fun fun
where to start with this?
lets work through the posts now shall we?
1.) I am not throwing a tantrum.
Pfff, quit acting like your a big server. I was looking for a new home where I would play for a long time, but now I see the admins think they should act like super-authority and can't listen to players because they get 30 players on at a time. Sad.
And I do not know much about your server, but from what you have displayed you are seem to have the traits of an xbox CoD rager who thinks anyone younger than them is immature.
And I'm not really pissed I am denied. I am pissed the way you did it. Don't deny it, because you're only lying to yourself.
i don't really have to comment about how what you say and well... what your saying contracits itself..... cry more ... please do, throw your hands up. scream for me, unlike Fayini i enjoy it, ill wait but make it good as all apps done on ftb will be referd back to here and your "immature" and childish behavior will be for all to see.
2.) If you consider age into maturity, then you got another thing coming. There is a 4th grader that takes math class with me because he is that damn smart and also is mature enough to talk and learn along with us.
maturity = maturity... something that you should probably realize is that running around screaming "look at me I'm mature..." doesn't really help the fact and goes to prove otherwise
3.) I was being honest about my bans, so I did nothing wrong.
I have been banned on other servers, but main reason is me harassing server admins for scamming my friends donations or something (Happened at lease 9 times throughout 2 years)
*rubs eye's*
so lets go into this....
banned 9 times? or scammed nine times?
either way why would i want to deal with some little kid who is admitting to being banned through harassment?
your logic is flawed, incorrect and self centered - i admit it therefore I'm right?-
by that, that would mean the simple act of acknowledgement = immunity from all reactions to your actions?
that's not how things work, here, there or anywhere.
4.) I would not be kicked within minutes just because I am 14?
your right you wouldn't be kicked.... because you wouldn't get in... demonstrated by denial of application.
because of age? not entirely as the age of players has a huge range in our member base, but down to the fact that of we know what our community is like
and who would/ wouldn't fit in and you belong to the latter.
And I'm not really pissed I am denied. I am pissed the way you did it. Don't deny it, because you're only lying to yourself.
I have to address this as am all

? at it who is denying what? nowhere from what i read did anyone deny turning you away... in fact the opposite it was addressed and you seem to just want attention, so i will oblige
What it all comes down to is simply this:
My server:- ill take whom i want i don't
need to give thought nor reason to you
My responsibility
:- to ensure that the gaming experience that my players receive is the best out there, i don't believe they should have to deal with you
And for the record
quit acting like your a big server
we kinda are.....
who are you?
in fact.....
Pfff, quit acting like your a Known and respected member of this community. I was looking for a new player where they would play for a long time, but now I see the this kid think's they should act like super-authority and can't listen to to staff because they cant get to be one of the "30 players" on at a time. Sad.
I believe that will suffice for now, respond if you wish, but keep all abuse and personal attacks on me or my staff to pm's or my website the FTB moderators have enough work on these forums as it is, especially during these dark times
-Jaded, till you return know that all of us at SQUirrellcraft miss and wish you the best-