gay sex scene...

I'm not quite sure what to think... I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable reading this with my dad right next to me in the car.[DOUBLEPOST=1388152025][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh, and before anyone goes apeshit at me, I'm not homophobic, I just don't want my dad seeing this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I would like to say that IRL i am not gay. Character is Bi. Honestly its a bit strange strange for me, since i haven't ever had a gay/bi character or ever played one. Sooo its a bit out of my element but i don't really care. decided to try something new.

IC, "Zan thanks for saving me and everyone. Let's get some food cooked for everyone." After cooking food and eating I decided to go take a look around our surroundings. "Zan i will be back in a hour or two. I need to go check out something. It's been a long time since i've been in Scotland." With that Arzoth walks over to the door opening it, and starts walking in the direction of his old home.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019






Mmmph... Stop it... Stop tickling me... Stop... Stoooop...

I open an eye. Deomi's there, giving my chin a tickle. I smile and turn over.

"What's up?" I ask dozily.

"A guy falling from the sky. But he's down now." She replies.

I hear the distinct aura of the Four Non Blondes song, What's Up? coming from outside. I get up and sleepily pull the curtains open.

"Oh, hey, James!" I call out to the guy lying face first in the mud.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(paddling can you change yours? zan is exhausted and would not have time for that...)[DOUBLEPOST=1388155333][/DOUBLEPOST]I lie down on the sofa I throw a fireball at the tv and moan "uhhh" Eryi looms over me healing me.
"You should not have done that zan, your so worn out and hurt, its like instead of a phyiscal cut you cut your spirit."
"my power is in my spirit-"
"no talking zan!"
I roll a little, my whole body aches, im starving but I do not want to get up for food.
Eryi shouts out to felix "Get some food for zan!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OOC: I'll take that literally, shall I?

IC: Will heard a man yelling "LOOK OUT!" and then a loud booming sound before he blacked out.

When he came to there was a... pony standing above him. "Are you okay?" It asked him. "Surely I must be dreaming." He thought. "No Will, you're not dreaming." The thing replied.

"How... how did you?" Will asked. Before his eyes the pony's limbs shook and contorted into the strangest shapes possible as it morphed into a human being. Standing before him was someone that he vaguely remembered from the institution. Perhaps he passed him in the hall during one of his experiments.

"Pleased to meet you." It said. "My name's Nami, and I'll be your savior for today."
*rubs eyes* Nami... Nami?! What? Why- *he calms down* Okay. So.... What just happened?
OOC: Wait. How did Nami get all the way to where we all were?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A few posts back, but everyone thought I was talking about Arzoth. I just went with it, so I guess they're both here.
OOC: So you brought Nami and Arzoth to where we were just in time for Will to get shot and then Nami gets Will and then we all teleport a mile away. And then Nami turns into a pony. And then turns back to a human. Got it!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When you put it like that, it seems complicated!


"Well," I explain, "we went to Canada, went to America, went to Canada again, went to Dorset, and now we're in Scotland, right where we started. Do you like my clothes?"

"You..." James mumbles, pointing, "you have some... Eh, you've got a bit... I never knew you wore mascara!"

I look down, my face flushed. That mascara was a mistake. An embarrassing, girly mistake that doesn't seem to wash off. I walk back to the sofa, to see Zan picking half-heartedly at a tikka masala curry.

"You okay?" I ask, nudging him.

He grunts, and I turn back to the tv.

"Okay," I shout back to the dining room, "who the fuck put MTV on?"

"I like 16 and Pregnant!" Eyri calls back sheepishly.

"You're dead to me!"


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When you put it like that, it seems complicated!


"Well," I explain, "we went to Canada, went to America, went to Canada again, went to Dorset, and now we're in Scotland, right where we started. Do you like my clothes?"

"You..." James mumbles, pointing, "you have some... Eh, you've got a bit... I never knew you wore mascara!"

I look down, my face flushed. That mascara was a mistake. An embarrassing, girly mistake that doesn't seem to wash off. I walk back to the sofa, to see Zan picking half-heartedly at a tikka masala curry.

"You okay?" I ask, nudging him.

He grunts, and I turn back to the tv.

"Okay," I shout back to the dining room, "who the fuck put MTV on?"

"I like 16 and Pregnant!" Eyri calls back sheepishly.

"You're dead to me!"
OOC: No it doesn't.
*groans* What... Exactly happened? *he looks down at his arm and sees that there's a sling on it. He starts back and cries out when he moves his arm* Agh! *he lies back down*