Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: norskhalden
Age: 24
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Yes
Goals On Server: Build Factories and share experians withfellow miners
Unique Skills?: Know off most function from FTB Mod packs like Ultimate and Direwolf20 1.4.7
How Active are you?: 4-5h pr. day
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder,Tech
In Game Name: Pwnisjoe
Age: 25
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: I played Tekkit ftb and ftb ultimate
Goals On Server: Build a small town together with some friends
Unique Skills?: i am good in Minefactory Reloaded building farms etc.
How Active are you?: normaly i play about some hours each day
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer, Farmer
my mates are Sorong, Kiba123, Seraphinchen
In Game Name: Leyna
Age: 20
Banned Before: Never been banned from any server
Experience with modded MC: I have played some servers with my friends, though not as much as un-modded MC
Goals On Server: Meet new people, have fun, play with friends, experience a new and awesome server
Unique Skills?: I am friendly, a decent builder, love to help others
How Active are you?: Depending on the server very active generally on every day
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:Builder, and Adventurer mostly
I would love to play on the server, I haven't found an awesome server in awhile. Curscascis recommended this server to me and Id love to experience it for myself.
Reason for wanting to join:
like playing with other people and helping them out. I also liked when everyone on the server is somewhat connected and helpful to others when they need help.​
i plan on learn more about ftb unleashed and create a fully automated me auto craft ultimate solar panel system.
Prior experience:I have played ftb unleashed before and i am quite new to the mod pack.
Preferred voice chat: I have no preferences.​
Will you record: No.
Squirrels cute or pest?:
Good for using as footballs.
Liam, you've completed the wrong application form, please complete the correct one from the first post of this thread.
In Game Name:liam_t_123
Banned Before:yes but when i was about 13 years old. i havent done it in a long time.
Experience with modded MC:Yes i have played allot of tekkit and a bit of ftb unleashed and know my way around some of the mods.
Goals On Server:to created a me auto crafting ultimate solar panel factory, may take a while lol.
Unique Skills?:I am good at starting of servers and i am a fast learner.
How Active are you?:Ill be on for about 8 -3 hours everyday.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:Tech
In Game Name: LoyalGolem
Banned Before:No
Experience with modded MC: Lots. Me and Some friends use to host a MC server.
Goals On Server: To have fun with friends and try something new.
Unique Skills?: Building Creative and New Buildings.. and exploring of course
How Active are you?: Very Active
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: ADVENTURER!
Leyna Accepted, welcome :)
Liam_t_123 and LoyalGolem, denied thank you for applying.
Also after this post I'm sorry to say that whitelisting is now closed for the time being.
IGN: Soku
Age: 20
Reason for wanting to join: I have friends on the server
Plans/Goals(just curious): building impressing structures
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Vanilla MC, Tekkit, FTB, Thaumcraft, other astetic mods/ etc.
Preferred voice chat(incase we need to set something more permanent up) Skype
Will you record(if so youtube channel) no
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) depends on if they are trying to eat me or not.
IGN: NovaKiller
Age: 20
Banned before: Honestly can't remember, if so it was some years back.
Experience with modded MC: Quite a bit, been playing with FTB and Hexxit for a while now.
Goals on the server: I have no set goals straight away, well except for wanting to progress and try and be part of something. I will most likely come on the road.
Unique skills?: Well it is not really unique, but i am a helpful person, and fairly adventureres, i like to keep myself on a progress.
How active are you?: I usually try and stay on for atleast an hour or more a day.
Which sums you up?: An adventurer is the main part of me, but i am also in a part of tech, how i wanna progress and work machines out, and that sorta stuff. I can be sociable and will have no problems helping.
Age: 22
Banned before: No, absolutely not.
Experience with modded MC: Played on Techworld which has the Gigatech modpack, a mixture of FTB and Tekkit
Goals on the server: My ultimate goal? To build a gigantic automated factory.
Unique skills?: Creativity, building in places no one has thought to build.
How active are you?: I'd say about 5-6 times a week, about 3-4 hours a day.
Which sums you up?: An industrialist looking to ever expand my operations and secretly plan for world domination. Ok, I was kidding about the world domination part.
In Game Name: bjalexander19
Age: 25
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Played FTB for some time now, looking for an active server to play on.
Goals On Server: I like to build complicated machinery and cool buildings.
Unique Skills?: Have a good eye for how buildings look and like to make things perfect.
How Active are you?: Usually every day for at least a little bit. More so on the weekends.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder, Tech
In Game Name:Nd2Sht
Banned Before:Nope
Experience with modded MC:I don't have much, although I have some experience with tekkit.
Goals On Server:To learn about FTB and to have fun.
Unique Skills?:I don't really know....
How Active are you?:Maybe 1/2-1 hr a day or so.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:Builder/Adventure (leaning to the "Adventurer" side)
In Game Name: Pound_Pup
Age: 17
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Since 1.7.3 or so
Goals On Server: Build, meet some cool people, make machines do my bidding, learn the ways of the bees, mingle with their society and gain their trust
Unique Skills?: Experience with the mods, patience when something doesn't initially work, ability to be invisible when no one is looking, can make the kessel run in 12 parsecs
How Active are you?: Typically a couple hours a day, depending on school and irl stuff
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech