Redpower Lags Client

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We've had this server up almost a month now, Playing MindCrack updating as it comes out.
Running on a decent box in a data center in kansas, this box is more than capable.

Ok that's out of the way. {TL;DR At bottom}

So my friend an i always build together and whatnot. So early game we go scouting for a new base find a nice autumn woods biome and setup. No lag so far, Good deal.
Clear the trees out, setup a base. Start making some MJ (low pressure boiler + charcoal from steve's carts tree farm). No lag yet, Good deal !
Here's when it started to go downhill, About the end of week 1 we decide that now we have a wheat farm and a tree farm we should get some biomass -> biogas production setup. So far so good, kinda.

We setup 2 automatic fermenters, Saplings / Mulch in -> Mass out.
Also setup 2-3 stills to crank out the biogas and pump it into an iron tank from railcraft.
A lot of redpower tubes and sorting machines wires and what-not laying all about.
The next day or so we notice that our base went from about 90fps down to a crappy 30
We kept along since it's not a too bad but it's very noticeable , Even to this day !

So i went on the server took a copy of the world file and downloaded it to my local drive as did another friend of mine, we did all kinds of things to try and fix it (Still lags in single player)
I even went as far as to nuke our base destroying everything, not just red power and the lag was still there.
So how do i know it's redpower ? I started disabling mods one by one, Took about an hour... One.. by.. one.
I tried keeping all the core mods like redpower buildcraft ic2 steve's carts thermal expansion till last

So then i got down to redpower, Hit the disable button. NIGHT AND DAY ! No longer did our house lag.
I propse the question to this forum, What the hell can red power do that isn't a block but lags our base ?
Anytime people come visit our house the complain about the lag, We spend more and more time in mystcraft worlds because of the house lag.

Well i think i've been pretty through, Anyone have any ideas of what is going on !?
I'd upload the map but it's in the gig's now, best i can do is whitelist someone who might have an idea or wants to see the lag for themselves

TL;DR Redpower lags everyones client in our house, It's redpower because i disabled mods one by one and the lag stopped after redpower was disabled.
Any low count timer will induce lots of lag (and bandwidth if it's an issue to you). We also found on our server excessive use of microblocks cause a lot of lag. Other people have complained that the tubes cause lag but I haven't noticed it on our server.

I've never heard of wires or machines (other than timer interaction) causing any lag. An easy way to reduce lag is to remove any redundant tube circuits and have higher timers that drag out multiples at a time. We never go below 1 second on our server and will continue to optimize till it's 10 second+. a 0.2 causes most people on our server to dc repeatedly and wrack up our admins bandwidth limit :P
Yea i think any timers we have are set to about 5 seconds and the other one is up to 5 minutes
The short timers are for retrivers (we have like 2) and the 5 minute one is for our auxillary power supply
Hit that button for a 5 minute burst of POWA !

Let's see uh microblocks ? yea we had a feeling it might be microblocks as well

But that's why this is so upsetting... I nuked the whole base, leaving NO timers. NO micro blocks. Still got lag in this area
It wasn't until i disabled redpower that i had the lag relieved
It was the last out of like 70 mods i disabled some of which helped recover 3-8 fps but nowhere near the original 90-120 i had when we first came here.

*EDIT* I take that back we have only the 1, 5 minutes timer (Checked after posting). We upgraded to sorting machines as we needed certain things in specific places
I am not entirely sure then, short of redpower checking for things even after they were blown up. Removing any redpower lag inducing things was an immediate fix for my server (Without disabling the addon)
There is an issue with Relays, not sure about the specifics but something about forcing excessive chunk data being transmitted.

I've noticed in my single player home that I have some lag at my house, which also appeared as my sorting system was installed. It's still playable at the moment, but I have noticed that chunk loading is even slower when I first load up.

I may try ripping out the relays, but I built the system to take a lot of backlog/overflow, so would be a shame to loose all that.
the problem is very persistant, we've used relays and more timers in other dimensions
other homes have the same setup or similar to what we have except for the amount of microblocks
Now that i think about it some guy used cut wool (carpet) ALL over his house and it doesn't lag at all

The only option we have is to move our... well i'm calling it a mansion because of how many machines, gregtech, redpower machines, thermal expansion and even the house is all mansion size.

It might take a couple days but if we get more lag we'll be on high alert for what causes it this time since it became such a big issue
i took down all our timers, we haven't moved yet but maybe when we dig up all our relays the lag will stop and we won't have to move
Timers and redwire cause lag in 2 ways- constant block/visual updates for each tick, and lighting updates from flashing wires/logic gates.

Try lowering the timer count, and placing it on a piece of glowstone, connecting with insulated wire.
For some reason- Timer+Filter to pull out of an inventory is excessively bad with this.​
Perhaps then future updates of RP2 should include a config option to disable lighting from RP2 items? I didn't think that the normal wire actually produced light, it just changed texture to simulate a signal?
Timers and redwire cause lag in 2 ways- constant block/visual updates for each tick, and lighting updates from flashing wires/logic gates.

I use a mod, light level overlay, and see absolutely no difference in light levels even in a completely dark room coming from things like filters, etc.

But the block updates are the real culprits. Every time a relay, filter, transposer, etc processes it sends *two* block updates to do the animation. Get a base full of these, or even less than a base, and minecraft starts re-sending the entire chunk instead of individual updates. The chunk can get resent as much as each tick in a worst case situation.

That is redpower caused lag. The only solution is to not use it, or to not be where that chunk is visible. It can be loaded with a chunk loader and operate, but since it's not updating your client you're still good. This is why my FPS goes from 20 to 120 by entering the Nether.

In my next world I will separate functions of my base by several chunks and have chunkloaders for each instead of trying to stick everything in the same contiguous chunk area. Maybe I'll try to learn factorization routers as well. Redpower is just turning out to just be too laggy.
I bet it's issues as a result from the update from 1.2.5, as the code did need a major rework.
What are the spec's on the server? Is it server-related, client-related, or bandwidth related? Lots of minecraft hosting services give you what the charitable would call "a heavily virtualized service" and what I'd call "oversold crap-acity"
My base has turned laggy as hell too, but while I do have 3 (or 4?) timers and transposers going, I didn't notice the lag until I put 24 lamp blocks in the floor. They're wired with redpower red wires running under cobble panel/covers.

Do you think replacing the bulk of the redstone wire with just redstone dust would help?
Hmm I would really like to know about this as well. We seem to be having quite a bit of lag in our area, so much so that when I normally get 120-150fps im getting 15-17fps now. Me and a friend have already decided that is so bad that we're going to take it down and rebuild else where and try and make everything as lag friendly as possible. We don't have much RP going on, maybe 2 timers and half dozen filters, 1 retriever and 4-5 relays. We do have a bit of RP tubing going into our chest room which is a few dozen blocks away. This time we're going to try and do things as lag friendly as possible cutting out relays entirely and keeping all wires insulated if at all possible. Hard to say if any of this will really help all that much, and by the time we will be able to tell it will to late to change things again.
With relays causing lag, and timers causing lag, what's the best way to set up an input to a tube system without lag?
What confuses me most is why we see 0 lag in DW's videos even with tons of really complex systems at play.
What confuses me most is why we see 0 lag in DW's videos even with tons of really complex systems at play.
Likely because he is running a good gaming computer. Despite the pixelated graphics, MC needs quite a bit of hardware resources - especially with tech mods. I never get any RP-related lag either. As a matter of fact I wonder what kind of computers people who do get problems have - I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
Likely because he is running a good gaming computer. Despite the pixelated graphics, MC needs quite a bit of hardware resources - especially with tech mods. I never get any RP-related lag either. As a matter of fact I wonder what kind of computers people who do get problems have - I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

I actually wonder if it's the server hardware.
Most people ITT are describing FPS drops (and incorrectly attributing that to "lag" which in fact means server latency). FPS drops are very unlikely to be caused by anything server-side.
Most people ITT are describing FPS drops (and incorrectly attributing that to "lag" which in fact means server latency). FPS drops are very unlikely to be caused by anything server-side.

FPS drops can have 2 sources in MC that I know of. The first is simply a complex scene without sufficient hardware to render it fast. The second is the server (either by virtue of the network or its own internal latency) cannot update things quite fast enough. MC is smart enough to decouple these processes, but in some cases with very dense chunks I think you can still see framerate hits.