Now I talked a little bit about this before, but I fear it is slightly a resource that is being overlooked: Forestry Backpacks.
They are IMO an amazing cheap way to extend your inventory with lots of cool features.
They are divided up in different categories that each hold different items. Notable backpacks are:
- Miners Backpack: Holds all kinds of valuable stuff that you mine, such as ore, gems, coal, redstone, glowstone etc. Generally everything you go mining to get.
- Diggers Backpack: Holds cobblestone, dirt, gravel, sand and all kinds of other things you excavate from the terrain. Typically all the less valuable stuff.
- Builders Backpack: Holds all kinds of processed building materials such as smooth Stone, Glass, Bricks, Planks, Fence, Torches, Chests etc.
- Hunters Backpack: Holds all kinds of drops from mobs like Arrows, Rotten Flesh, Ender Pearls, Wool, Raw meat etc.
A Diggers backpack:
Now you might be thinking: What is the main difference between these backpacks and any other bags except these are limited to what they can store? The huge difference is that these backpacks will automatically hoover up and store any items of their respective categories whenever you loot them. So if you are mining and brought a Diggers and a Miners backpack, then all the cobble, dirt and gravel is automatically sucked into the Diggers backpack, while all the ore, gems etc. is sucked into the Miners backpack! Neat isn't it?
But we are not done there. The backpacks have more cool features. When you shift+rightclick with the Backpack it will toggle through different modes:
- Locked mode: The backpack will not suck up any items and you can use it purely as a manual bag.
- Receiving Mode: If you shift+rightclick with the backpack in this mode on a chest or other inventory, it will attempt to fill itself with items from that inventory. This can be handy as shift+rightclicking an inventory in any other mode will empty the backpack out into the inventory(easy way to move large amounts of material from one place to another for example).
- Resupply mode: This mode will will fill up any stacks in the main inventory with items from the backpack. So if you are out building for example you can have one stack of material in the hotbar which is constantly refilled with the many stacks in your backpack(s). Or when mining you can have one stack of cobble in your hotbar ready to plug lava cave-ins while rest is sucked into your backpack.
Now the main drawback to the default Backpacks is that they only have 15 slots of space. Don't get me wrong, they are still immensely useful, but the upgraded versions are even more so with their 45 slots. But I think this is where most people jump ship as upgrading the backpacks require a little bit of beekeeping(Hang on, just beekeeping, no breeding required!).
Upgrading the backpacks is relatively simple. It might take some time but it can manage itself most of the way and the setup is quickly done. First thing you need is some Tropical bees. They are found in Jungle type biomes, usually in the trees:
Hit the hive with a Scoop(don't try to break it with a pick, you will not get any bees).
Next you will need an Apiary or several. You can craft them or get them from villagers/villages. Crafting them requires seedoil or creosote, but that is relatively simple to get hold of. Creosote can usually be found in mineshaft chests in bottles too.
Now you need to find a suitable biome. A jungle biome is obvious, but any biome that is Normal-Warm/Normal-Damp will do. You can put down a Apiary and look in the little tab on the right to see the biome stats.
Now to automate the Apiaries I prefer Itemducts(if you are on 1.7, I would suggest trying EnderIO conduits or just use BC pipes(wooden, diamond and whatever)).
Apply Servo to the input itemduct and configure like this:
(You can use any Princess and drone species to configure as long as they are not Analysed).
Now before you place the Tropical bees into the Apiaries, I need to warn you that they will sting you and cause poison effect. So if you do not have any protection against that, be sure to have some buckets of milk handy. This is also the reason why I placed the Produce chest so far from the Apiaries as I did, so it is possible to go collect the produce without getting stung.
Now just go do your regular stuff and eventually you will find a good amount of Silky Combs in the chest. These can then be put into a Centrifuge to make Silky Propolis which can be Centrifuged again to make Silk Wisps. The Silk Wisps can then be made into Woven silk in a Carpenter and then be used to upgrade your Forestry Backpacks!
Oh btw, once you have upgraded your Backpacks, the Silk wisps can be used as a source of string. And the Woven Silk can be used to make a suit to protect you against the poison effect of the bees