Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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Anyone else having trouble logging into the server? I can't seem to reconnect after the last time I was disconnected.
Hey, I have tried many times to get on the server and followed the instructions to set up the Mods but still says I'm missing Mods. I tried the program to set it up but when I try to get it to run and add location it says cannot find the program with Minecraft in it. Anyone else have a problem with this?
In Game Name: PixelBlocker
Age: 16 years
Banned Before: No, not that I know of
Experience with modded MC: I have played a lot of modded minecraft but got bored. Now I am interested in the new packs and am looking for a nice server to play on. This seems to be a really nice server.
Goals On Server: Having fun and making friends.
Unique Skills?: I am pretty good at programming turtles/computers and I know a lot of the older mods.
How Active are you?: If the server is fun to play on, pretty active. I'll probably be on at least 5 days a week.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Adventure and Tech for sure. I like to make big technical structures/builds.
In Game Name:IceTurtle69
Banned Before:Nope
Experience with modded MC:I have played FTB since it came out and i have played modded minecraft a year before that (custom modpacks). Also alot of vanilla minecraft and on bukkit servers. I have been mod of several servers (InfinityMC for example, but that server is closed for a while because admin is on a business trip for a few months)
Goals On Server:Make a nice house, have a good, ORIGINAL, power supply, try out some of the new mods/mod that i dont know yet. Make some awesome and complicated computercraft scripts. Setup some quarrys/mining turtles and get resources. Research some thaumcraft. Make a steves carts farm. Make some comunity builds. Have fun :)
Unique Skills?: Programming with computercraft. Coming up with energy systems and messing with redpower (sadly that is not included)
How Active are you?: I play FTB almost every day, especially when there are other people online that i can chat with/interact with.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: TechBuilding Social-Butterfly
Hey, I have tried many times to get on the server and followed the instructions to set up the Mods but still says I'm missing Mods. I tried the program to set it up but when I try to get it to run and add location it says cannot find the program with Minecraft in it. Anyone else have a problem with this?
Try going onto Teamspeak anyone on there will be able to assist you into getting onto the server. We are a friendly community. :)
Denied thank you for applying:


Due to a large player base and a large number of applications we reserve the right to deny anyone for any reason....
Denied thank you for applying:


Due to a large player base and a large number of applications we reserve the right to deny anyone for any reason....

Too bad I didn't make it. Can you tell the reason why?
I totally understand you can't just let everybody in.
Thanks for you reply
Of course you can ask...as to whether I will answer or not is a whole other question. lol. Try applying again in a couple of weeks. :)
In Game Name: Fynmar
Age: 22
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: Lots of experience with all the big mods. Several modpacks from tekkit to mindcrack. Old Server: FTBCraft, Misguided Theorem, Puggit, TekkitCraft, Undergroundcraft
Goals On Server: Getting back into MineCraft after a several months break. Building a solid base as legit as possilbe. Nothing is more boring than using free stuff other people give you. (public exp farm/item farm)
Help other people and chat with the community.
Unique Skills?: Figuring stuff out myself. I dont like copying setups other people came up with, even if it means to be less effective. I like improvising and dislike computercraft and other mods that compress everything down to one block.
How Active are you?: I have all the time of the world as long as I have fun. :3
Which sums you up?: Adventurer and Tech
In Game Name: mtsanchez
Age: 27
Banned Before: Nope, you can check that
Experience with modded MC: I'm playing modded MC through FTB since the beta and played on 3 servers so far, all went down due to inactivity. Last server was with some guys from the Adam B server whereas Maxzie, littlejohnO, missstinkybum, Chris etc played on. I played together with johnlittleO and had a lot of fun with that whole community.
Goals On Server: the achievement of real multiplayer experience, no lone wulfs. intereact and play together, making the most awesome builds and play games. I'm not a person who goes for the quantum stuff and a fusion reactor and quits.. i see FTB as an extension to be more creative and always keep building until a server is shut down.
Unique Skills?: building/design and creating awesome/weird ways of getting power. I'm a chemical engineer in real life and like to play arround with the fuel sources in the game to generate power, making cool factories.
How Active are you?: every day a couple of hours, mostly at night due to work. But i'm from Holland so thats basicaly a lot earlier on the day for people from the States.
Which sums you up? Teamplayer, Builder, protector of the ethical code, little bit adventurer

This would be the first time playing Unleashed if i'm gonna be whitelisted, already tried some out in singleplayer and watch a lot on the hermicraft youtube channels from kingdaddydmac and hypno. But the real reason why i wanna play on Your server is to get together with the guys from the Adam B server. Those guys.. and a girl... are the best :)

Minecraft overload I guess.

When you archived everything you wanted you need other players, or you get bored, but when the server gets less and less active you just lose interest after a while.
as long as you were willing to even respond and not be rude...I am pretty reasonable if you are willing to finish answering that though I would appreciate it. :)
IGN: SuperCodex
Age: 41
Reason for wanting to join: Building, and learning some new stuff maybe
Plans/Goals:Build and Learn and help out if i can
Prior experience: Been playing a few years, mods incuded
Preferred voice chat: none atm, but Teamspeak is preffered
Will you record: No
Squirrels cute or pest?: Depends how hungry I am