rhn's continued adventures: a build journal, guide collection etc.

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Allright, hope this works:
Monster world save:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0phrdkfsphysj1v/Monster 021014.rar?dl=0
(really don't know if you can bring this back to life btw. Certain things were acting mighty strange when I gave up on it)
Be sure to look up the thread where I explain which mods have been added/removed.

TPPI world save:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9k5k0sn3cktc92k/TPPI 240315.rar?dl=0
Config folder:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/7s3mbkstybflftc/TPPI config.rar?dl=0

Added mods:

Dimensional Anchors

I have not done anything specific to make it easier to find the base in the TPPI world. I have currently "frozen" the save as I am in the middle of moving it over to a server(going a bit slow as I have been sick and I am a complete newbie at it :p) so rather not mess around with having multiple versions of it floating around.

Excellent, thank you for taking the time to upload. I have only loaded up the Monster world so far and I'm particularly interested in how you've automated your TiCo smeltery and BC Lasers (although I think the Laser array that I saw was on your TPPI world!). I love your TC room as well; only wish I knew the fist thing about TC to warrant building my own room! There's so much stuff that you've built from a host of mods that I haven't even begun to learn and explore yet!

The Monster world is a touch laggy in the ship on my medium/high end system but certainly playable and enjoyable for me to have a bit of a tinker to see and learn how you've done certain things.

Thanks once again and looking forward to seeing further updates :)
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Excellent, thank you for taking the time to upload. I have only loaded up the Monster world so far and I'm particularly interested in how you've automated your TiCo smeltery and BC Lasers (although I think the Laser array that I saw was on your TPPI world!). I love your TC room as well; only wish I knew the fist thing about TC to warrant building my own room! There's so much stuff that you've built from a host of mods that I haven't even begun to learn and explore yet!

The Monster world is a touch laggy in the ship on my medium/high end system but certainly playable and enjoyable for me to have a bit of a tinker to see and learn how you've done certain things.

Thanks once again and looking forward to seeing further updates :)
Excellent, glad to hear it works. What became really bugged for me at the end was the Enhanced Portal 3 portals. But that mod was renowned for its bugs I think...(which was sad because its premise was AMAZING!, I loved the elevators etc.)

The BC laser setup is pretty much the same on both worlds(Liked it so much in monster that I build it again :P). Just a bit more evolved on the TPPI world.

Don't remember doing any TiCo Smeltery automation in Monster. Maybe some automated creation of mats for drawbridges from metals manually added to the smeltery. I did a better job at it in TPPI.
Way way back I talked about Lolmer's script for controlling BigReactor reactors:
Well I recently discovered that they have been significantly updated since I last had a look at them. I thought I would therefore point them out again.

Most of the content of the last post I did about it is still valid. Significant changes however are:
  • Works much the same with passive cooled reactors. Turns them on at 15% internal RF buffer and off at 85% internal buffer. It will dial in the control rods automatically to make the reactor run at a proper temperature range. This temperature range however have been changed from before. The script will now raise and lower control rods to bring the reactor to a temperature between 950 and 1400 (I am not sure I like this, but I assume this was made to give more "bang for your buck" in early reactors, as well as increase Cyanite production so you could move on to turbines faster. I might make a version for "late-game passive reactors with a somewhat lower temperature range" for better efficiency).
  • The script now works properly with actively cooled reactor(s). It will keep adjusting the control rods to balance the steam production. Seems to keep alternating the steam buffer full and dipping down to approx 80% now and then which keep the temperature from rising due to buffer being full. Add one Monitor(3x2) for each reactor connected plus one for overall stats.
  • Script also works with turbines now. Just hook up the turbine(s) like you normally do a reactor and choose RPM for the turbine(s) on each individual touch screen(900, 1,800, or 2,700). Add one Monitor(3x2) for each turbine connected.
  • The code now works with both <CC1.58 and 1.63 without changing anything in the code. If you are using a higher versions you will need to change a little bit in it(the section where it detects CC version looks if it is 1.58 or 1.63 and if none of those it assumes 1.58 or lower. Just just change this to higher for example). Higher CC versions are now supported.
All in all some really good changes. I urge everyone to go check it out at once:

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Most of my minecraft time have recently been going to setting up my newly purchased server and testing it out. I have moved my TPPI world over and was in that regard a bit cautions in starting any large builds before I was comfortable with the workings of the server. It is probably a bit overkill for my needs but I have set the server up with Cauldron and the McMyAdmin control panel. It gives me the ability to use Bukkit plugins as well as all kinds of features through the Mcma web interface like controlling backups and sleeping the server automatically when I am not on it.

So far everything seems to run just fine and in the mean time I have been pottering about with some small "beautification projects" and other minor details:


I wanted to start using this upper disc for enchanting and other things, but I wanted to tie it into the hillside jungle better first. So after a lot of work I am no closer to preparing the disc for use, but I now have a heli port and a lot of other interior that needs to be fixed up :P Also need to plant some trees and bushes back again. More on this later once the design have fully formed in my head :P


Playing around with more bees. While I am waiting for bees to breed I have been crafting and building more automated alvearies. Quite a bit of work involved and the crafting of the alvearies is slow(Carpenter making the panels). But it is fine, gives me time for other projects as well in the meantime.


I noticed that I had lost more animals to lightning strikes... So it was time to do something about it. Tried to build it in a style that matched the greenhouses on the opposite side a bit.


Made a walkway in the middle(above the conveyor taking baby animals to the slaughterhouse).

Also dabbled a bit with making a walkway in the top of the wall:

Have had this vague design in my mind since before I started the world, but it just don't seem to want to form. Tried several different solutions but this was the best. Not sure about it. Might change some colour schemes of the walls etc. later or something...
Never cannot be amazed by your builds:)
If you don't mind me asking, what are the specs on your server and did you buy it prebuilt or built it yourself?
Never cannot be amazed by your builds:)
If you don't mind me asking, what are the specs on your server and did you buy it prebuilt or built it yourself?
I ended up buying a prebuilt Lenovo Thinkserver TS140 (70A5000WEU). I estimated that it was not that much more expensive than anything equivalent that I could put together myself. It got a Intel Xeon E3-1245V3 / 3.4 GHz ( 3.8 GHz ) that would cost more than half the price of the whole thing were I to put it together myself.
I had some old RAM laying around already that I could upgrade it with. I am probably going to upgrade the old small SSD I have in my PC and then use the old SSD on the server. Then I will add a large conventional disk to serve as bulk storage for movies etc. and use the two smaller disks that came with the server in RAID 1 for backup of important stuff. That was probably the main reason why I bought a physical server and not just used a hosting service. This I can use for so much more: backup, media host, whatever :P
I think at this point I'd edit the date on my computer so I could play properly for the next day or so...
I remember an IC2 halloween prank that made quantum suit wearing zombies show up in your game. It didnt quite work and only made the game crash.
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I remember an IC2 halloween prank that made quantum suit wearing zombies show up in your game. It didnt quite work and only made the game crash.

aah yes, I remember that. I believe that was actually one of the first mod april fools pranks that were done in modded minecraft
Al right, since my buildings are no longer covered in troll faces it is time for an update(and I think it is going to be a long one!).

First the most significant thing that have happened is that the "main square" of the farm area have gotten a facelift and some new buildings:


This new building is the first stop for plant and animal waste to be recycled into biofuel. Here you see the offloading ramp where plant parts are dumped:

Plants are then brought inside and then macerated and processed:

Before the biomass is pumped into the fermentation tank.

Well in reality it is just a front for a row of Fermenters:

And a RC steel tank for the Biomass hidden in the large "fermentation tank":

Outside the stables I remembered that the horse update brought with it one good thing:

Hay! And since it is a Vanilla block, BC Facades actually work with it! So perfect solution to hide the ugly ME export bus' supplying the Breeders :p

While I was "in the neighbourhood" I did a bit to the slaughterhouse and surroundings:

Only really gave it some more interior room and gave it a large cargo gate and ramp for goods. Not actually done anything to the interior yet, not sure if I can be bothered atm. At least it looks pretty from the outside now.

Also quite satisfied with how these street lights turned out:

There is a Wrath Lamp hidden in the middle so it actually lights up the area. It is made up entirely of Tin block microblocks and PR Inverted Fixtures.

This next one is not exactly new but not sure I ever wrote about it(and it ties into the next part):

Made this large vehicle lift a while ago. It is meant to give access to the bee area for goods transport.

And goods transport is exactly what I spend some time on:

Made what is supposed to be a cargo container in the process of being filled with bee produce from the surrounding Alvearies and being brought up from the elevator(you might spot the OpenBlocks Elevators). If I ever get around to it, I had plans of using these containers around the base and making a larger storage area inside the bunker.
Also gave an attempt at this little vehicle for transporting the crates around the bee area. No comment on how it actually works :p


Taking the cargo elevator down(the one at the cargo container):

Wanted to make it look like crates are being moved around and brought up(and perhaps down).

Bit further in, a storage area:

Empty crates being filled/assembled/closed/whatever: :p

In the background you can just see the area with the Honey, seed oil and DNA tanks, Centrifuges, Squeezers, etc. that I showed earlier. I suppose the crates/drums get filled with stuff from there ;)

And as Bees goes I have been breeding a few while doing all this. Specifically the significant breakthroughs have been getting the Doctoral(+-3Temp Tol) which opens up for nether specific bees back at base in some of the many new Alvearies, the Withering which gives me a passive steady supply of wither skulls and just recently Draconic which supplies me with a renewable source of Dragon Eggs! Now just a few loose ends to tie up before I can produce Oblivion frames for much easier bee breeding!
I usually just stay hidden on the forums, but I must say, I've been following this thread for a long time. You are really creative, and I always look forward to your next post on what you've done. Keep up the good work!
God damn it Rhn stop making me feel bad about my building abilities you friggin' beast of a builder you. 10/10 Bloomin' marvelous stuff as always.
any tips on how to properly use those collapsible blocks from carpenter's blocks? I can never really get them to be the way I want them to
any tips on how to properly use those collapsible blocks from carpenter's blocks? I can never really get them to be the way I want them to
Not really. Except perhaps to plan it out that slopes etc. have to be divisible by roots of 15. There are 15 different height stages of the collapsible blocks, so I always make the slopes in steps of 3, 5 or 15. And then add one block to each end afterwards to smoothen the curve from the slope to the horizontal.
This is what have given me the best and most natural looking results.