Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gah, just sing it quickly =)
But actually we got the wrong song.

But I would walk 500 chunks
And I would walk 500 more
Just to be the man who walks a thousand chunks
Just to mine the floor out under you

Let's make this the official direfall song :p
No, I'm thinking of the Peter, Paul, and Mary 500 Miles. I know the elementanimation version.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Please, real men use Galaticraft rockets to travel the lands of Minecraft... And then die on impact but that's besides the point.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
500 chunks would only be about 5 miles if we're going off of 1 block = 1 meter.

Will future tense. When 1.8 starts getting modded then you are more than welcome to post how this update effects moddding. Cause bunnies are so important. And will be a relevant feature in all modding forever.
Alright then, I have an idea. We should form a committee that decides what is relevant to modded minecraft and what is not. That is totally more efficient than throwing anything minecraft news related into one thread for convenient viewing. I nominate you as anchor member.

Joking aside, would you have said the same thing if they were, say, Blazes? they've only been around since beta 1.9-1.0 Completely useless in modded amirite? or iron golems. added in 1.2.5, but there's totally no reason that they can't be autospawned anymore. Enough with the useless vanilla news already, guys. Come on now.

The fact is we don't know how they're going to effect modded, or not. Do we know what drops these bunnies have? Cotton tails that can be crafted into string perhaps? Who knows! The same goes with anything you see in a snapshot (Guardians included), all we can do is assume that yes, it will effect modded in some way.

imo, waiting until the release of forge for that version of minecraft is way too late to be trying to catch up on what was changed in this version of minecraft. I'd rather keep it relative, and stay up to date with what mojang is doing as well as what mod devs are up to, since they are two pieces of the same modded minecraft puzzle.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Pardon the slightly off-topic response, but I had to:

Do we know what drops these bunnies have?
If you kill a bunny, your world gets set to hardcore mode. (Now that I think of it, I'd kind of like to see a mod add this)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

They drop rabbit hide. 4 rabbit hide in a 2x2 grid yields 1 regular leather. and they drop their delicious rabbit flesh.

In a rare spawn case, a white furred, red eyed bunny with attack you in an effort to consume your soul. I'm not being funny here either. Its true.