Pizza 'cupcakes'? 'Holiday' ham? 'Italian' beef? Crawfish?
Well good grief it makes one glad to be british when seeing the amount of outright cheek in this time of traditional turkey. Just because you decided to create a party day for celebrating stealing land from Indians doesn't give you the right to shun turkey.
(yes I'm trolling bad

Have a good christmas, my thanks to those who could afford to donate to Eloraam, I would if I could.
Personally I think the release date will be on christmas day (only my opinion) as this would be good news to those hardcore enough to be online that day, and lower the download strain as people come back to the web over boxing day and possibly even to new years. (that is supposing Eloraam finished updating in the next day or 2/3, not expecting to see her typing on the eve of EATING TURKEY! lol)