But nukes are a great terraforming tool (if you use them properly), and they are too expensive to be used by grifers (a griefer will not spend the time to make a nuke if he's on the serv to grief). Nuclear reactors are a great power source and to blow up them, it's more costly than a nuke (no interessting military uses possible). The warded crap is made to be indestructible, or it's useless. And budge can remove it if it have been placed to grief (And reseearch+craft it is as long as the nuke). And i've never heard about that chicken feather, but it looks awesome. I want one. Crash all the worlds !
Long long time ago (4 weeks) in a server, there was this guy.. with the power of nuclear reactors he made the city radioactive

the block were still intact, but radioactivity.. RADIOACTIVITY FOR CHRISTMAS SAKE! Besides, nukes aren't that expensive, in 5 or 6 hours of gameplay you can get them :/
And the warded crap being indestructible is just not right, its really cheap, (investigation is fast enough, 1 or 2 hours) and you can trap anyone anywhere, and if there is no admin connected, you're screwed. (I once trapped a friend in warded crap..He stayed there for an hour

And nukes sometimes override ownership because of the way they work, or at least, that's what i was told.. It seems that it works like worldedit or something like that, it doesn't "explode", just simulates it while destroying a sphere without physics so it doesn't lag that much... So that..
And it's featherZ, the Z is important, it's what gives it 'da pawerz of destruction