There have been mixed reports of some RP and some TE ores not spawning correctly and Issues with Irriduim. I personally can not confrim this as I do not use Mytscraft so if someone that is a regualar user would be nice enought to pipe in that would be great. I only know of the issue from spending way to much time on the forums here.
I can confirm that I get iridium ore, as well as copper, tin, tungsten, RP's tungsten, gems, diamonds, coconuts (and by coconuts, I mean bee hives), and pretty much everything in my MystCraft quarry age. Bauxite, too, which was why I made it to start with as such.
If you are going to start with a custom mining age, you can easy-mode it and make it a bright age with no weather, always day, and mushroom island biome. But that takes most of the fun out of mining, heh heh.