Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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SuperCodex This is actually our old application form. Can you please go to the new form and fill that out for me? Thank you. :)
IGN: Omearo
Age: 30
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for some good people to build with and have some laughs. Single player world is lonely and no one gets to see my creations lmao.
Plans/Goals: I am very Dire like, I like bases and power and automation. and I may say "fancy" from time to time (jking)
Prior experience: quite a bit. Started adding my own mods to vanilla and at 30+ mods I started having some code issues and that is past me so FTB it is, let the pros do the code and I just build :) I have been on a couple of 4.7 ultimate servers, but lack of people and bad connection drove me away each time. (good people on them though)
Preferred voice chat: teamspeak 3, vent, xfire, have all 3
Will you record: Now here is the real question. I want to, have wanted to, am the right guy for the job, but something keeps me from doing it each time. So I guess the answer is yes I think I will (if I do record then I will start recording from the sec I log in but I will not only rec sometimes you just gota play!). If not I can always do a single player Lets Play or sumting.
Squirrels cute or pest?: I have several things to say about Squirrels, I was told a story one time by a semi crazy person, he said that Squirrels are gonna take over and to watch them (lol he was serious -_-), then there is Secret Squirrel and Morocco Mole one of my fav cartoons from back in the day. I have no beef with Squirrels. :D
Thanks for your time.
p.s. I saw a application as I was scrolling through this thread and it caught my eye, and I quote "Teamplayer, Builder, protector of the ethical code, little bit adventurer"
Protector of the ethical code <--- need more gamer's with this mindset ... just sayin :D
In Game Name: combobander150
Age: 15
Banned Before: never got banned :D
Experience with modded MC: not in a long time hopefully people in the community can educate me
Goals On Server: I want to do some live streaming and build an energy plant maybe to supply the city or to collect resources for the community
Unique Skills?: mining and building
How Active are you?: everyday but in between from monday to friday i might be on some days and maybe others not at all, it depends on my school.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: builder, adventurer and maybe a bit Tech :P
In Game Name: zack_lewis0
Age: 25
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: I have been playing FTB since its initial release. I was playing on SSP but I have decided I would like to play on a server
Goals On Server: Build unique creations
Unique Skills?: I have the tendency to build large underground bases
How Active are you?: I normally play for a few hours a day, as time allows.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder
In Game Name: roelie333
Age: 16
Banned Before: only on servers that my friends create just for trolling and having fun
Experience with modded MC: i played in early staged of tekkit then when ftb came, played it ever since
Goals On Server: creating cool buildings and automate prettymuch everything
Unique Skills?: im a master builder and have a really good knowledge of the mods
How Active are you?: i play every day if i can
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: a technical builder who likes to adventure
In Game Name: pibx10
Age: 17
Banned Before: never
Experience with modded MC: Played for about a year on FTB
Goals On Server: I want to have community builds and just have fun. I'm not the kind of person that plans things out. I am just going to have fun if I am accepted.
How Active are you?: I play at least an hour a day
Preferred voice chat: I like Skype the best but whatever works
In Game Name: Rasxt1
Age: 18
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: 2 years. First started playing around with tekkit, then moved to FTB direwolf beta pack, FTB ultimate pack and most recently for the past 3 months FTB Unleashed pack.
Goals On Server: I want to contribute as much as possible to communal structures and socialise within the server, possible working with a couple of others spice the server up. Also I would really like to design some sweet rail systems that not ONLY I use!
Unique Skills?: Detail-freak: In the sense that I like a very neat minecraft landscape.
Also I am quite good at mega structure building.

How Active are you?: I like to play atleast 3-4 times a week, but normally I play most nights.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Haha I want to say All three, but if I had to choose it would be tech-builder
Thanks for whitelisting me!

I've been extremely busy lately, but I'll definitely get on later this week. Looking forward to it.

In Game Name: gdjavoto
Age: 25
Banned Before: Never (admin of my own server)
Experience with modded MC: No
Goals On Server: construction, sculptures and workshops
Unique Skills?: patience and dedication
How Active are you?: sometimes long or short time
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Buildier , crazy tech and Adventurer
Having a problem right now, when i go to log into the server it says Error Connecting to Server and then I tried to log into Teamspeak and it says Failed to connect to server. If anyone has a solution to this problem could you please inbox me? Thanks.
As far as I know the hosting company is having technical difficulties. It's just a small hiccup that should be worked out soon. I've been playing on SquirrellCraft off and on for 7 months and haven't found a better hardmode server. If you like GregTech and want a more challenging early/mid/late game, waiting for the server to come back up will be worth it.
Oh I'm happy to wait - for one I'm moving house IRL so my internet access from home is unpredictable right now :) Did get an hour on monday to check the server out though, spawn centre and player shops area look great. If they're an indicator of the build quality throughout the server then it'll be really good ^^