rhn's continued adventures: a build journal, guide collection etc.

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Any hopes for a guide to micro blocks? You seem to be well versed with them :)

There are a total of 12 microblock types(based on the Forge Multipart mod):

These are: Slab, Panel, Cover, Pillar, Post, Strip, Notch, Corner, Nook, Hollow Slab, Hollow Panel and Hollow Cover.

Before we do anything I think it is important that we talk about how each are crafted. In order to do so you will need a Saw. Forge Multipart supplies 3 variants: Stone, Iron and Diamond Saw. The only difference is the durability, each saw will cut every kind of blocks. So if you are pressed for materials the stone saw will do fine.
The cutting of the microblocks is rather intuitive. Basically you place the saw in your crafting UI/crafting table and then a compatible block in the direction that you want it split. Like if you want a block split down the middle into Slabs, then you place the block below the saw so that it saws down through the block. Simple right? If not then I made this to show all the different options for cutting the microblocks:

Now what can we do with these microblocks? Well the blocks can be used like any other blocks and placed out in the world like normal. But one of the more special features is that they can actually be put back together again in the same blocks space(this might sound daft as we just cut them apart but it is actually really clever :p).

Take for example these columns:

As you can see the Post(left) is really skinny, the Pillar(middle) is also too thin. Then we are kinda out of options as the only other alternative is a full sized block. Well no because what happens when we apply a Post to a Pillar? We get the column to the right! You can add microblocks together like this based on the "math" of how they are cut. A Post is half a Pillar(see the cutting chart) and we therefore added that thickness.

Same thing applies to Slabs, Panels and Covers:

You can stack them with down to a Covers step like shown above. From left to right: Cover, Panel(cause Panel=2 Covers right?), Cover+Panel, Slab, Slab+Cover, Slab+Panel, Slab+Cover+Panel, Full Block.

You can also Combine materials in the same block:

Here I seemingly put a Cover "into" a Glass wall. But in reality I just build the glass up to full thickness minus one cover and then put the sandstone cover in. You can have different materials in the same block like this, but they cannot occupy the same space in the block, except for certain smaller parts like Cover corners etc.:

Here 3 covers meet and occupy the same block without problems. This can be really handy for situations when you have thin walls with different materials on either side of the wall.

Lastly Microblocks can be really handy for hiding things(at least in 1.6, doesn't work with new TD conduits etc.) like conduits and Project Red wires:

Notice how I applied a Cover to the bend of the Project Red Wire as well to change the cosmetic looks of it. More on the Project Red Wires and Logic Gates later.
Nice guide, with the cover on the ProjRed wire, will it stop powering devices (like pistons) next to it?
Nice guide, with the cover on the ProjRed wire, will it stop powering devices (like pistons) next to it?
Nope, it is purely cosmetic. If you want it to stop powering devices you should use the Insulated Wire(the different colour wool ones) which will not fully power surrounding blocks with redstone signals. But it might still connect to blocks it recognises and power those. This can be blocked by placing microblock covers against those blocks.
I will shortly put together another guide on this and more, currently just thinking it through which elements to include ;)
Nope, it is purely cosmetic. If you want it to stop powering devices you should use the Insulated Wire(the different colour wool ones) which will not fully power surrounding blocks with redstone signals. But it might still connect to blocks it recognises and power those. This can be blocked by placing microblock covers against those blocks.
I will shortly put together another guide on this and more, currently just thinking it through which elements to include ;)
I'm aware of those, I was just wondering if that's an easy way of doing it haha :b
I'm aware of those, I was just wondering if that's an easy way of doing it haha :b
Hehe nah sadly not. You will have to go through a lot of wool :P
Plus side is that the Framed wires when applied with covers make for some amazing cosmetic pipes for building stuff. And they are fairly cheap(beside the wool which you don't need a lot of just for cosmetic pipes, only for keeping them separate in junctions).
Hehe nah sadly not. You will have to go through a lot of wool :p
Plus side is that the Framed wires when applied with covers make for some amazing cosmetic pipes for building stuff. And they are fairly cheap(beside the wool which you don't need a lot of just for cosmetic pipes, only for keeping them separate in junctions).
Yeah as said I know this feature:b

For the actual guide, I think explaining the bundeled cable would be good, as I see quite a few people getting confused by what you can actually pull off of it.
Oh and gates... Explain some of those please, for example, I still don't know what the state cell is actually suppossed to do, I just use it to make the pulse of a button last a longer time xD
Yeah as said I know this feature:b

For the actual guide, I think explaining the bundeled cable would be good, as I see quite a few people getting confused by what you can actually pull off of it.
Oh and gates... Explain some of those please, for example, I still don't know what the state cell is actually suppossed to do, I just use it to make the pulse of a button last a longer time xD
Yeah I was planning on starting with the wires(both normal and framed) including the bundled cables.
As for the gates I am no whiz on them. I mostly just have some simpler builds and solutions that I have used earlier that I thought I would share. I really don't have that clear a grasp of many of the more advanced gates :P
I read about the State Cell but it didn't really even dawn on me that it could be used to lengthen pulses. But now you say it.

This might be just what we need. If people have some advanced or practical Logic Gate builds of their own they want to add, then maybe just PM them to me and I will add them to the guide when I get around to writing it.
The state cell is very useful like that. One output stays steady for the length of the time it's set to. The other functions like a timer, but only goes once instead of continually running like a timer. Which is very useful.

The one that I still don't fully understand is the comparator.
I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to aesthetic stuff, what blocks are you using as signs in your screen shots?
It is the "(Advanced) Industrial Information Panel" from Nuclear Control with a "Text Card".
The advanced version has a lot more options such as custom shapes, 3 card slots, various redstone modes(including not needing redstone signal), inbuilt colour gui etc. But it is also much more expensive.
I had derped a bit and bred a bunch of Austere bees and put them in Alvearies and automated them completely... back at my main base. Completely forgetting the fact that they are one of the few original Forestry species that have Speciality productions and require specific biomes to produce it... do-over!

I therefore set my sights for a desert biomes and from the top of the mountain of my base I could actually spot one(Ok I had actually explored it earlier and got it on my journeymap :p)! So time to pack some gear up for an expedition and set out:


Came upon an old decrepit border fortress and decided to set up camp:


Set up tents, patched the worst holes in the roof and started setting up what I had brought with me:


Quantum network bridge, IDSU, ME terminals, Tesseract etc. Just the bare necessities.

The climate proved suitable so I started to set up some Alvearies and a solar farm to power my equipment:

(Solars are actually Salination Plants hidden under the sand :p Decided to take advantage of the 2x Multiplier in the desert as I was getting a bit low on Brine)
Austere bees are in and producing Powdery Combs(Gunpowder) like they should. Automated insertion of frames based on stock of Gunpowder the usual way(but more visual this time):

Further expanded the camp a bit with some room for research and exploring the ruins:


Turned out there was some interesting writings in the old tunnel through the pass:


Will requisition a proper archaeology team now that camp is set up.

And just thought I would finish with a nighttime shot of the whole place :p

EDIT: Archaeologists came by with some new lamps and other gear, and started digging up the place:


Last edited:
Nice camp setup, I was thinking about something similar in my Regrowth world as it fits the theme perfectly. Thanks for the inspiration :)
Al right by popular demand I have fixed up a world save for those who might be interested:
World save June 29 2014
(let me know if the link don't work, never used this service before)
When compressed it comes down to 590MB.

The save is using Monster 1.1.1
Disabled mods:
  • Dyetrees
  • Mimicry
  • qCraft
Added mods:
  • GraviSuite 1.9.9a: Link
  • Redstone In Motion Link
  • GravityGun 2.0.0: Link
  • IC2 Recipe Fixer Mini mod: Link

Hi rhn,

I have been following this thread for the last couple of weeks and reading a page or two a day for a few weeks with amazement! I'm a bit of a FTB noob; I have been playing vanilla since just after full release but have only recently been introduced and embraced modded minecraft. Your building style is really cool and I have learned a bunch about some mods and the level of detailing you can go into.

As great as the thread and screenshots are, I'd love to have a wander round the two worlds you have created in this thread to see for myself what you've done where. Over 37 pages, there's been multiple occasions where I've seen a material or building block that I've liked the look of and really wanted to know what you used, or how you've got a particular machine to carry out a particular function. Lighting has always been a bit of an issue for me in minecraft too and I really like some of the creative solutions that you've used. Is there any chance that you could upload both of the worlds for download again as the previous link you provided is now dead?

Thank for all the inspiration and builds and looking forward to the continuation of this thread in the future.
Is there any chance that you could upload both of the worlds for download again as the previous link you provided is now dead?
Ehm yeah sure. Could anyone recommend a good place to upload the worlds to? Wasn't really that satisfied with that last one I found.
doesn't curseforge also allows map uploads? or can you only do themed maps such as Agrarian Skies and Crash Landing?
Allright, hope this works:
Monster world save:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0phrdkfsphysj1v/Monster 021014.rar?dl=0
(really don't know if you can bring this back to life btw. Certain things were acting mighty strange when I gave up on it)
Be sure to look up the thread where I explain which mods have been added/removed.

TPPI world save:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/9k5k0sn3cktc92k/TPPI 240315.rar?dl=0
Config folder:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/7s3mbkstybflftc/TPPI config.rar?dl=0

Added mods:

Dimensional Anchors

I have not done anything specific to make it easier to find the base in the TPPI world. I have currently "frozen" the save as I am in the middle of moving it over to a server(going a bit slow as I have been sick and I am a complete newbie at it :P) so rather not mess around with having multiple versions of it floating around.