RFTools - Support and Suggestions

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Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
I'm preparing for a new rftools release. This version will have a lot more support for other mods (but I always welcome suggestions for more support). I'm also still lacking good ways to properly handle Big Reactors (doesn't seem to have a good API).

It would be nice if people could test this. i.e. I did not test the Draconic Evolution support as I'm not sure what release of DE has the API that was added for this purpose. I also would appreciate people to test the new ComputerCraft integration and it would be really great if people could try out the Recurrent Complex support as well.

This version also changes the config file structure for dimlets a lot. Deleting main.cfg is recommended.
Also the way the cost of material and liquid modifiers is calculated has changed considerably (tendrils + canyons will be more expensive, oregen and full terrain will be cheaper).

Changelog: https://github.com/McJty/RFTools/wiki/RFTools-Changelog
Dev build: https://drone.io/github.com/McJty/RFTools

As always make a backup before using this version! But I have been playing on my personal server with this version for the past few days so I *think* it is fairly stable.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a couple silly questions from your Endergenic Generator github wiki.

Your GitHub Wiki gives timings in ticks: you mean redstone ticks and not game ticks, right?
Charging mode is a 15-tick cycle: you did mean 15 times (0..14) and not something silly like 16 ticks (0..15)?
I suck at signals so I could use an interesting challenge!

I have also been carrying around two questions regarding dimensions:
Is there a way to recover random parameters: e.g. slow time when I don't have it?
Is there a way to recover the dimlets used for e.g. dimension 7?
My guess that both are no but one day?


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
I have a couple silly questions from your Endergenic Generator github wiki.

Your GitHub Wiki gives timings in ticks: you mean redstone ticks and not game ticks, right?
Charging mode is a 15-tick cycle: you did mean 15 times (0..14) and not something silly like 16 ticks (0..15)?
I suck at signals so I could use an interesting challenge!

I have also been carrying around two questions regarding dimensions:
Is there a way to recover random parameters: e.g. slow time when I don't have it?
Is there a way to recover the dimlets used for e.g. dimension 7?
My guess that both are no but one day?

I mean ticks as in 1/20 of a second.

I actually meant 0 to 15 but at tick 0 it has no charge at all so only 15 valid arrival moments.

What do you mean by recover? If you mean you want to change the dimension later to add 'slow time' then you can use the Dimension Editor to inject dimlets. Doesn't work for all dimlets but you can modify time, sky and all parameters that are not affecting worldgen. Note that the dimlets you inject this way are lost. They are consumed by the dimension.

Andyes, you can recover the dimlets used for a dimension. Just put the dimension tab back in the enscriber and press 'Extract'. Of course you will not be able to power that dimension so only do that if you don't want to use that dimension again (or perhaps uses it later if you reassemble the tab with the same dimlets).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for the reply!

I built a timer and that was in a mouse-over :D

I spent some time finding an answer but I haven't been able to test it: not being able to use a torch to negate your timer makes it more challenging. I also left MC running while I typed my questions and had left myself a dimension to explore so just your timer was causing serious lag...

What do you mean by recover?
Sorry for the terse dimension questions.

My first question was about what happens if the only dimlet you put into the enscriber was Terrain: Grid. RFTools seems to randomly pick a sky and also maybe slow the time down or speed the time up. I was wondering if you could pull the randomly generated dimlet from the realized dimension tab.

My second question was about the fact I've been exploring dimensions, recovering them in the enscriber and adding a dimlet I found then going exploring again. I've left quite a trail of dimensions that I mostly don't care about seeing again. I know I can get the dimension builder to reopen if I can remember the dimlets I enscribed to get there... I know you cannot recover that information from e.g. ID=7 unless you're storing that additional info somewhere...


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
Ah no, you can't recover dimlets out of random features.

I am actually storing the dimlets used for any dimension. You can do /rftdim info <number> which will give you the description string which is basically a string version of the dimlets you used.
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Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
Upcoming new feature:

This is very much Work In Progress so textures are not complete and rendering isn't 100% (the furnace doesn't correctly update) but this demonstrates an upcoming feature in RFTools. Namely the ability to remotely project rooms to other places and even other dimensions. If you're having many bases in many dimensions then with this device you will be able to project your main machine control room to those other dimensions so you don't have to hop over all the time. will require power of course.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry, but I got stuck of the Endergeneric Generator puzzle and could use some help...

What is the optimal catch time? Your wiki says 8th tick but in-game manual says 10th.
I believe that a pulse while Endergeneric Generator is holding will throw the pearl.
After that does it go to charging or is it idle and requires another pulse?

the ability to remotely project rooms to other places and even other dimensions

This is very clever! It means you should be able to centralize your AE systems. Will it also be able to handle items, redstone, energy and liquids?


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
Sorry, but I got stuck of the Endergeneric Generator puzzle and could use some help...

What is the optimal catch time? Your wiki says 8th tick but in-game manual says 10th.
I believe that a pulse while Endergeneric Generator is holding will throw the pearl.
After that does it go to charging or is it idle and requires another pulse?

This is very clever! It means you should be able to centralize your AE systems. Will it also be able to handle items, redstone, energy and liquids?

The wiki is wrong. I will update it now. It is actually 10.

I will try to implement as much as I can in that projection. Not sure how far I can let it go :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think you missed my most important question: A pulse to a holding gen will throw the pearl but does it go to charging or is it idle and requires another pulse?
Thanks for confirming10!

I also had a fun thought regarding your demo: that is a nice multi-base. Shame if something were to blow one up... You've got to wonder :D


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
I think you missed my most important question: A pulse to a holding gen will throw the pearl but does it go to charging or is it idle and requires another pulse?
Thanks for confirming10!

I also had a fun thought regarding your demo: that is a nice multi-base. Shame if something were to blow one up... You've got to wonder :D

It goes to idle so you need another pulse to get it back to charging again.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Namely the ability to remotely project rooms to other places and even other dimensions.

Are you going to project block interactions?

I'm specifically thinking of "I have a mystcraft portal over there, and I'm going to pretend it is here". Or, "I'll break that crystal block and break the portal" / "I'll remove that book and change where the portal goes".

Or, "I'll connect this machine to that rotarycraft shaft". As in, "That reactor is in another dimension so if it explodes, nothing happens, but the shaft power is safely transferred".

Or, substitute "another distant location in this dimension", or "two dimensions without the exact x/y/z mapping through linked portals that rotarycraft requires".

Or ... can the same remote projection be mapped to many different receiving locations?

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Are you going to project block interactions?

I'm specifically thinking of "I have a mystcraft portal over there, and I'm going to pretend it is here". Or, "I'll break that crystal block and break the portal" / "I'll remove that book and change where the portal goes".

Or, "I'll connect this machine to that rotarycraft shaft". As in, "That reactor is in another dimension so if it explodes, nothing happens, but the shaft power is safely transferred".

Or, substitute "another distant location in this dimension", or "two dimensions without the exact x/y/z mapping through linked portals that rotarycraft requires".

Or ... can the same remote projection be mapped to many different receiving locations?
Just throwing this out there, ChromatiCraft's World Rifts let you connect two locations in any dimensions, even the same dimension, regardless of the coordinates. They work with items, fluids, redstone, shaft power, probably ElectriCraft power, probably a few other things that I'm forgetting...


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
Are you going to project block interactions?

I'm specifically thinking of "I have a mystcraft portal over there, and I'm going to pretend it is here". Or, "I'll break that crystal block and break the portal" / "I'll remove that book and change where the portal goes".

Or, "I'll connect this machine to that rotarycraft shaft". As in, "That reactor is in another dimension so if it explodes, nothing happens, but the shaft power is safely transferred".

Or, substitute "another distant location in this dimension", or "two dimensions without the exact x/y/z mapping through linked portals that rotarycraft requires".

Or ... can the same remote projection be mapped to many different receiving locations?

At this moment the only thing that is planned is to interact with the user interface of blocks. i.e. the right mouse button action. I don't yet know how far I will bring this feature. Still working on the technical details atm. Having some trouble projecting FMP stuff which is needed to properly project an AE terminal for example.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just saw an EG do something really weird: self tossing? It took longer than it should but I discovered it would help simplify things if I turned B off and only watch A. I was expecting the injector launch from B to A then A catches it and throws it. When B holds it after a tick it loses power it doesn't have and kills the pearl.

B chances was 0 but A chances was 7!

They're linked and when I turn B on it has chances. I set up a lab in Infinity so I'm using rftools2.71. I am somewhat disappointed by MFR's RedNet historian because I was expecting a color graph but it can only handle a single signal. Am I missing something?

I almost had a way to control it: a three input AND. One lets you turn the whole thing on and off with a lever. If you OR ender monitor lost pearls and feed that to a sequencer with once2 and P (my timer's period and the signal) 1s then one branch stays open for exactly one cycle after a pearl is lost. The third is a delay sequencer that delays the timer to where it should optimally fire and constantly repeats... Sadly AND only works for signals that last a double tick.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
@McJty what would the feasibility of dimension-timespans be? Basically the ability to make dimensions "unstable" in that they can only operate for X amount of time before they essentially disintegrate (either become inaccessible, or otherwise unusable by virtue of horrible effects and/or voiding and/or environmental horrors)

I'm thinking of harder-core implications for the mod where trying to balance the building- and running-cost of a dimension against its "OP-factor" (ie, a yellorium world for instance), and I'm thinking that if all "fuel" worlds could theoretically be made "unstable", this would make balancing considerably easier.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
@EchoingZen offers this possible alternative:
A cumulative RF cost would be neat. Eventually you wouldn't be able to maintain most worlds.
In the context of "power" worlds, if certain worlds became progressively more expensive over time (due to being Unstable or whatever) this would have a similarly beneficial balancing effect.


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
@McJty what would the feasibility of dimension-timespans be? Basically the ability to make dimensions "unstable" in that they can only operate for X amount of time before they essentially disintegrate (either become inaccessible, or otherwise unusable by virtue of horrible effects and/or voiding and/or environmental horrors)

I'm thinking of harder-core implications for the mod where trying to balance the building- and running-cost of a dimension against its "OP-factor" (ie, a yellorium world for instance), and I'm thinking that if all "fuel" worlds could theoretically be made "unstable", this would make balancing considerably easier.

Yes, this is not the first time this has been brought up. As such it wouldn't be extremely hard to implement so this sounds like a possible 'hardcore' mode.

Another thing that I'm trying to look into right now is to see if I can actually make machines stop (i.e. reverse time torch or similar) in a dimension that has no power. Some people are now abusing powerless machines by putting quarries in them and so on.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Another thing that I'm trying to look into right now is to see if I can actually make machines stop (i.e. reverse time torch or similar) in a dimension that has no power. Some people are now abusing powerless machines by putting quarries in them and so on.
I didn't think of that :\

I think you have the right idea. My first thought is similar to time-torches, ie play with the ticking. You could probably prevent any machines on your shitlist (ie from a unpowered dimension) from ticking at all. Minus your RFTools dimension-critical blocks of course, if any of those have tick events.


Mod Developer
May 13, 2014
Well. The problem is that I don't know how time torches are actually implemented but I have a nagging feeling that they work by calling updateEntity() multiple additional times (additional to what Minecraft already does). If that's the case then it will not be useful for me as they don't actually influence the MC ticks that happen anyway.

But I'm looking into MC code right now to see if there is anywhere that I can intervene.