RedPower news, and thaumcraft

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What's he like! lol :D If (and I'm sprinkling the salt liberally here, having heard this tune plenty of times before) RP2 is released this weekend, you'll have my vote if any of you decide to stand for parliment/president/evil criminal mastermind bent on world domination.
So, you would vote for someone to be a evil criminal mastermind bent on world domination? I didn't know you could vote on those.

As far as a mixed drink to be named Redpower2, I think it is a shame no one has considered Grenadine. In fact, Vodka, Grenadine, and maybe some Hot Damn (cinnamon liquour) would do well.
I'm still waiting for someone to get the absinthe thing.
Was that something we were supposed to "get"? I think it's well known Elo likes absinthe.

Anyways, if I ever run for evil world dictator, I'll be sure to make a post here to let you know.
All joking and trolling aside. I think there really is a hidden message in there. And that being that there is a good chance that Elo has the probs fixed and they just need a few more weeks to test it and make sure. So maybe we just might get all we want in, around or even on the 21st.

Many people have said it already "Better to hold off and fix the bugs then to release and listen to us bitch about bugs that was not fixed"

I say Damn Good Troll Slowpoke. Damn Good Troll.
Eh, 21 is a bad date imo, might as well not release at all, considering:
Mojang said:
we* suddenly decided we wanted to make sure that you have fireworks for New Year’s Eve, so we’re working in several parallel branches of the code now. One is for the 1.5 “Redstone Update,” and one is now for a 1.4.6 patch update. This update will be out before Christmas

Might as well wait for all that to blow over and ... you know... keep at it for another month.
Eh, 21 is a bad date imo, might as well not release at all, considering:


Might as well wait for all that to blow over and ... you know... keep at it for another month.

Oh noes. don't go there. If the 1.4.5 version of RP2 is almost done, and we have most if not all of the other mod's good to go at 1.4.5, then the FTB pack makers can make a 1.4.5 pack regardless of what mojang does. I played 1.2.5 for over a month past it's expiry date just because i didn't wanna play without redpower. I cried when I lost that JAR file and couldn't get it back. I stoped playing entirely until the FTB pack came out. It's possible to revert to earlier versions now thankfully.
Was that something we were supposed to "get"? I think it's well known Elo likes absinthe.
And here I was thinking it was buried in 2000 pages of mc forum thread and no one new. :(
It may be a little solypsist but I believe the cheeky vimto is a good contender for the redpower drink of choice. you start with ruby port (there's the 'red' and the 'power' but anyway) you add something nikolite coloured (blue WKD), and job done. It's simple, it's amazing, it tastes like the child friendly version but knocks your socks off in comparison. Do those attributes sound parallel to anything?

Unfortunately I just realised something quite depressing, if RP2b6 was released for 1.4.5 I still wouldn't be set to play as there's not a public release of IC2 yet on 1.4.5 :confused:

Yes I can't use the FTB pack as the amount of mods kills my struggling FPS, so I make my own stripped version. XtraBiomesXL is a big culprit of lag, as are buildcrafts pipes.
In case you are wondering, I'm hoping to get away with:
Thaumcraft 3, RP2, IC2, Advanced Machines, Compact Solars, Mystcraft, Thermal Expansion. (NEI, Rei's minimap, Optifine, Inv Tweaks for clientside)

Does anyone else use a personal mix due to CPU issues?
Unfortunately I just realised something quite depressing, if RP2b6 was released for 1.4.5 I still wouldn't be set to play as there's not a public release of IC2 yet on 1.4.5 :confused:
To be fair, there is also not a version available for 1.4.2, we're on the open beta. There'd probably be a similar situation for the new version.
So, you would vote for someone to be a evil criminal mastermind bent on world domination? I didn't know you could vote on those.
I would if it brought RP2's release date forward chef. And I doubt they'd word it exactly like that. They'd probably go along the lines of 'a new world order' (and, for the record, up yours Bush and Bush jnr)
A FTB Red Power Alpha Pack would be nice.

We'd get to take a look.
They could ignore bug complaints since it would be designated as an alpha.
More people looking at it, some might find unknown bugs and be able to write a bug report with reliable steps to reproduce.
We'd get to take a look.
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A FTB Red Power Alpha Pack would be nice.

We'd get to take a look.
They could ignore bug complaints since it would be designated as an alpha.
More people looking at it, some might find unknown bugs and be able to write a bug report with reliable steps to reproduce.
We'd get to take a look.
There have been many people wanting alpha versions of RP2 since it was labelled as "updating". However, Eloraam is notorious for being very private, and only wish to allow public acces when it's actually ready.

The disadvantage of this is that you have to wait until it's ready.

The advantage is that, when it's here, it's typically one of the most reliable (despite it's complexity) mods available.
I'm just curious what kind of bug(s) Eloraam is trying to stomp out. I'm also curious if she's keeping RedPower2 in a modular setup.

It seems to me that most people want RedPower2 released so they can start up their worlds & servers. Not necessarily because they can't live without RedPower2, but because they want their worlds/servers to include the world-gen that comes with RedPower2. I'm in the same boat. I've been watching a few different Lets Play series, and I really like the way she's fixed the volcanoes. They seem to be more reliably volcano shaped, instead of sprawling blobs of basalt. I'm holding off on creating any serious builds until RedPower2 is released because I really want my main base to be either near or inside of one of her volcanoes.

Back to my original point of being curious about the nature of the bug(s), and structure of the mod as a whole...I'm curious why the option to release/download only the RedPower2 World module hasn't been floated around. I'm curious as to whether the bug(s) include the world-gen, or if it's just a personal choice of Elo's to not release only part of the mod (maybe she doesn't want to be teased/picked on by DireWolf20 for "cluttering" up everyone's inventories with "useless" world-gen).

I would think that releasing the World module would allow the creation of worlds and the gathering of resources, while the bugs are being squashed, without causing any problems down the road, when the rest of the modules are added to the pack.

This is what it seems that Xycraft is doing, and I like it. Sure, I'll have chests full of seemingly useless clutter now, but when the rest of the mod is ready to use, I'll be ready and waiting with everything I need to get started...without having to travel to unexplored areas, or creating a new age.

P.S. - Please don't take this post as whining, or begging for a release NOW. If there is a reason (ANY reason...even just Eloraam saying "No") that the World module isn't being release before the rest of RedPower2, I'm fine with that. I just thought I'd toss out the idea as a suggestion in case it hadn't been considered. I'm sure it has, but I haven't seen any mention of it so far.
@Zahfelade: I think it was floated at one time, and it was explained that it's actually not modular.

From a coding standpoint, 'modular' is not always better. Branching off a section of code into it's own thing now means you have to build two seperate sources every single time you test, and it becomes significantly harder to find/remove bugs between the two. While removing world gen to it's own mod would become 'nice' for us, possibly removing the gen from the mod could in itself take a very long time.

More likely, as it is all one mod, it's probably worked on in stages, World Gen was likely the first part worked on and completed so it could be thoroughly tested bug-free by just normal testing. Azanor appears to follow much the same pattern, working on his world gen first and then everything else after.

Note: I do not have verification of above, it just makes sense to me as a programmer.
well, RP2 is modular. Each of the different modules can be installed in different combinations (all of them need core installed though, and IIRC machines and control won't work if world isn't installed, due to the lack of worldgen for nikkolite and silver) so though it's not entirely modular, worldgen is a seperate component than anything else.

now, if the bug is in world or core then there's no way to release worldgen anyways. Either way, Elo has decided not to release yet, so I guess we have to suffer through the agony of a distinct lack of redpower awesomeness.
I think that the major point I remember reading (possibly from Elo's EAQ) was that it is kinda modular, with a common base (RedPower-Core). The major issue is that, if the bug turns out to be in that (if it's a major bug, it's a quite likely thing), then the module you have (world) wouldn't be correct anymore.

With respect to the alpha release thing, my standard response is "pipe down". Elo has decided that it will be released when it's ready, and that is her right as the creator and (I believe) sole developer of RedPower. The mod is, technically, her property, which she shares wil us out of the goodness of her heart, because of the donations, because the sky is blue, or some other reason known only to her. It is not required, and there is no right of access.

If you are genuinely curious as to the nature of the bugs, and the methods, I would direct you towards the redpower IRC channel, where questions will be asked and answers will be given, depending on the information available, and what she feels like saying.

The desire of server managers or players for aspects of any mod before it's released to the public is of little consequence. There is no contract, agreement, compulsion or duty requiring any mod author to release a scrap of code at all. Any sense of such is a flaw in understanding, and a holdover from the current entitlement culture (I'll hold my hand up to it myself, on occasion).

As to the curiosity aspect of everything, there's little more that I can say other than she is very secretive and private, which just makes people more curious. Doesn't get answers, just get's the desire for them. I admire the resolve, to tell the truth.

EDIT: Read it back, and it comes of as slightly angry/agressive. Wasn't my intention, I was just trying to restate the points made previously (people have short attention spans/memories, I know I do ... Oooh, kitty!).
The major bugs were in core, which world depends on, so she couldn't have just released world.
Been waiting forever for this to be released to start my server back up... should just code something to do the world gen so we don't have to re-roll or wait. Eloraam takes forever. While I really appreciate redpower mod, it is my favorite, not sure I could leave my mod fans hanging like this. Been nearly 3 months since 1.4 was released now?