Really stupid things that people have said about Modded MC(Off topicness makes moderators tired)

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A modpack request I got yesterday:
User: "hi, i found your mods and I think their epic, can i add them to my pack?"
Me: "Is this a public pack? If so, there are five rules, found in the first post of my thread, to which you will need to agree."
User: "um. how do i know??"
Me: "Know what?"
User: "like, how the pack is public?"
Me: "..."
User: "so can i use your mods?"
Me: "Are you going to make the pack available to everyone or just your server?"
User: "i have a server?"
Me: "Apparently not. When you make this pack, who can download it?"
User: "um...Minecraft?"
Me: "Games do not download packs. Let me ask this another way. When you make your pack, is everyone going to be able to get it, or just certain people, like your friends?"
User: "i like the pack to be popular but im not sure it will. lol"
Me: "OK, so it is public. In that case, there are five rules - in the middle of the post here[link] that you need to agree to."
User: "like what rules?"
Me: "Read them and see. Nothing major and nothing 90% of people have any issues with, but just a way to ensure you are not going to do anything unethical, illegal, or which generates headaches for me."
User: "so how I can agree?"
Me: "Say something along the lines of "I agree not to X", "I agree to Y", and so on, one for each rule. Do not simply say "I agree", because that offers no proof you actually read them."
User: "I agree not to X and to Y"
Me: "That is not what I meant. If the rule says something like "you cannot sell access to my content", you need to say something like "I will not sell access to your content"."
User: "I will not sell access to your content."
Me: "OK, you covered #4. For the sake of expedience, here are the other four:
  1. You must try to remain the sole distributor of your pack, and cannot permit downloads to rehost it.
  2. You cannot extract my mods from the pack and rehost them.
  3. You cannot modify my mods beyond what config files allow, or removing other mods' APIs if necessary.
  4. You cannot claim credit for my mods."
User: "Those sound ok, im not sure what it all is but it looks ok"
Me: "Which part do you not understand?"
User: "whats a rehost"
Me: "When someone downloads the pack and uploads it again, intending to replace you as the distributor."
User: "ok, i agree"
User, two hours later: "its not working"
Me: "What is not?"
User: "stuff doesnt"
Me: "What stuff?"
User: "i tryed makeing the thing to make ores but it doesnt work"
Me: "You probably are missing some required component like power or water. Post an image."
User: *posts an image of a BC Quarry*
Me: "Wrong mod. I did not write that, nor are you powering it."
User: "huh? i downloaded it, its your mod."
Me: "You may have my mod, but that block is not one of mine.
User: "OMG it works now, thank you so much!! your mods the best!"

I love people like this! They're genuinely stupid, but they're trying. Bonus points for that last line. XD
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So about 3 months ago my friend and I decided to setup a server with a pack on the atlauncher. I told him to get hamachi and this happened.

Friend: How do I download hamachi?
Me: go on the internet and search hamachi
Friend: do I use google or something else.
*I started laughing like hell at this point
Me: doesn't matter what ever you prefer.
*ten minutes later I get a msg he says he got it
Me: ok so now connect to my network
*i give him the network ip and password.
Me: did u connect yet?
Friend : yes
Me: hamachi is showing you are not connected to the network?
Friend:wait what do u mean?
Me: did u open hamachi and click network remember I told you how
Friend: oh I have to open hamachi?
Me: R u serious right now?
Friend: what do u mean?
Me: did u open hamachi?
Friend: no
Me: well... Open it!
Friend: ok wait up its installing.
Me: ok well let's get the modpack
Friend: don't worry I already got it.
*after about an hour he finally was able to connect
Friend: it says I am missing mods.
Me: which modpack did u get?
Friend: I got the one off of
Me: wait so vanilla minecraft? Are u dumb?!
Friend: No idiot it's not vannila mine craft it's just called mine-craft.
Me : Remember I was telling you about the atlauncher!!!!!!
Friend: minecraft isn't downlaoding it.
Me: It's because you have to!!!!!!!!!!!
Friend: ok ok calm down.
Me : ok go get it
Friend: Maybe tommrow I don't feel like minecraft anymore.
Me: ok fine
*i didn't know if to laugh cry or just be mad at that moment?"....

I got new friends now....
I got new friends now....
This. While I have so far been fortunate enough not to befriend people who later reveal themselves as complete morons, staying around people like that is not good for one's mental health. To quote an article I once read: "Imagine hanging around the stupidest people you know. Imagine the frustration as they fail at simple tasks and struggle to grasp the simplest of concepts".
This. While I have so far been fortunate enough not to befriend people who later reveal themselves as complete morons, staying around people like that is not good for one's mental health. To quote an article I once read: "Imagine hanging around the stupidest people you know. Imagine the frustration as they fail at simple tasks and struggle to grasp the simplest of concepts".
Or at the very least, always carry a camera/recording device while with them. AFV will crack up!
Its not stupidity thats the problem; we are all stupid at one point.
Its lack of willingness to learn.​
Naa, I think it's a tendency for some to run their brain as efficiently as possible by using it as little as possible. That or an aversion to thinking, where using ones brain actually casues them pain. Like some people have aversion to exercise of the body (forgetting the fact that the brain is a part of the body).

One needs to figure out why some people have this "lack of willingness to learn". Is it lack of capacity due to physiological structure of their brains or that they have the capacity that they just choose not to use.
I think it could be one or the other.
Naa, I think it's a tendency for some to run their brain as efficiently as possible by using it as little as possible. That or an aversion to thinking, where using ones brain actually casues them pain. Like some people have aversion to exercise of the body (forgetting the fact that the brain is a part of the body).

One needs to figure out why some people have this "lack of willingness to learn". Is it lack of capacity due to physiological structure of their brains or that they have the capacity that they just choose not to use.
I think it could be one or the other.
A blend. Some people really do have poorly functioning brains that while not severe enough to warrant medical classification, cause them severe impairment when they actually need to think and/or use logic.
Another big factor, however, especially among younger people, is culture. Time and time again I - and likely you - have seen examples of people and media condemning intelligence and knowledge as undesirable, unpleasant, dangerous, or immoral. People who buy into that (read: gullible and/or young people) then learn, depending on the source material, that being smart makes you a nerd, that actually knowing how to multiply means you have no social life, that being able to reason "if A then B" makes you a cold, calculating serial killer, or worse. Over enough time, they train themselves to use as little brainpower as possible, and so they become unaccustomed to actually exerting mental effort. Inevitable atrophy of less-used regions is not going to help.
I also suspect a third, smaller factor - nutrition. For fairly obvious reasons, the development of the brain is highly dependent on the availability of the appropriate nutrients, and I have noticed a correlation between between kids whose diets are 20% candy, 30% Coca-cola (full-sugar version), and 50% McGrease and kids that cannot process information at an even rudimentary level (and cannot grasp the connection between their diet and the reason that they at 8 years old cannot fit in a car seat designed for adults, but that is another issue).
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The nutrition rule doesn't always apply, though. I grew up dirt-poor (as in, one low-earning check away from living in the street), and while I made shit for grades in classes that weren't math (or programming during freshman year in high school), my teachers all noted that I was actually quite intelligent, I just had problems with organization and homework because I've got ADHD. My diet mostly consisted of cheap, bulk, processed foods for much of my life. I think a large part of it is the parents not actually encouraging their children to be intelligent in the first place, or at least find something they're good at. That's something my folks did right, even if school did leave me with some...very deep psychological scars that have yet to fully heal and retarded my emotional and social development until I was 23.

But, I do agree with Reika, a lot of is the fault of society and popular media. While "nerds" are seen as trendy nowadays, actual, functional intelligence is largely shat upon. Well, they can envy us all they want; somebody has to clean our toilets, it might as well be the brainless ones.
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