With all the updates being posted in a locked thread who would post in that thread in the first place.
No, the current thread would get moved and stay unlocked. It would function the same as to currently does, with both news and discussion going there. The locked threads would just be a daily recap thread, where it contains only the updates for that day.
The only way that anyone could get added is by ether arbitrary decisions or by favoritism. There is no way for anyone to ern the right in such an arrangement.
And even if there was what perimeters would you set?
Then let people volunteer to do the recap threads. Lock it at a 7 person team (one for each day of the week). If someone gets tired of it, then "resign" which then opens another volunteer spot. No favoritism. No "arbitrary" decisions.
Besides one important fact that you are all forgetting.
The system we have works. It works because of the way it is set up now.
Because everyone decided to pitch in and work together all on there own for no reason other than they wanted to help. They didn't do it for glory or privilege and in fact might have never posted if there was ever the promise of such a thing.
That system will not change. You missed that point in @Yusunoha's post. The current thread would remain unlocked for everyone to post news and discuss. The only threads that would be locked would be the daily recap threads, that way it's news, and news only.
The plain simple truth is that this thread was built by the community as a whole. And no person or persons has the right to take it away from them, from us.
Again, see my above point. You missed the entire opening to Yusunoha's post. No one is taking away the thread. It would simply be moved to a different subforum. It would still be open for discussion and news posts from everyone in the community. The recap threads are there for people to get just news without discussion, hence them being locked.
There isn't a set "news team", where they would be the only ones allowed to post news. There would be a team to take the news posts people have made, and stick them into a locked thread for that day. All they would have to do is go to said locked thread, quote all of the news posts the community has made in the current thread, and publish it. No one gets locked out of posting news, and people get either their news and discussion, or just news. Everyone wins that way.