Redpower Lags Client

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well my lags been here since we started with several updates back. I think mine is just a several things causing little bits of fps drop which when all added together makes really bad FPS drop.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I don't think its the machines, wiring and/or circuits but rather the piping. I currently have a medicore computer as my MC client and play on a dedicated Server. On the server my base has a complete sorting system. Long description made short: Rudamendary blocks/items have their own barrels. If barrels get full, another is created, placed into rotation(on rails), and it begins to fill - Probably 150ish different unique item 'spots'. This was done using RP pipes, machines, etc. As I built it I noticed the lag gradually increased(ofcourse).

Once finished, for whatever reasons I was experiencing a constant 5-10 seconds of response lag(I'd do something then have to wait 5-10s to see the result, such as opening a chest), and entering the chunks my base was located in would cause my fps to drop from a constant 90ish down to around 10.

At first, I thought it was the circuitry, wiring, & machines so I optimized as much as possible and saw VERY little change in the way of lag or fps. I waited a few days to see if it was something that would need time to right itself: nothing. Then I did the rails and turtles. Same process with same result: very little change. Finally, as a last resort I torn out ALL the RP piping(no change) and rebuilt using BC pipes as optimized as I could - again no immediate change. Logged out for a bit to handle life, relogged a few hours later and BAM! NO lag - back to 90fps with no response lag.

What Im thinking is redpower pipes/tubes are 'caching'(not really what I want to express but the word works) what is sent through them so even if there's nothing in the pipe, that pipe is still using consuming memory(and possibly causing block updates as though something WAS in the pipe). This would explain the delay with the lag/fps resolution.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok, I don't think its the machines, wiring and/or circuits but rather the piping. I currently have a medicore computer as my MC client and play on a dedicated Server. On the server my base has a complete sorting system. Long description made short: Rudamendary blocks/items have their own barrels. If barrels get full, another is created, placed into rotation(on rails), and it begins to fill - Probably 150ish different unique item 'spots'. This was done using RP pipes, machines, etc. As I built it I noticed the lag gradually increased(ofcourse).

Once finished, for whatever reasons I was experiencing a constant 5-10 seconds of response lag(I'd do something then have to wait 5-10s to see the result, such as opening a chest), and entering the chunks my base was located in would cause my fps to drop from a constant 90ish down to around 10.

At first, I thought it was the circuitry, wiring, & machines so I optimized as much as possible and saw VERY little change in the way of lag or fps. I waited a few days to see if it was something that would need time to right itself: nothing. Then I did the rails and turtles. Same process with same result: very little change. Finally, as a last resort I torn out ALL the RP piping(no change) and rebuilt using BC pipes as optimized as I could - again no immediate change. Logged out for a bit to handle life, relogged a few hours later and BAM! NO lag - back to 90fps with no response lag.

What Im thinking is redpower pipes/tubes are 'caching'(not really what I want to express but the word works) what is sent through them so even if there's nothing in the pipe, that pipe is still using consuming memory(and possibly causing block updates as though something WAS in the pipe). This would explain the delay with the lag/fps resolution.

That's really rather interesting. The pipes themselves in how they operate really shouldn't cause that far as I can tell. I could understand lag when they were sending tons of stuff around (extra graphics of items moving) but just sitting there doesn't make much sense.

I don't suppose you have a copy of that base in a form you could share out? I'd like to test the concept of the pipes being the problem but despite having a very complicated setup pipe wise I haven't seen that. I'm wondering if it is the pipes or the rather the pipes interaction with your auto expanding system in some manner.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't really believe that it's RedPower being the source of all the lag. RedPower is supposed to be efficient in dealing with everything, plus recent topics about lag seem to have occurred after the last update.
I reckon some unexpected conflict between mods has turned up.

This was happening before the update


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't suppose you have a copy of that base in a form you could share out?
I do not sadly. It isn't my server and there's a few youtubers that play on the server so I doubt the host will release the map due to possibly releasing content for an up-and-coming video from those people.

With that said, I'll see if he'll give me just the chunks my base is located in.

typos... typos everywhere!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I might be able to upload a copy of the overworld if it's small
Our server in it's entirity is about 4 gigs (Mystcraft...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I might be able to upload a copy of the overworld if it's small
Our server in it's entirity is about 4 gigs (Mystcraft...)

Well if you post it I'm certainly willing to look at it (and I'm sure others will as well). I can't promise much looking over it until the weekend though, at a remote site for work and my time is bit limited for that sort of thing but I'm willing to try and see if I notice anything you overlooked.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
our overworld is too big for an upload anywhere
I've never used mcedit so i asked cid to do it but he's busy programming a website
far too busy for us peons
the temporary solution is working out ok

Smooth lighting: Off
SomethingSomething: Fast (Not fancy)
View distance: Normal (Possibly able to use far ?) I haven't looked into this one


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Using 5 relays in our factory gives us ~ 20% drop in fps, even when they're idle. When you're only getting about 30 fps to begin with then that is very noticeable. Timers are also a problem for us as each time the light pulses the game freezes for a split second, even when we're using jacket wire. And redstone tubes are just laughable - down into single figure fps! It's strange really as we used all this stuff on our old Tekkit server and although there was a slight drop in fps it didn't affect our gameplay or moving around. Also, like others in this thread have mentioned, switching smooth lighting off restores about 90% of the fps loss.

We've switched to managers for our ore processing factory as there's no "red power" gadgetry involved, it's all blutricity. They are not really designed for ore processing though and relays atop the machines would do it so much better, but they work and more importantly, cause no lag/fps loss.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To me it seems there's some kind of bug (or multiple) that have been introduced recently. Not surprising ofcourse because RP2 for the current version was released in a rush. However, the main problem seems to be that Eloraam 'vanished'. W're going to see if it's RP that's causing the issues and if that's the case we might remove it from our server until the issues are fixed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It seems there are a lot of us in the same boat here.
I'll try and keep it short.
I have the usual biogas setup and when I started it I was using BC pipes, then as I progressed I upgraded everything to RP tubes and filters/transposers/sorting machines etc.
This is when I started to notice FPS drops and a delay in opening chests etc.
What I'm thinking is that it's maybe something to do with the tubes being "inteligent"
From what I understand, the machines won't put items into the system if there isn't a suitable inventory for them to go to.
In that, are the pipes constantly checking the inventories connected to the network and as such increasing the workload.
That coupled with the graphical updates of timers/machines etc in my eyes could be the problem.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
That could be the case. It's a big shame that RP2 is causing these problems, due to their advanced functionality.
It might be due to the change from 1.2.5 to single/mutli player, and there might be a bit of code that has accidently been left that's always running for each RP block. Soemthing that would not be noticable in small test setups, but more noticable when used for big builds.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Optifine !

I installed this and tweaked some stuff
I"m getting a solid 60 fps and it's SMOOTH !!!
none of that stuttering stuff when you spin around
no jerky nonsense
If you're already using this and still get lag i'm assuming you don't have it setup right or your computer is a bit out of date

If you have an I5 or better and still lagging, Play with optifine options. Just sit in one spot and go through the list until you get those FPS up. Start with the performance tab.


Trusted User
Nov 11, 2012
Yep, using Optifine and a 64x texture pack. Yes, my computer is "old" but man enough for Skyrim on Ultra, but not a beast like current day PCs. Don't believe in forking out £500+ for a £18 game, and not being a major gamer (average of 0.5 new games brought a year) not really a wise investment :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep, using Optifine and a 64x texture pack. Yes, my computer is "old" but man enough for Skyrim on Ultra, but not a beast like current day PCs. Don't believe in forking out £500+ for a £18 game, and not being a major gamer (average of 0.5 new games brought a year) not really a wise investment :p

My experience with optifine has been horrible with FTB pack.. My FPS number increases, but the stuttering and rendering glitches increase exponentially. I wish the culprit of this machine lag could be sorted out....


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My experience with optifine has been horrible with FTB pack.. My FPS number increases, but the stuttering and rendering glitches increase exponentially. I wish the culprit of this machine lag could be sorted out....

You're doing it wrong.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You're doing it wrong.
Just because Optifine doesn't solve the issue for him doesn't mean he is doing it wrong. Please stop making those assumptions.

Optifine is known to cause as MANY issues as it solves. The improvements you can get are highly dependent on your hardware, installed programs & special programm versions used.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Lathanael you aren't adding to this thread, Please don't turn this into a flame thread.
People come here for help