Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: Skeetertbone
Age: 27
Banned Before: no. I am a lover, not a griefer. I was temporarly rejected once.
Experience with modded MC: I have played ftb locally for a few days and I am ready to expand my experiance with a community of like minded individuals.
Goals On Server: explore the FTB mod with some friends. Build something large and impressive.
Unique Skills?: Microsoft Office Suit, people skills, 9-key, and I once built a catapult out of a industrial spring and a 2x4. I effectively sieged my neighbors kitchen window. While she was not appreciative of my ingenuity she was quite impressed that a 12 year old, from 6 lots away, could "throw" a ball through her window. When I went to college I found I had a passion for pranking my roommate. I crawled though the ceiling and dumped a can of bubble gum flavored shake mix on him in the shower. I can roll my tongue. I hear that is a pretty unique skill.
How Active are you?: Well, I done live a sedentary lifestyle. I like to run and swim. Sometimes I play video games for a few hours a day.
What sums you up? I build large fortresses that resemble common household items.
Skeetertbone please try to write your own application....yours is almost the exact same as the one above it. I like originality. :)
Skeetertbone, you are added to the whitelist. Love the app. must hear more about your catapult. lol
In Game Name: Wookie181
Age: 25
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: I used to Host and run a Tekkit server for a few years. One day i got on and everything was gone and never had the hart to come back.
Goals On Server: Build, Build, Build and adventure sometimes
Unique Skills?: Making interesting things with redstone
How Active are you?: At least a few hours a day if not more.
Which sums you up? Builder of elevators and underground residency.
In Game Name: kingston2131
Age: 19
Banned Before: never
Experience with modded MC: not much
Goals On Server: getting into MC again
Unique Skills?: fast learner
How Active are you?: play everyday if possible
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: little of all
In Game Name: Codeni
Age: 19
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Been playing modded mc since 1.2.5
Goals On Server: To set up shop, create a home, tech up, and help others.
Unique Skills?: Strip mining for hours on end doesn't really bother me all that much.
How Active are you?: I play mc everyday for at least a couple hours.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Socially awkward adventurer
In Game Name: ChaosShaper
Age: I am 16 years old. Turning 17 next August.
Banned Before: I have never been banned before. I have never been banned from a server before.
Experience with Modded MC: I started playing modded MC when tekkit came out in its early years. After that I heard of a new better modpack and stuck with FTB ever since.
Goals On Server: I would like to build an amazing base that is almost fully automated. With that automation possibly make a shop and make some in game money. Also make some good friends ;)
Unique Skill?: I nearly memorized the entire Thauminomicon for the research notes.
How Active Are You?: If its a good server I could possibly get on every day for about 5 hours. (After homework and stuff from High school first though)
Which Sums You Up: Builder, Adventurer, Tech, Social-Butterfly: I would probably be the Adventurer, Tech, and a dash of Social-Butterfly.

In game name
: littlejohnO
Age: 15
Banned before: No
Experience with modded MC: I have been playing FTB since April and before that I played Tekkit for a few months. I did fell in love with FTB though.
Goals on server: My goals are to have an industrialised base mainly based on IC2. I would like to create a factory producing light metals (such as chrome). I would like to understand fission reactors more and use them as a power source. Making one or more greenhouses as a place to have bees and farms would also be(e) a goal.
Unique skill: If you consider building good looking things a unique skill, then that would probably be it. Or memorizing most of the periodic table.
How active are you?: I am pretty active. I prioritize studies higher than playing FTB, but whenever they are done I am able to play. I'm able to play at least two-three hours on regular days and in the weekends more than three. Sometimes I play for more than five hours if I have a project going.
Which sums you up: I am a build and a technical guy. I like to settle down and build or expand a base. I also like chatting with people and getting inspiration from other people's bases.
Reasons to join server: My old server closed down. A buddy of mine (maxkzsie) recommended this server to me. I saw that this server is more than nine months old, which is a good sign since it indicates that it is a very active place. Frankly, I am surprised I haven't noticed or applied for this server before.

All the best,
littlejohnO reconsidered and added to the whitelist....Thank you for the wonderful letter and welcome to SQUirrelly craft. :)
In game name: I_Am_The_Lawl
Age: 24
Banned before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: I played Tekkit a while ago with my brother and some of his friends, totally blew at it, and that's what got me started with mods. Played mostly vanilla for awhile when that closed until some Mechwarrior Online friends invited me to play on their direwolf20 pack FTB server. Looked into the other FTB packs and was very impressed with the depths of some of the builds, toyed around with single player then got into SMP.
Goals on server: I'd really like to play around with TinkersConstruct content. After that, I'd like to try to get by with as little equipment that requires EU as possible, and without flying. I'd also like to keep teaching myself LUA for computercraft as well. I'd like to try to avoid magmatic engines this time as an added challenge. I love them, so I have to let them go. </3 They are too lovely for this world. I've never collaborated on a base before, so if that comes up it would be fun. I'd like to use solar-powered MFR fishers to generate methane at some point too as sort of a troll-power-supply, but that's a later goal once the "no-EU" bit gets old. If the twilight forest isn't reset regularly on here I'd like to try building a base there, perhaps.
Unique skillz: I'm a tool-and-die making student, and spent all summer making laser parts. I'm into machining/mechanical design, and would like to build functional model engines (steam/compressed air) when I have the space/capital to spend on a small lathe and mill.
How active am I?: I'm moderate. I take my studies seriously, but sometimes it seems that makes them take up less time. You get more done in the shop when you're prepared. I like to pop in at least once a night to do a bit of work on something, say hi, and make sure my combustion engines being chunkloaded and RS energy cells/gates not hasn't blown up my basement again.
Which sums me up: Oddball who collects weird things and thinks iriduim is worthless. Loves exposed tanks, messy pipes/wires going everywhere for a chaotic-looking base interior. Or exterior. Obsessive sign-labeller.
Reasons to join server: C04L, maxkzsie, and littlejohn0 were cool guys last server I played on, which is now closed. I'm looking for a new server, and if they're on it then it must be pretty cool.

In Game Name: The_Medraidas
Age: 22
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: About a month, but i learn fast and retain information well..
Goals On Server: Building a Smaller scaled Base HQ with a few farms Enjoying a Cooperative environment. Learning more about FTB
Unique Skills?: I honestly really don't know how to answer this.
How Active are you?: I have a full day out of every week i play, then after work each night for a total of about 50 hours or so a week.
Which sums you up? Builder, Adventurer, Tech.
IGN: FateEmotion
Age: 19, Date of birth : 1993-11-03 ( 3th of november 1993 )
Banned Before: No
Experience withmodded MC: About 2 years
Goals On Server: Just having fun, hoping on some fun/mature people to hang with and and setteling down starting to work on bigger scaled projects like Arena's for pvp or such.
Unique Skills?: i'm good with redstone, midevil building, larged scale projects, youtuber, graphic designer.
How Active are you?: i'd say pretty active i'm most likely online for about 5-10 hours a day
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: all of the above.
Extra : If alowed, i'd like to record on this server for my youtube channel if the server suits me well.
URL: http://www.youtube.com/FateEmotion
Age: 18, Date of birth : 18th of august 1995 In Game Name: Mr1nfected
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: about 1 year, played FTB sp and just overal mods.
Goals On Server: having fun, maybe if allowed record a little for youtube.
Unique Skills?: not being a dick to people
How Active are you?: about 5-10 hours a week
Which sums you up?: relaxed gamer, not really bothering people.
Extra: like mentioned before, if allowed id like to record some things on this server.
URL: www.youtube.com/TheMisterInfected
In Game Name: EphemeralKap
Age: 21
Banned Before: I have, I used Xray to get myself some diamonds a few years back. (slaps self on wrists)
Experience with modded MC: I've been playing modded MC since the early days of Technic, TerraFirmaCraft, and countless others.
Goals On Server: I'll be honest, I've got no real goals in terms of in-game achievements - Just looking for a nice place to get back into Feed The Beast, make a few friends and perhaps build something amazing! :)
Unique Skills?: I'm an engineer by heart.
How Active are you?: Decently active, when I'm not busy studying.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I'm a Savvy Tech! I'll probably brush up a bit of LUA with CC.
Thanks! - Kap.
Hey hope this is ok im applying for me and my boyfriend who doesnt have a account on the forums :)

In Game Name: missstinkybum
Age: 20
Banned Before: No never.
Experience with modded MC: Been playing since Tekkit, but there is always more stuff to learn on FTB
Goals on Server: I really would like to acquire all the liquids in the game in various tanks, I know it isn't that high-tech but i would also like to become accomplished in bees.
Unique Skills: Cant really say I am brilliant at one think but I would consider myself a fairly ok builder.
How active are you: Most likely I will be on most days unless I have uni work to do.
what Sums you up? Builder, Adventurer, Tech, social-butterfly: I do enjoy a good build! But I LOVE the social-community you get on servers.
Reasons for joining: I amlooking for a new server after my old one shut down, was sent here by littlejohnO who was on my old server, this looks like a respected and great server so I hope we can be a part of it!

The boyfriend:
In Game Name: iichrishd
Age: 20
Banned Before: Never been banned from a server.
Experience with modded MC: Played FTB ultimate on a previous server and a fair bit of Tekkit a while back.
Goals on Server: I would initially say getting a gravi-suit as mny old server shut down before I was able to make one and completing a fully automated factory using as many mods as possible.
Unique Skills: I am a keen programmer and enjoy exploring the computercraft to create advanced automation.
How active are you: Currently studying at university but will most likely be on everyday day.
what Sums you up? Builder, Adventurer, Tech, social-butterfly: I am a tech man at heart and cant wait to get back in with all the machines.
Reasons for joining: i really enjoy playing minecraft in a community and would like to meet other people with similar interests.

Miss and Matt :)