Safe (No Vulgarity) Server Idea. Good or bad idea?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There have been mixed reports of some RP and some TE ores not spawning correctly and Issues with Irriduim. I personally can not confrim this as I do not use Mytscraft so if someone that is a regualar user would be nice enought to pipe in that would be great. I only know of the issue from spending way to much time on the forums here.

I can confirm that I get iridium ore, as well as copper, tin, tungsten, RP's tungsten, gems, diamonds, coconuts (and by coconuts, I mean bee hives), and pretty much everything in my MystCraft quarry age. Bauxite, too, which was why I made it to start with as such.

If you are going to start with a custom mining age, you can easy-mode it and make it a bright age with no weather, always day, and mushroom island biome. But that takes most of the fun out of mining, heh heh.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am going to remove instability altogether and add dense ores. I don't want us spending more than a month gathering resources.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am going to remove instability altogether and add dense ores. I don't want us spending more than a month gathering resources.

Then add five dense ore symbols. Or ten. You'll have so many ores that you will hurt for stone.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, 10 is op. Probably I will add 2-4 symbols. I don't want to get there too fast.
EDIT: Don't want to be too cheaty.
EDIT 2: Wait, time to go to bed. I will continue conversation tomorrow.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, 10 is op. Probably I will add 2-4 symbols. I don't want to get there too fast.
EDIT: Don't want to be too cheaty.
EDIT 2: Wait, time to go to bed. I will continue conversation tomorrow.

Ten is overpowered?

You know, I sort of feel bad for anyone that ends up joining your server before you get a good idea how these things work. Ah well, you'll learn, or fall forever. Good luck!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
our mining ages generally have 20-30 dense ores, but are rather unstable.. but they last long enough to run through with lasers and drills and a bunch of bags.
our quarry age is generally desert red/green sky super bright with villages and both glowstones/crystals.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No distinguishable jobs,

The way jobs will work: I will give people jobs based on what they are best at,
They may recruit others on the server to help them with their jobs.

shouldn't really be surprised actually... contradictions aren't all that uncommon in.. other places..
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lambert: By distinguishable jobs, I mean specific jobs, as an aesthetic or technical builder or grunt. No one will have a category, except the city planners. THe jobs will be singular jobs assigned based on skills. No category jobs.[DOUBLEPOST=1362088962][/DOUBLEPOST]BTW, I never really played with Dense Ore Symbols. I will have instability off. 20-30 dense ore symbols? Someone else says 5-10? I will just go with 15. But before I set it up tomorrow, might as well test that.
Next question: Am I missing any important rules?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lambert: By distinguishable jobs, I mean specific jobs, as an aesthetic or technical builder or grunt. No one will have a category, except the city planners. THe jobs will be singular jobs assigned based on skills. No category jobs.[DOUBLEPOST=1362088962][/DOUBLEPOST]BTW, I never really played with Dense Ore Symbols. I will have instability off. 20-30 dense ore symbols? Someone else says 5-10? I will just go with 15. But before I set it up tomorrow, might as well test that.

Read that.

Next question: Am I missing any important rules?

Too much thinking up front, but hopefully it works out! I'd say go for it, mate.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just wondering bout the no mining in the overworld thing. Would that just be nothing visible to break the surface or not even grabbing anything if you see it while wandering the world?

What bout mobs, peaceful, easy, ect? If you do include them then may want to thinking bout using a few wrath lights out at start to light up the spawn area and nearby chunks while things get squared away as with 15 minutes of daytime.. thats not all that much time to get a base of operations squared away.

Another thing bout the overworld, IF Haven is in an Age, what purpose does the overworld serve, if its not being mined or built upon?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
BTW, I never really played with Dense Ore Symbols. I will have instability off. 20-30 dense ore symbols? Someone else says 5-10? I will just go with 15. But before I set it up tomorrow, might as well test that.
Next question: Am I missing any important rules?
1 dense ores symbol is enough to give up to like 26 diamonds in one vein. Probably more but 26 is the max I've found


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I did some testing and I have decided to put in 20 dense ores symbols. 15 is not enough.
The overworld will be our base, processing and power and things. As the city progresses, once it gets big enough and has the right buildings, we will move base to the city.
By "No mining in the overworld," I mean no mining in the overworld. I want to keep it and the city age pristine.
Mobs will be on easy.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What do you mean, Guswut? I will have instability off. If you think 20 is too many, and that I am cheaty, then tell me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What do you mean, Guswut? I will have instability off. If you think 20 is too many, and that I am cheaty, then tell me.

I think that twenty dense ore symbols will make a mining age that will give you an extremely large amount of ores (although per the latest MystCraft update, which I checked up on, this will NOT work with mod-added ores! You should still see them, but they won't be amplified anywhere near as greatly). But, at that point, why not just use creative mode?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You know what? No dense ores for me. Now that I have all the server details set up, what say you should be the best power gen early on? I know I will be starting with TE, for sure, but what kind of engine would be most profitable? Steam? Magmatic? Stirling?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think you're at the point where you can begin to check up on other threads for game details.

Though you may feel good that you have every detail on your server, and your plans from step one, it may not be as fun in the long run. Get the members, and then ask them how they want to start. It'll be more fun that way, and they'll feel like they're part of the server, instead of you telling them what to do.

Perhaps they don't even want to do an elvish build? What if they want everything modern, or some kind of flying town, or even a bunch of separate frame ships that travel together.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I've been watching this thread for a buckton of time now, and all I see is you asking everything about, well, everything. Now server-related questions I can understand, however basic game-related questions, I have to wonder why? This latest question for example, what kind of engine would be most profitable ? Have you played through the game on single player before ? Do you know what each individual engine does ? Do you care to try out for yourself what would look best in an elven city ? Have you yourself an idea of how material gathering will go ?

In short, you yourself should have been able to answer, or at least figure out the answers to the question above and the like, keep in mind that people in your city might not be content with just mining and building, and will likely be more than happy to "figure out power" together with you, rather than you asking the forum here, and disregarding the community that might lie ahead.

Now I don't mean to discourage you at all, but once you are past the server-related questions, maybe it's best you work things out with your community..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes, I have played through the game before, but I just want to make sure I've been doing it right. I normally used stirling engines to start with, then switched to magmatic, then switched to electrical. Now to figure out a brief description and write it on notepad.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As some may know, I am a Christian...
Protestants are opposed to...
...industrial city, with some magic mixed in..
...large Cathedral in the middle.

Protestant theme faith for ENTIRE server, which restricts vocabulary...
Technological buildings that require applications in secular science, plus the usage of magic
as well as Catholic central building design...

Logic = Flawed...
But it's your server, so w/e...