Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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GuessWho_ chardo440 added to the whitelist. Welcome and have fun.
Alen_213 denied. thank you for applying.
Jenial !
i just saw the avatar and was all o_O?
i remember her from back when i started out.
added to whitelist :)
ill get around to everyone else soon, just rolled over and woke up :)

I feel bad for not exactly remembering you, haha. sorry.
Thanks for adding me to the whitelist!
Hope to see you ingame soon.

#EDIT: Removed my ignorance.
IGN: UltraMankiller
Age: 21
Reason for wanting to join: I enjoy playing on modded servers and playing with others.
Goals on server: To build a base and make new friends.
Unique Skills: I am able to learn quickly and help people out. Also helped work with redstone cinema's films.
Banned before? Why?: No
prior experience with modded MC: I have played with modded servers sense before FTB came out.
How active are you?: Very active, like every day.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly?:: I enjoy to build and adventure around.
IGN: jacksste001

Age: 19

Reason for wanting to join: I have played Minecraft/Modded Minecraft for a long time and want to play on a well built server that I can enjoy my time on.

Goals on server: My goal on the server is to build a base with friends and make new ones.

Unique Skills: Problem solving and finding ways to make builds work. Helped out with Redstone Cinemas on youtube.

Banned before? Why?: No.

Prior experience with modded MC: Played Tekkit when it first started out then moved to FTB.

How active are you?: 3-7 hours daily

Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly?: Tech. I enjoy building things nobody has seen before.
In Game Name: bjohnston562
Age: 23
Banned Before: I have never been banned and I have been a great FTB citizen in past servers and continue to be.
Experience with modded MC: I have been playing modded minecraft for the past year and it has been a blast. My main focus has been on the scripting portion (computercraft).
Goals On Server: To start my new youtube series. I did one for FTB ultimate and now I want to do one for FTB Unleashed.
Unique Skills?: Programming in lua and in real life I am a civil engineer.
How Active are you?: I will do my best to come on when I can. I can schedule times to be on for server events and such. I will be on sporadically, but usually 1-2 days a week for about 2-6 hours.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I am definately the tech. I love math and figuring things out.
IGN: Nataru
Age: 16
Reason for wanting to join: A large and structured server of my favorite mod pack
Goals on server: To create all that is to be created, find all that's to be found.
Unique Skills: Mild knowledge of CC
Banned before? Why?: Not in the last two years, even then I was new to minecraft and used an old duplication glitch in the extremely early alpha
prior experience with modded MC: I enjoy modpacks, especially FTB, since vanilla is a bit stale. I've played FTB, Voltz, and many others.
How active are you?: Quite active once I find a server, since its a rare thing for FTB, and is to be enjoyed.
Which sums you up? Builder, Adventurer, Tech, Social-Butterfly?: Builder, in the sense that I don't explore things I don't need to, I'm not fluent in all manners of tech, and though I try to be polite, I don't think Social Butterfly is my exact my label.
In Game Name: sabakugaara8
Age: 16
Banned Before: Never
Experience with modded MC: I've been playing Modded minecraft since Technic came out, but then I switched over to FTB when it came out.
Goals On Server: Hmm. I looked down at this question when I started writing this and I was thinking about it. Maybe to build a bunch of large Windmill Arrays, for EU.
Unique Skills?: I'm a jack of all trades. I am master of no mod, but I know a lot about each of them. But, I'd say I'm best when it comes to Forestry. Though, I haven't started with Bees.
How Active are you?: It depends. On weekdays, I can play for hours from morning to late afternoon, depending on whether or not I have prior engagements. But I can't play on weekends because I don't have access to my main computer.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I would have to say, Miner. I love mining.
Thanks for reading~
In Game Name: Skippy_X
Age: i am 16 yeard old.
Banned Before: Nope.
Experience with modded MC: Yes i do (ALOT).
Goals On Server:making friends , buildign a base
Unique Skills?: Farting.
How Active are you?: Active enough
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:i will be a SocialBuilderTech
IGN: Ya1mert
Age: 23
Reason for wanting to join: Its hard to find good modded MC server nowadays, I've made a little research and think this is a server I want to play on.
Goals on server: to build something special =)
Unique Skills: I 'm russian...ok if serious I think being an engineer is a plus.
Banned before? Why?: Nope.
prior experience with modded MC: about 2 years already... but I have not played for a while because of work.
How active are you?: playing MC from 2 to 6 hours per day pretty usuall i think
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly?: Builder > Tech > anything else
IGN: Aakarii
Age: 14
Reason for wanting to join: Other friends play this sever and I really enjoy these types too.
Goals on server: To help others and build
Unique Skills: I can help others
Banned before? Why?: Nope.
prior experience with modded MC: I have played a few others
How active are you?: play every day
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly?: Builder > social > anything else
Nataru, Ya1mert added to the whitelist.

bjohnston562 sabakugaara8 Skippy_X denied. Thank you for applying.[DOUBLEPOST=1378943526][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: Aakarii
Age: 14
Reason for wanting to join: Other friends play this sever and I really enjoy these types too.
Goals on server: To help others and build
Unique Skills: I can help others
Banned before? Why?: Nope.
prior experience with modded MC: I have played a few others
How active are you?: play every day
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly?: Builder > social > anything else
Reason for wanting to join: Other friends play this sever and I really enjoy these types too.Can you tell me who your friends are?

I can help others.... In what ways can you help others?
In Game Name: kisame112233
Age: 20
Banned Before: once
Experience with modded MC: mostly faction based stuff, i have played ftb for awhile though
Goals On Server: build mine and CRAFT
Unique Skills?: very techno savvy, list of how to build things in my head
How Active are you?: as active as i can after work
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: tech, all tech, force fields mining lazers quarrys, technology is the future!
In Game Name: AzQur
Age: 28
Banned Before: No.
Experience with modded MC: Been playing FTB for 2-3 years.
Goals On Server: Build and have fun, but with other people. Been playing on smaller servers (and my own) but want to play with more people.
Unique Skills?: Very good in the technical parts, work as a developer and is a problem solver by heart.
How Active are you?: Depends on work load, but sometimes every day and at least a couple of days / week. Often very active =)
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech builder. But a social one!
Thank you!
In Game Name: notsosilentbob03
Age: 23
Banned Before: No.
Experience with modded MC: Used to play around with different mods, because I love piping stuff around with buildcraft
Goals On Server: Build some stuff, pipe some items around with buildcraft, make some smalltalk and some new friends
Unique Skills?: Awesome pudge skills! I'm a decent builder, know my way around most of the mods. Know how to run a server. And #1 Kevin Smith fan
How Active are you?: Mostly quite active if I enjoy the server, and depends how busy the pro doto2 scene is (Love me some Alliance games :))
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: A adventurus builder that like the smalltalk and joking around
IGN: HieloOfTheIce

Age: 18

Reasons for joining: I've been wanting to get back into Minecraft and try out FTB as well, I also have two friends already on the server, Nessnesn64 and Kenny608uk

Goals: To have fun of course! I just like to hang out with my friends and other people and play games and do stuff together.

Skills: Can't really say I have any real skills, but I'm a quick learner and creative thinker.

Bans: Nope, never, not once, none, zero, NONKA!

Prior Experience: Very little actual experience, but I do follow a You-tuber by the name of Direwolf20 who does an modded let's play series, so I know the ins and outs of quite a few mods.

Activity: I'm very off and on, I might be on everyday for a month and then off for three, it really just depends on my mood and if I have something interesting to do. If you are looking for a super regular player then I'm sorry to say I'm not it.

What sums me up: Builder, Adventurer, Tech, Social-Butterfly? I'd say I'm a little of all, again, I'm here to have fun so I like to do everything with my friends.