Whitelist Server RedstoneCraft|MindCrack V8.01|Whitelisted|24/7|Mumble

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Age: 26
Experience with the mods:I love ic2
Would you say you are a mature person? i like to think that i am
Have you ever been banned from a server? No i have not
IGN: Liquerpig
Age: 22​
Experience: Played alot of Tekkit, switched to FTB when it came out.​
Favorite mod: IC2​
Mature: Yes​
Banned: No​
IGN: dino9599​
Age: 17
Experience with the mods:Favorite mods would have to be IC2, Buildcraft, and EE3 due to me constantly playing technic pack with friends and random people for fun.
Would you say you are a mature person? Yes
Have you ever been banned from a server? Never
IGN: givhan54
Age: 19
Experience: Industrial craft, build craft, integrated redstone, and forestry are the main mods I dabble with and the ones I have the most experience with I also know rail craft but i don't like it as much
would you say you are a mature person? yes
IGN: wuttehchuz
Age: 13
Experience with the mods: Industrialcraft, Thaumcraft 3, Buildcraft, Redpower, Forestry. In order from most experience with to least experience with. I played a lot of Tekkit, so I know some stuff about the mods from that.
Would you say you are a mature person? Yes, but sometimes I can be a little odd when I am not serious.
Have you ever been banned from a server? No.
IGN: Bomber57
Age: 23
Experience with the mods: No mod experience:)
Would you say you are a mature person? Yes
Have you ever been banned from a server? No
IGN: Faroth
I want to join because i want to learn the FTB and i like playing on a server way more the just SP.
Age : 15 (keep reading if my age deters my whitelist)
Experience with mods : IndustrialCraft, basic Thermal Expansion, basic ComputerCraft, basic PortalGuns, basic Forestry, RedPower, Buildcraft, basic RailCraft, IronChests, EnderStorage, basic XL Biomes (yeah, I know my biomes), I am currently perfecting ComputerCraft and Forestry. I hope to learn GregTech soon as well. My experience with most mods is intermediate, but with IndustrialCraft, Buildcraft, and RedPower, I would consider myself to be pretty good with. I am not too good at ThaumCraft, Factorization, or Gregtech.

Would you say you are a mature person? I would say I am pretty mature, I've been grieved and scammed before so I know why I shouldn't do it. This is why I want to be on a whitelisted server and this one seems really good. You've whitelisted a lot of older people with mature applications, and I hope to be one of them. You may be worried about my age, and if you are, I suggest a trial-period. If I show that I can handle being with the older guys, then make my whitelist official. If I prove not to be mature enough, then you may remove me from the whitelist. Also, I am going to turn 16 in less than two weeks if that helps my application. I have also modded on other servers and maintain an active presence on server forums I don't even play on anymore.
Have you ever been banned from a server? I am going to be honest and say that I have been banned from one server. I just found out about the site MCBans today, and I realized that I got banned from a server called ObsidianCraft. This was back in May of last year, I can honestly say I've never seen it before and I don't remember going on this server in which I was supposedly "griefing wood". I don't want to toss the blame on someone, but it could have been because I was part of it's rival server (LC) and I played there. It could have also been a family member (my little brother, specifically), or it just could have been me. I honestly don't remember. http://mcbans.com/player/jumpfight5

IGN: jumpfight5
(I plan to get another friend into FTB, and he will be posting here after our midterms (which are in a few weeks...during my birthday).

I also have a question. Exactly which items are banned? If ComputerCraft turtles are banned, I will probably not play on this server. If Nukes, TnT and/or Dynamite are banned, I'll still play, because I'm not going to use those items.

Its abit old, but Whitelisted. +1 for writing an essay. Rp2 Canvas bags are banned, for duping.
Age: I am 13 turning 14 in 2 months.
Experience with the mods: I mostly play with the mods that have machines in them, I am hoping that I will soon move away from those mods, because at times they bore me. I sometimes use CC and I hope to learn how to make my own programs. I have not played with the Mindcrack FTB that much, I used to played the FTB beta pack (before the FTB Mindcrack came out) for around 1 month. Before I found about FTB I played Tekkit for around 4 months. My favourite mod is probably IC2
Would you say you are a mature person? Yes when being mature is needed, if people are joking around I will not ruin their fun by being serious.
Have you ever been banned from a server? Yes, only for around 1 hour though.
IGN: WizzFizz123
Whitelisted! Have fun!
Experience: Loved Ftb From When I Watched Ethos lets play Its So Cool
Am I Mature: I'm Very shy But I'm mature
banned: got banned once for going on the server when I wasn't allowed and I didn't know they were fixing the spawn
IGN: Poarses[DOUBLEPOST=1358650137][/DOUBLEPOST]Age:25
Experience: Loved Ftb From When I Watched Ethos lets play Its So Cool
Am I Mature: I'm Very shy But I'm mature
banned: got banned once for going on the server when I wasn't allowed and I didn't know they were fixing the spawn
IGN: UndeadZieno[DOUBLEPOST=1358650172][/DOUBLEPOST]no poarses undeadzieno
Age: 22
Experience with the mods: I like machines and all the new ores they are all cool
Would you say you are a mature person? I was griefed on another server before but I know I wont grief people because it wont be fair for the other on
Have you ever been banned from a server? I got ban once on a server because I didn't know I was suppose to be in the server because they where fixing it but I got unbanned after
IGN: UndeadZieno[DOUBLEPOST=1358650643][/DOUBLEPOST]sorry im really 22 years old made a mistake

Age: 15
Experience with the mods:I'm new to FTB but I have played Tekkit a lot! I love industrial craft, buildcraft and forestry.
Would you say you are a mature person? Yes, very.
Have you ever been banned from a server? I have had minecraft for around 2 years, so of course I have been banned. But nothing that I can remember and so few times compared to the number of servers I have played on. I don't grief or anything to ruin the game for others.
IGN: Joeztoothbrush
Age: 26
Experience with the mods:
I'm still figuring out a good few things, but my google-fu is strong and for the things I can't figure out myself I tend to ask around. As far as favourite mods go, I'd say BuildCraft, though a close call with ComputerCraft since it allows me to nerd out quite hard in game by programming and the like.
Would you say you are a mature person? I'm a student of Social Work working on his bachelor. My future job pretty much requires me to be mature, I like to think that I am. On top of that I'm a pretty social guy, so working together with others shouldn't be a problem at all.
Have you ever been banned from a server?
Age: 17
Experience with the mods: i have been on a few mindcrack servers, but they all canceled
Would you say you are a mature person? i would think so, other people have said i am
Have you ever been banned from a server? once for using an enderpearl, it was banned, but throwing it was an accident
IGN: yellownarwhalrus
Age:16 i know you said 17 but i am looking for a server that doesn't have griefers I've been on a few server and I've quit them all due do stolen items or people just destroying my builds.
Experience with the mods:I played a bit of tekkit before FTB but i am learning fast
Would you say you are a mature person: I would hope i am people have said i am quite mature for my age but i cant blame you if you don't just take my word on that.
Have you ever been banned from a server: No i have not
age: 14

I have played ftb ever since it came out and i have played tekkit before it. I have expierience with all the mods but thaumcrafft and industrialcraft are my favorite

I would say at most times im mature unless someone kills me and steals all my stuff

No I have nnot been banned from a server

Age: 14 years of age. 29th of March 1998. Will be 15 soon.
Experience with the mods: Mostly Thermal Expansion, Red Power 2 and Industrial Craft 2, but also beginning to like Steve's Carts and Forestry a lot.
Would you say you are a mature person? I, myself, wouldn't say I'm mature but most people that meet me tell me I'm pretty mature for a 14 year old.
Have you ever been banned from a server? Nope, at least not that I know of.
IGN: Sur_Dylan (Might change soon)
Age: 26
Experience with the mods:
I'm still figuring out a good few things, but my google-fu is strong and for the things I can't figure out myself I tend to ask around. As far as favourite mods go, I'd say BuildCraft, though a close call with ComputerCraft since it allows me to nerd out quite hard in game by programming and the like.
Would you say you are a mature person? I'm a student of Social Work working on his bachelor. My future job pretty much requires me to be mature, I like to think that I am. On top of that I'm a pretty social guy, so working together with others shouldn't be a problem at all.
Have you ever been banned from a server?
Whitelisted., I used your ftb forum username as you seem to have forgotten your ign.
Age: 25
Experience with the mods: I have been playing the Feed the Beast Alpha since mid-november, so I've been playing a fair amount here and there, learning all of the various systems and such. So far my favorite mod would have to be Thermal Expansion, due to how it enables buildcraft infrastructure that works pretty well, with power, ore processing, and liquid transport for all of them. Though I am slowly starting to experiment with the Gregtech machines, which look like they could be interesting upper tier machines.
Would you say you are a mature person? I am mature, my mind has mostly undergone all the necessary changes that occur with older age to become more of a stable personality. I'm not the kind that likes causing conflict in general, so you won't get any racial remarks or other forms of immaturity out of me. I'll have to be careful not to go through the no spamming rule, as I can have a tendency to produce walls of text if I am not careful.
Have you ever been banned from a server? No, I have not been banned from any server, but it would be more accurate to say I haven't really played SMP much in general, especially not modded SMP. I have played a bit on a friends server, but that was mostly me playing SSP with the occasional person logging in and doing their own thing.
IGN: jdgbolt