Recent Events Discussion (RED) Thread

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Here's an example of what I'm already up against:

Like others before him in this community, he has created more damage than the Microsoft specter he's afraid of. Deleting his thread so that all of his fans would be left in massive confusion is just a part of that. If he comes back, the trust and goodwill he's worked hard for is gone.

My fans have already turned on me by posting things like this. This person is correct - I've lost my goodwill and caused damage to the community, which is the last thing I ever intended.

I think all the Too Serious around here is rubbing off on you.
You're fine by me. Keep doing your thing and try to relax a bit.

Wish someone would have said that to me a week ago.

I need to collect my thoughts and figure out what to do next. I feel sick.

Thank you for listening. I really appreciate this conversation and it was an eye opener for me in many ways. Thanks for that.
Here's an example of what I'm already up against:

Like others before him in this community, he has created more damage than the Microsoft specter he's afraid of. Deleting his thread so that all of his fans would be left in massive confusion is just a part of that. If he comes back, the trust and goodwill he's worked hard for is gone.

My fans have already turned on me by posting things like this. This person is correct - I've lost my goodwill and caused damage to the community, which is the last thing I ever intended.

A few vocal ones? Maybe. But those same few are probably the ones who think that every mod ever should be open source. It's amazing how well an apology can fix things. Mebbe restore at least the last good version of the mod for 'official' distribution. I think that's the reason why they jumped on copying it so fast. Were it still there for people to at least use, even if it's in feature freeze, it'll be enough for most alla your fans, I think.

And the statement on coming back that the trust and goodwill will still be gone? Not true for all. There have been many modders that have suddenly left before. And when they came back? Still liked.

Remember that it's not all lost unless you give up. ^.^
@10paktimbits, judging by how many people were happy to see Eloraam return, I'm not sure it's possible to lose the trust and goodwill of "the fans." If you want to continue developing your mod, just recreate your thread and do it. I have a hard time believing that people will be upset that a mod they like is back, regardless of the circumstances.
Here's an example of what I'm already up against:

Like others before him in this community, he has created more damage than the Microsoft specter he's afraid of. Deleting his thread so that all of his fans would be left in massive confusion is just a part of that. If he comes back, the trust and goodwill he's worked hard for is gone.

My fans have already turned on me by posting things like this. This person is correct - I've lost my goodwill and caused damage to the community, which is the last thing I ever intended.

Wish someone would have said that to me a week ago.

I need to collect my thoughts and figure out what to do next. I feel sick.

Thank you for listening. I really appreciate this conversation and it was an eye opener for me in many ways. Thanks for that.
As the person who made that statement (yes, I wrote that), I also provided some advice a few posts back about how you can fix it. But I stand by what I said. IF nothing changes, no one can be sure that the same events won't repeat themselves. If there is some change, then expectations will be reset.[DOUBLEPOST=1413001804][/DOUBLEPOST]
@10paktimbits, judging by how many people were happy to see Eloraam return, I'm not sure it's possible to lose the trust and goodwill of "the fans." If you want to continue developing your mod, just recreate your thread and do it. I have a hard time believing that people will be upset that a mod they like is back, regardless of the circumstances.
Eloraam never pulled her mod. She just gave us years of empty promises. There is a difference.
Eloraam never pulled her mod. She just gave us years of empty promises. There is a difference.
There's not too much of a difference, given that pulling a current mod and not updating a closed source mod for recent Minecraft versions amount to the same thing given some time.
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That said I'm probably being too harsh. Most of your fans probably WILL forgive you and be happy for you to develop your mod again, as-is. People more rooted in development and pack curation are more likely to remain skeptical.
Here's an example of what I'm already up against:

Like others before him in this community, he has created more damage than the Microsoft specter he's afraid of. Deleting his thread so that all of his fans would be left in massive confusion is just a part of that. If he comes back, the trust and goodwill he's worked hard for is gone.

My fans have already turned on me by posting things like this. This person is correct - I've lost my goodwill and caused damage to the community, which is the last thing I ever intended.

Wish someone would have said that to me a week ago.

I need to collect my thoughts and figure out what to do next. I feel sick.

Thank you for listening. I really appreciate this conversation and it was an eye opener for me in many ways. Thanks for that.
Just had a thought. I have no intention to self-promote, but I'd encourage you to check out the last couple of weeks on my Tumblr; there should be a link in my extended signature.

The short version is that I made a quick, throwaway comment to my few followers and ended up being reposted and replied to - negatively - by a NYT bestselling author.

If you look through the notes on that post, you'll see some ridiculous vitriol aimed at me. Even after I wrote a follow-up which was accepted by said author with an "everything is good".

Anywhere you go online, you're going to face some nastiness no matter what. Don't let it get to you. I'm a firm believer that in almost every case, for every vocal, nasty comment you have at least two silent supporters.

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That wasnt the question i want someone to tell me if mine is fine as I can't even see it right now

Sent From Something That You Won't Care About Using Tapatalk 2
Applying The One True Guide:
Plant Mega Pack

October 11, 2014

To all fans of Plant Mega Pack, you are owed an explanation, an apology, and an understanding of just what has happened recently. I do not want to send or receive comments at this time. All I ask is a few minutes of your time to gain an understanding, and perhaps answer some questions you may have.

Yes I pulled PMP from the net last week. It is still available for download. I am still developing it and I have no interest whatsoever in turning the code over to anyone. I also do not want anyone to decompile the code and make another mod out of it.

To answer an obvious question that you might have: what happened? In short, I had enough and fell over the edge.

I let the frustration of working with Forge get to me. I let the trolls in the crowd get to me. I overwhelmed myself with unrealistic goals and stayed up way too late far too many days. I stressed myself out making everyone wait for months for a release that just wasn't up to my standard. I let the Microsoft purchase push me over the edge. And here I am today, feeling disgusted and disgraced, fully ashamed at what I just did to the many fans out there who did support me, who were positive, who cared about what I was doing

There's no secrets in this post. I am a perfectionist, likely to the point of ocd. If that makes me a sick person like some are claiming then I am guilty. I also do not trust Microsoft and I have no problem making that opinion public. I don't want them to ruin Minecraft, or ruin PMP, or ruin anything else that this community loves so much. I took the time to understand their history of PC games and encourage you to do the same to gain that same understanding. There is good reason to not be optimistic. Their promises hold no merit with me today. I am very fearful for Minecraft's future.

Despite my best effort to make PMP into some sort of a good mod, I truly believe that I failed no matter what I did and the purchase was simply the last straw. I realized some time ago that I could not keep up with feature requests, develop my own ideas, maintain the issues that were being found, document everything properly, update all the web sites, communicate as best I could, and 20 other things needed. It was just too much for me to handle. I was too proud to ask for help. My own doing. My own failure to calm myself down and just breathe. Guilty.

I don't know what will happen next. I do want to move forward, and to make that happen the first thing I need to do is to stop letting the trolls beat me down. To the trolls: make your conclusions, say what you will, but do you really know me to back up your conclusions? I am not a bad person. I don't have bad intentions. I really do care very much for the community, even if it doesn't appear that way today.

I hope that somehow you have gained an understanding of what happened and why. I have a long road ahead of me to gain the respect and trust that took me so long to earn from you. If you're mad at me I completely understand. If you abandon me like I did to you I don't blame you. If you want me to feel bad, don't worry, I'm already there in a big way. I am sorry.

For those of you that know me, who care about PMP and its future, who have empathy rather than negative conclusions - stick around. For the rest of you, I am sorry I let you down.
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Wasn't looking for publicity, or sympathy, or anything else. Just needed to tell the truth and get it off my chest.
Thanks for listening.
Let me just say, that a lot of your sentiment has been reflected time and again across the modding community. Heck, even Algorithm said nearly the same thing when he went open source.

I understand the need for perfection in something you build. It's yours, you have the vision, but in the end you'll be surprised how many people share your vision and maybe even enthusiasm for what you are making. It may be hard, but sometimes it is ok to ask for help when you feel overwhelmed, heck, maybe even before.
Let me just say, that a lot of your sentiment has been reflected time and again across the modding community. Heck, even Algorithm said nearly the same thing when he went open source.

I understand the need for perfection in something you build. It's yours, you have the vision, but in the end you'll be surprised how many people share your vision and maybe even enthusiasm for what you are making. It may be hard, but sometimes it is ok to ask for help when you feel overwhelmed, heck, maybe even before.
Every time you post it is something insightful :P
it seems people have forgotten what minecraft was like before modders made things easy to the point of boring. with blocks that can automate everything just at the cost of power. instead of having production lines back in the day for forestry to keep fertilizer,dirt,sand,water etc stocked to the farms. what happened to the days of having to plan out your sorting system instead of using a infinite chest. the days of a room dedicated to storage? and i dont want to hear about lag. concern about lag has only caused some mods to become boring which is why i support what AE2 has gone and done to bring it inline with logistics pipes. heck this is why people shy away from the new IC2 systems because having too many machines is complicated and too difficult :/ what has happened to the days of working towards something? rather than plopping down a couple of machines and realizing oh hey i don't need to do anything now its all automated. its also why people freaked out about the recent thaumcraft 4 changes with warp don't they remember TC2? If there's no challenge i see a lot of people leaving servers after only spending a week or 2 building their stuff. or starting over in single player because they pretty much hit end game at the end of one or two mods tech trees. Which is why mods like gregtech or rotarycraft or ic2 are trying to slow people down a bit so they dont hit end game in a matter of days. i remember back in the day when a months worth of work meant just getting some automation done with a group of friends was hard work. Or mods made you think on how to setup automation.

thats my 2 cents.
This. This do much. I miss the days of massive automative setups, though I think the reason why some of those mods had to dumb it down is because they got pressured by the community to change it for "lag" reasons.
This. This do much. I miss the days of massive automative setups, though I think the reason why some of those mods had to dumb it down is because they got pressured by the community to change it for "lag" reasons.

I don't miss those days, because I experience them every time I play something like Agrarian Skies or my own modpack. Right now I'm working on a system to re-supply my witchery chest with one stack of each commonly used component from farms all over my map. Eggs, 6 different kinds of saplings, oak logs, feathers, ink, blaze powder, witchery plants, wheat, the list goes on. And I'm currently doing it without AE because I've only gone as far as having one drive filled with 16Ks, so I still have disparate storage all over the place.
This. This do much. I miss the days of massive automative setups, though I think the reason why some of those mods had to dumb it down is because they got pressured by the community to change it for "lag" reasons.

I'm working out the rough ideas for my own pack - which will be designed around this style of game mechanics.
(Building large infrastructure/projects, taking initiative and designing things yourself.)​