Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: jerroman1030
Age: 16
Banned Before: never
Experience with modded MC: I've had a lot of experience with ftb as a whole in both a preivious server and knowing a lot about the mods iv come to know all most of the mods and how they work
Goals on Server: to create a base able to support my huge build ideas such as the modern village and underwater city
Unique Skills?: builder engineer and social-butterfly. also I know a few others who have applied lately such as coal max miss stinky bum iichrissd and jack
How Active are you?: very active both me and my brother will be using it so as such well be on most days
Which sums you up? builder, tech, social, helper, community projects are my specialty.
also :) just really want to play on the updated ftb and the fact many of my old friends from the old server are there makes it all the better hope I'm accepted
In Game Name:Carb8nIsHere


Banned Before:Nope!

Experience with modded MC: I've played Tekkit for quite awhile, so I know most of the main mods, Just need to catch up on the others.
Goals On Server:To get a large base that has both impressive machinery and impressive architecture. I also want to learn how to be proficient with the mods on feed the beast.
Unique Skills?:I'm Generally always willing to drop what i'm doing in game to help people when they are confused or in a tough spot. The main reason I play on servers is to have fun with other people!
How Active are you?:When I'm at home and not doing school or housework, I'm usually on.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: More than anything, I'm a techy. That being said, I do have some social butterfly in me. :p
Do you two tend to play together and record together...Apps are so similar that I have to ask?
In Game Name: My Screen name for minecraft is kicker05. However, if the name is availibal on ceartain websites, I will use mrkicker instead. So if kicker05 dosn't work for you, then try using mrkicker when trying to find me on a off topic website.
Age: I am 14 and a half years of age, however, despite that age, I am found really mature by my peers.
Banned Before: No, I'm verry dedicated to ceaping a clean slate.
Experience with modded MC: I've played: Tekkit, technick, and minecraft, aswell as ultimate. I do know alot of mods, however, with mod packs as big as these, there is allways mutch to learn.
Goals On Server: A side goal of mine is to create a computer craft operating system that runs COMPLETLY ingame. Although it will probably be really dificult for me to acheave, its allways a cool idea.
Unique Skills?: I love programing. aswell as redstone and redpower work.
How Active are you?: I'm a heavy gamer, I'm on my computer from when I get home to when I go to bed.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I love building and technology. I especialy exel at building desing.
In Game Name: FireShockSaga
Age: 28
Banned Before: Never.
Experience with modded MC: A few years worth. 8 months with FTB specifically.
Goals On Server: Make friends and build a compound complete with everything under the sun.
Unique Skills?: Not exactly unique but I've been told I'm a pretty damn good builder with a knack for details.
How Active are you?: I'm very active. I tend to spend a lot of time playing Minecraft and enjoy server plays most of all so I'll be on the server very often if I'm accepted.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder and Tech best suit me. I do enjoy my builds and trying to plan them around the various machines and setups in the modpack.

Don't think that will be needed, will just dis-able the chat during record-sessions
Will come say hi later tonight <3
2 Applications, one for Myself and the other for my friend.
In Games Names: Welfare and Monkeysee28
Age: Both 18
Banned Before: Never
Experience with Modded MC: We have both played Ultimate on a server before
Goals on Server: To build some cool builds together as well as meeting interesting people to play with
Unique Skills: I am very well with machinery and automation and Monkeysee is good at builds
How Active are you? Both myself and Monkeysee28 play regularly about 3-4+ hours a day
What Sums You up: We are both adventurous players and like do make cool things and big builds as well as very social.

2 Applications, one for Myself and the other for my friend.
In Games Names: Welfare and Monkeysee28
Age: Both 18
Banned Before: Never
Experience with Modded MC: We have both played Ultimate on a server before
Goals on Server: To build some cool builds together as well as meeting interesting people to play with
Unique Skills: I am very well with machinery and automation and Monkeysee is good at builds
How Active are you? Both myself and Monkeysee28 play regularly about 3-4+ hours a day
What Sums You up: We are both adventurous players and like do make cool things and big builds as well as very social.


Type on my username. Correction: Wellfare*
  • In Game Name: Sandro0802
  • Age: 16
  • Banned Before: Nope
  • Experience with modded MC: Quite high I've been playing modded MC for a while now
  • Goals On Server: I want to be a part of a friendly/mature community
  • Unique Skills?: I'm good at tech stuff, I love automation and hands off power systems.
  • How Active are you?: I'll get on atleast for 2-3 hours a day unless I have some issues
  • Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech
In Game Name: Evilshallwin
Age: 22
Banned Before: Never been banned from a server.
Experience with modded MC: Played FTB Ultimate, Hexxit, Tekkit, and custom modpacks
Goals on Server: Make best bee system possible and create a method for renewable production of nearly everything.
Unique Skills: I love to automate things as best as possible and find unique ways to power my stuff.
How active are you: Can get on daily, but mostly weekends.
what Sums you up? Builder, Adventurer, Tech, social-butterfly: Bees and Thaumcraft are my main points. So definitely tech, especially when finding weird ways to automate things (made a renewable lava machine with bees on a previous server xD)
Reasons for joining: I want to play Minecraft with a lot of other people and hopefully have fun with others.
In-game name: AngrySnailGaming

Age: 18

Banned previously: I was banned from a vanilla server at one point, though I consider the ban to be unjustified. If you have any additional questions, please refer to the player maxkszie, who you recently whitelisted. He was involved.

Modded MC experience: I was semi-heavily involved in a FTB server that recently shut down. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and look forward to finding another.

Goals if whitelisted: I would really like to finally implement my plan of the "Hollow Mountain" base. Probably work on some underwater buildings (something I always love to do).

Unique skills: I consider myself to be quite good at redstone circuitry (though I never did explore RedPower too much), I also have a keen eye for building design (as a Graphic Arts student).

How active will I be: I will most likely alternate between days of extended absence, and frenetic activity. I have both a job and college, but will attempt to be on for an hour or two a day.

What sums me up: I would have to say that I'm a tech guy, though I say that simply because I feel I must choose.

Reason for applying: My go-to FTB server has been shut down, and many of my friends from that server have joined here. They are: maxkszie, I_Am_The_Lawl, C04L, and littlejohn0. I look forward to both playing with them again, and meeting some new FTB'ers.

Thank you for your consideration-
In Games Name: Wellfare
Age: 18
Banned Before: Never
Experience with Modded MC: Have played Ultimate on a server before
Goals on Server: To build some cool builds together as well as meeting interesting people to play with
Unique Skills: I am very well with machinery and automation
How Active are you? Play regularly about 3-4+ hours a day
What Sums You up: Adventurous players and like do make cool things and big builds as well as very social.

Added to the white list. Welcome and have fun.
AngrySnailGaming[DOUBLEPOST=1381019055][/DOUBLEPOST]Sandro0802 denied. Thank you for applying.[DOUBLEPOST=1381019090][/DOUBLEPOST]Monkeysee28 I need your own application to consider adding you.
age: 24
IGN: Doom_Crafter
Banned Before: Never
Experience with Modded MC: Playing since early techic, got bored with it, started playing FTB, found it amazing. Beta and then Ultimate, over a year + playing FTB/techic
Goals on Server: to have a good time building machines and automation, working together and having a good chat
Unique Skills: I work really well in most of the ultimate mods, but i like to push myself and make awesome factorys
How Active are you? I play depending on study, So try to squeeze in afew hours each day.. 2-3 hours but when i'm free maybe 4-5 hours
What Sums You up: Crafter of doom, I enjoy trips to the nether and creating castles and big builds, automation and having a good time.
my reason for applying: my last server i was a regular on decided to split the Mods up, so you could only access one at a time, i found it very frustrating and counter productive
not being able to mix a little magic with Steam or gregtech with steam.
Anyway thank you for taking the time to read this application.

In Game Name: Ravneravn
Age: 24
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: I have a lot of experience with FTB up until Ultimate, where I took a break from Minecraft. I have yet to try unleashed, and this seems like an active server and a good place to do so.
Goals On Server: Contribute to a nice community and building some public-minded creations like a casino (a project I have had going for a long time now. Here is some video examples of the casino: http://www.youtube.com/user/PalRavn/videos), obstacle courses and so on
Unique Skills?: I'm quite skilled at computercraft
How Active are you?: As long as people on the server is active, I am as well. Usually a couple of hours a day, and often a lot more.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I'm more of a tech kind of guy.

edit: typo