Redpower Lags Client

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Assuming you mean "server" as in a dedicated server (i.e. not the internal server running when you play singleplayer), I don't think so. You would likely see block update lag and similar, but not FPS drops. Case in point: when the server goes down completely, you can sometimes still move around flawlessly for a minute or so. Your client can replicate your movement, collision, etc. without a connection to a server for a while. Only when the client is definitely sure the server is "dead" it will drop your connection.
Assuming you mean "server" as in a dedicated server (i.e. not the internal server running when you play singleplayer), I don't think so. You would likely see block update lag and similar, but not FPS drops. Case in point: when the server goes down completely, you can sometimes still move around flawlessly for a minute or so. Your client can replicate your movement, collision, etc. without a connection to a server for a while. Only when the client is definitely sure the server is "dead" it will drop your connection.

Perhaps they have fixed it, but sometime ago complex chunk updates could cause framerate lags. Was even a known bug listed on the minecraft wiki.
I like the idea of putting it on glowstone, I noticed when i turned off smooth lighting the fps went back up to about 90
Problem is i'd have to redo most of the base from all the wire
But that's fine. Again we only use about 3 times all on about 5 seconds
Most people ITT are describing FPS drops (and incorrectly attributing that to "lag" which in fact means server latency). FPS drops are very unlikely to be caused by anything server-side.

Nothing I described was FPS drops - it gives our server lag which is a dedicated physical box server provided for use to us, which other boxes are used for professional use in the same building although I don't know the specs. Redpower timers being too fast often cause a "delay" on response of chests and such, which is lag. No FPS drop and it is equal for everyone on the server. The connection to the server as mentioned gets so bad you get kicked off almost immediately if you run 0.2s' timers around the workshop.

The only time I've seen anything attributable to a server FPS drop would be nuking the entire server.
Also we check using /tps and the tickrate is fine on the server not even a spike
SOME mystcraft worlds can be extra laggy.
(Unrelated story)
The one time it was server lag was when someone on the server has a mob spawner setup with turtles doing the killing and storing the exp in a brain in a jar. Well... It got clogged up. the spawn limit of monsters was reached and fully represented in a 1x1 area. Sword of the zephyr.
We have a box built by Cid then plugged in at a data center
Someone earlier in this thread posted he goes from 120 fps down to about 15, our base isn't THAT bad, but it's the same situation.

After reading this thread up until here it seems like the best solution is....... Don't use redpower !! Yay !

Interesting, I have one quarry running, and once those items hit my redpower sorting system, my FPS really drops in the area of the sorting system (2 FPS - with optifine).

In Tekkit I had 5 quarries running and all the items going through BC pipes in a bigger base then I have at the moment, and it wasn't as bad as this.

I've scrapped most of my relays (down to 2, from about 10), and only have 1 timer on a 2 second pulse. I can't believe that would be a problem. I had quite a few Timers all going under Tekkit.

Also, just wondering, anyone else using Recyclers in their system? I've got an issue at the moment that my log files reach 10-20meg each night, all due the following error:
2013-02-04 20:32:26 [WARNING] [IC2] API ERROR: ic2.core.block.machine.tileentity.TileEntityRecycler@198105a didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.

Getting 22 of these errors written a second in my log. I'm sure that doesn't help!
Likely because he is running a good gaming computer. Despite the pixelated graphics, MC needs quite a bit of hardware resources - especially with tech mods. I never get any RP-related lag either. As a matter of fact I wonder what kind of computers people who do get problems have - I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

I run on a five year old MacBook and my server has 365mb of ram and the only lag I get is when the few bc tubes explode, ntoing from my huge rp2 system
Just to lend some credibility to this issue, I am experiencing an identical FPS drop which seems to be caused by redpower, but not by any of the blocks.

I went through a similarly desperate process. Turning off all timers, emptying tube networks of all items, removing all wires and machines, removing every RP2 block of ANY kind, including microblocks.
I even nuked my factory to be sure there was nothing left, and forced a chunk reset to be...double sure I guess. Nothing stopped the FPS drop until I removed RP2.

The problem seemed to get worse (to the point that I started trying to investigate the cause) when I updated my server to Mindcrack v8.0.1, and I suspected it might have something to do with updating Forge (who knows?).

If it's any help to the OP, updating Forge to v6.6.0.518 (the latest at the time) reduced the FPS drop slightly, but not by enough to make players want to hang around the base.
Redpower timers being too fast often cause a "delay" on response of chests and such, which is lag. No FPS drop and it is equal for everyone on the server. The connection to the server as mentioned gets so bad you get kicked off almost immediately if you run 0.2s' timers around the workshop.

Just to flesh this side of things out, there's a couple of issues involved that I've noticed:

1) Your server can't keep up with the processing required and you've gone over 50ms TPS. I actually find this to be extremely rare.

2) Especially with red alloy wire, there can be huge numbers of chunk updates happening which can cap out your server's upload bandwidth. I've found this to be more common. Using ordinary redstone helps if you can accommodate it in your setup.

This is a different issue to what the OP posted, but it's relevant to some people coming here I'm sure.
2) Especially with red alloy wire, there can be huge numbers of chunk updates happening which can cap out your server's upload bandwidth. I've found this to be more common. Using ordinary redstone helps if you can accommodate it in your setup.

I'm curious why would red alloy wire be worse than regular redstone? Is there any difference aside from wire's wall-climbing features?
Just to lend some credibility to this issue, I am experiencing an identical FPS drop which seems to be caused by redpower, but not by any of the blocks.

I went through a similarly desperate process. Turning off all timers, emptying tube networks of all items, removing all wires and machines, removing every RP2 block of ANY kind, including microblocks.
I even nuked my factory to be sure there was nothing left, and forced a chunk reset to be...double sure I guess. Nothing stopped the FPS drop until I removed RP2.

The problem seemed to get worse (to the point that I started trying to investigate the cause) when I updated my server to Mindcrack v8.0.1, and I suspected it might have something to do with updating Forge (who knows?).

If it's any help to the OP, updating Forge to v6.6.0.518 (the latest at the time) reduced the FPS drop slightly, but not by enough to make players want to hang around the base.
I agree I think it's more to do with the latest mod pack versions. Not sure what the mindcrack version is, but the DW20 V5 release felt rushed just to get forestry V2 in it, which required a version of Forge that was a bit unstable. I'm hoping the next update will be a lot better.
I'm curious why would red alloy wire be worse than regular redstone? Is there any difference aside from wire's wall-climbing features?

Most say it's because of lighting updates which is also a problem with timers.

In my testing, red alloy wire causes more chunk updates than redstone. We would need somebody with great expertise to explain the cause definitively as it's something to do with how red alloy wire was programmed by eloraam.
Are any of you experiencing fps drops in this thread also using barrels? Because for me, the barrels are the culprit in my base, not my redpower tubes or relays. I went from like 80 barrels to 150, and my fps started to drop pretty low after that.
Im using barrels, tons of them. May be be the reason for my FPS drop curious to know if others having FPS issues use mass barrels as well.
Jeff you're in the same boat we are, If you're thinking it's a forge problem it seems probable
One thing that's been bugging me is every other mod has updated eloraam hasn't
I'm thinking because this is the first release of the new redpower that some bugs have yet to be worked out.

Everyone mentioning barrel's, I know that's not the issue since this lag happened before we even made our first barrel
We used chests for everything until we started up our quarries, tree farms, what-not

*quick edit*
I turned off smooth lighting, Fancy -> Fast, Render distance down to normal.
Didn't check to see which one worked but i'm getting 90fps with occasional stutter instead of the usual slow grinding 35-40

If you're looking for temporary relief try this
It can't be barrels -- I visited a friend's lab last night and he had probably 4x as many barrels as me, but no FPS drop.
It can't be barrels -- I visited a friend's lab last night and he had probably 4x as many barrels as me, but no FPS drop.

Are they being loaded heavily? One of the reasons that there aren't many dynamic rendering texture blocks like the barrels is that if not done properly it can get very expensive, both in terms of actual rendering updates and in terms of the JVM's management of long-lived objects evicted from the heap.
Are they being loaded heavily? One of the reasons that there aren't many dynamic rendering texture blocks like the barrels is that if not done properly it can get very expensive, both in terms of actual rendering updates and in terms of the JVM's management of long-lived objects evicted from the heap.
I'm not sure what you're asking with "loaded heavily" -- there is no automated system loading the barrels if that's what you mean?
My friend was using a Router system, I had nothing set up.
I can't really believe that it's RedPower being the source of all the lag. RedPower is supposed to be efficient in dealing with everything, plus recent topics about lag seem to have occurred after the last update.
I reckon some unexpected conflict between mods has turned up.