Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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kisame112233 denied. Thank you for applying.

AzQur added to the whitelist. Welcome :). Be sure to read the rules and have lots of fun. :D
IGN: Srg_Kuja

Age: 19

Reasons for joining: I want to find a server that has no restrictions. And so I can find an active group of people to play minecraft with.

Goals: Have fun and learn new things. And see peoples builds.

Skills: I have been playing mods back in the 1.2.5 minecraft update. So i know alot about mods.

Bans: Nope

Prior Experience: I have an extensive knowledge of mods and how they work. And how not to break them.

Activity: As often as I can be.

What sums me up: I like to play minecraft!
In Game Name: WhiteFireDaemon
Age: 30
Banned Before: Nope, I get along very well with others
Experience with modded MC: Lots, I usually focus on IC2 and Gregtech mostly, but starting to dabble in bees and stuff too
Goals On Server: develop my building skills more, actually get far enough to make a fusion reactor for once (I keep getting griefed or servers reset before I can) and automate it, breed one of every bee, develop a city and create something highly impressive that draws spectators
Unique Skills?: I've very knowledgeable with several mods, IC2, Gregtech, TE, and AE are my best, but good with others too
How Active are you?: Perhaps a bit too active, I play almost every day
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: mostly a techie, bit of a builder, I want to build a city, but often get hung up on developing the machines and automation stuffs
In Game Name: SInavestia
Age: 17
Banned Before: Once, Though the admins were drug fiends and treated us all like crap
Experience with modded MC: Extensive, I literally can't play Vanilla anymore.
Goals On Server: Get to know the other players, Help when I can build a really nice castle :p
Unique Skills?:Nothing in particular, I'm pretty much an average Joe, I like to think I contribute to the conversations that are occurring though
How Active are you?: As active as I can be, I go to community college so my class times are pretty sporadic but I will try to login every day unless somethingis happening, then I could possibly be gone for a couple of days.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Probably a bit of a tech and social butterfly, I much prefer just chilling with the community and talking to people then I do building and such. This is probably due to being a moderator a few months ago, not much time to do much when everyone has problems and having to ban every other person, tends to kill your interest in the game but I am back and hoping to catch up with the game and do some nice things.
IGN: HieloOfTheIce

Age: 18

Reasons for joining: I've been wanting to get back into Minecraft and try out FTB as well, I also have two friends already on the server, Nessnesn64 and Kenny608uk

Goals: To have fun of course! I just like to hang out with my friends and other people and play games and do stuff together.

Skills: Can't really say I have any real skills, but I'm a quick learner and creative thinker.

Bans: Nope, never, not once, none, zero, NONKA!

Prior Experience: Very little actual experience, but I do follow a You-tuber by the name of Direwolf20 who does an modded let's play series, so I know the ins and outs of quite a few mods.

Activity: I'm very off and on, I might be on everyday for a month and then off for three, it really just depends on my mood and if I have something interesting to do. If you are looking for a super regular player then I'm sorry to say I'm not it.

What sums me up: Builder, Adventurer, Tech, Social-Butterfly? I'd say I'm a little of all, again, I'm here to have fun so I like to do everything with my friends.

added to the whitelist. welcome in :)
In Game Name: JPanda
Age: 16 (17 in a week)
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Played with Technic and Tekkit and transferred to FTB when I heard about it. I have fair experience with many mods in the pack, only a few that I have no idea about.
Goals On Server: Build and make friends
Unique Skills?: I am absurdly persistent and lucky. Besides that, I have okay build skills and if I get an idea, I can typically flesh it out, like automating smelteries when I heard they respond to redstone.
How Active are you?: Depends on how active and friendly others are (also depends on workload from school, you know, Junior year and all of its shenanigans)
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I play multiplayer to hang out and talk with people, but I love to explore (typically just until I find a place to live or if I need dungeon drops and/or spawners), build and I am great with a lot of tech components in the pack.
Questions I saw on page one:
Preferred voice chat: Skype, I prefer to not be in one massive call for the most part
Will I record: Maybe, I might record some and upload it if I enjoy the server and the people and if I have good experiences (I was planning to do more recording when the pack is upgraded to 1.6 or 1.7, because I love the changes)
Squirrels are cute or pest? How can you possibly say that squirrels aren't cute?
IGN: Randomsteve95370

Age: If you have to know I will PM it to you, I like to keep things private though.

Reasons for joining: I've played on servers before and I've started to get the server bug again.

Goals: find a place to build a nice setup, and maybe even find a person to help or 2.

Skills: I have been playing with mods since back in the 1.0 I suck at making things look pretty (I do my best though) but I am really good with mod mechanics.

Bans: Nope

Prior Experience: I have an extensive knowledge of mods and how they work and how to use them properly.

Activity: everyday most likely

What sums me up: I like to build all the things!
IGN: willcusack

Age: 18

Reason for Joining: I am very good friend's with Srg_Kuja (who was recently accepted into the white-list) and he discovered this server. I was looking for a server offering a new experience with fewer restrictions. I highly enjoy watching servers grow and being a part of it.

Goal: Play with friends, marvel in the individuality of everyone's' builds, and to simply have fun.

Skills: Been following FTB since the start so I have a fairly decent knowledge on mods.

Bans: None

Prior Experience: Have a great knowledge of mods and i prefer not to break them.

Activity: As much as I can fit in. School just started so mainly late nights and weekends.

What sums me up: I love the game and while I'm not greatly social I love to help people and watch things thrive. So a builder.
Dual Application
In Game Name: iDeceiver and lgzblitz
Age: 17 and 19
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: We've played on numerous Tekkit and FTB servers, mainly ultimate/unleashed.
Goals On Server: Find a permanent server and just have fun
Unique Skills?: We're pretty well-rounded, we know a little about every mod thus far.
How Active are you?: Relatively active. We'll be on during the week and weekends.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Like I said, we're pretty well-rounded, but we tend to keep to ourselves unless someone wants to neighbor with us. It takes us a bit to get comfortable with people.
In Game Name: T1pp1n8alls
Age: 22
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: played tekkit shortly after it came out and the same with FTB
Goals On Server: Build a natural "green" town
Unique Skills?: Umm I'm good with mixing aesthetics and tech?
How Active are you?: I'll be on most days if I get back into FTB like I used to be.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I usually go tech, but I want to focus on looks a lot more this time around.
willcusack added to the whitelist.

iDeceiver and lgzblitz denied. Thank you for applying.

T1pp1n8alls denied. Thank you for applying.
In Game Name: boncz92
Age: 18
Banned Before: Negative ghost rider
Experience with modded MC: I have a ton of experience with direwolf20 pack and i just came back from a long vacation from gaming.
Goals On Server: Create a self sustaining base and help other with their projects
Unique Skills?: I am very good with buildcraft and thaumcraft as i have contructed entire self sustaining systems of them using redpower but alas as redpower is gone i will have to find work arounds.
How Active are you?: Very active.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech and builder , i like to think i am a good builder but i am mostly savy with making things practical and not design friendly.
IGN: Miixzn
Age: 24
Reason for Joining: I like to play minecraft and still learning all these mods and such. and this server looks awsome! :D
Goal: My goals in this game is to have fun and build as much as possible and do it nice!
Skills: I dont rly know but i have played minecraft for a while so i have some knowledge of it
Bans: None
Activity: Pretty much when im awake.
What sums me up: I love the game, and love to have fun and help others out! And love to learn to know some new peeps :D