Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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Not sure if my application just wasn't seen or is still being considered, but I'd really love to be on the server especially to have some people to play minecraft with :)
In Game Name: JoepKool
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: Pretty much every ftb pack tekkit and technic also tried a bit of amco
Goals On Server: To learn to use my knowledge of different mods in a way that I can create contraptions that synergize well together and look neat
Unique Skills?: I have a mind full of crazy contraptions.(Most of them are pretty chaotic)
How Active are you?: I will try to go on as much as possible. But school starts in a couple of weeks so it may become less.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech and a tiny bit of Builder.(I have amazing plans but not the skills.)
purplemelon13 added to the whitelist. I am so sorry for the delay. Welcome to the server and please have fun.[DOUBLEPOST=1376493094][/DOUBLEPOST]JoepKool denied. Thank you for applying.
Due to a large amount of applications and a large player base; we reserve the right to deny anyone for any reason. Please do not ask or inquire as to why. Thank you for applying.
In Game Name: mrmcchef
Age: 19
Banned Before: never.
Experience with modded MC: highlyexpirienced with Ultimate, few hours with the 1.5.2 beta. not so much with the new packs.
Goals On Server: having fun, automating my way for etetnity :) goal is to automate as much things as possible to achieve creative nirvana :D
Unique Skills?: Creative-ish, love coming up with different designs for farms and machinery, even if not the most efficient, I will always try to make it look awsome :)
How Active are you?: Weekends and evenings usually.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech-builder. My friend who also appealed to the server is the more explorer kinda guy. I like the building and tinkering aspect while he's the adventurer. Works wonders for us :)
Friendly guy overall, would love to get in and play :)

In Game Name: RotemSan

Age: 18

Banned Before: Yes, i got banned for inactice as the server host did not work for me.

Experience with modded MC: Alot i got 1 year of expirince from tekkit, FTB or even just special mods i like for my Single World.

Goals On Server: Build with my friend, Learn new things, enjoy the company of new pepole and just have fun.

Unique Skills?: I can't say i have something that you didn't see, what i do have are amazing ideas for building theme's.

How Active are you?: Alot probably, but i cant promise i'll loging evry snigle day.

Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I guess i'm a jack of all trades, but Adventurer fit me the best, tech at close second.

I just want to say i'm sorry for my bad english i'm doing the best i can to sound good and clear.
In Game Name: Naisly
Age: 45
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Learning FTB
Goals On Server: Help my son.
Unique Skills?: Building
How Active are you?: 20+ hrs per week.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Both builder and adventurer.
Me and my girlfriend are looking for a nice community server to play on. I'm an MC veteran from the days of the beta launch, and my girlfriend is a newbie in training ;) We're after a nice active community we can socialize with and both show off our creations as well as enjoy the genius creations of others. Not so interested in pvp or the like :)

In Game Name: Cladiniron
Age: 25
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: FTB Direwolf20 1.4.7 pack throughout, FTB Ultimate 1.4.7 quite well.
Goals On Server: Aesthetic, vast base filled throughout with functionality, automated mining & sorting
Unique Skills?: I'm a programmer by education, although I have not dabbled with computercraft codes (yet).
How Active are you?: Usually daily
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder & Tech, but I do like to chat it up on TS if the community is receiving.

In Game Name: didiayner
Age: 21
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Basics of BC, IC2 and Thermal Expansion
Goals On Server: Same as mine above
Unique Skills?: Will girl up the otherwise sausage heavy community :)
How Active are you?: Prolly couple to few times a week, couple to few hours a time.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Newbie in training, yet to find her cup of tea
Cladiniron \ didiayner added to the whitelist....
erm our playerbase has a nice number of erm "un sausage" members O_o? lol you two seem like a good fit
welcome on in
ugh colours not playing well today XD
As one of the non-sausage playing members. lol. I would like to say welcome in and have fun. =)
In Game Name: Zb2009
Age: 18
Banned Before: I havent been.
Experience with modded MC: Ive been playing with mods since before the first FTB map.
Goals On Server: Basacally completly automate everything from bees, to machines to minning to anything and everything i want.
Unique Skills?: Automating everything, expirenced with bees and thaumcraft.
How Active are you?: Daily to every other day player, will be going to college soon though so wont be as active then.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech lover.
In Game Name: gmercyme
Age: 16
Banned Before: Never.
Experience with modded MC: I mastered ftb ultimate and i now feel the need to master ftb unleashed.
Goals On Server: Just about find out everything there is to know about ftb unleashed the legit way no creative mode for me :).
Unique Skills?: Knowledge about everything that has to do with ftb ultimate and very great ways of automation.
How Active are you?: Depends on the day sometimes a lot sometimes very little, but I'm an ftb addict so you should see me quite a bit :).
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I love to automate things and make everything better in general even when I played vanilla minecraft, so tech.
IGN: will22085
Age: 14
Reason for wanting to join: ive been looking for a public server with mystcraft but failed in finding any, I believe that that a whitelisted server is more fun as there aren't idiots that will try to ruin your gaming experience
Plans/Goals: I want to create the perfect mystcraft age, one with beauty and use, also automate eveything i need
Prior experience with MC , FTB or Tekkit: All three i played tekkit with friends for at least 2 years and still occasionally do now ,obviously prior to that i played vanilla and still do and feed the beast at least a year
Preferred voice chat: any
Will you record(if so youtube channel): not currently but my youtube channel is connorsmith123 or violinist321 ,i will tell you if i start
Squirrels ,cut or pests?: grey squirrels cute and red squirrels even better :)[DOUBLEPOST=1376643796][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: will22085
Age: 14
Reason for wanting to join: ive been looking for a public server with mystcraft but failed in finding any, I believe that that a whitelisted server is more fun as there aren't idiots that will try to ruin your gaming experience
Plans/Goals: I want to create the perfect mystcraft age, one with beauty and use, also automate eveything i need
Prior experience with MC , FTB or Tekkit: All three i played tekkit with friends for at least 2 years and still occasionally do now ,obviously prior to that i played vanilla and still do and feed the beast at least a year
Preferred voice chat: any
Will you record(if so youtube channel): not currently but my youtube channel is connorsmith123 or violinist321 ,i will tell you if i start
Squirrels ,cut or pests?: grey squirrels cute and red squirrels even better :)

Oh and im currently active daily but may change when school starts again ( if it does it wont be drastic only every other day or something like that ) and ive never been banned from a server before
will22085 Denied
I want to create the perfect mystcraft age
sorry age creation is limited to events and needed ages.
wish you luck finding a server that lets you attempt this :3

Zb2009 accepted you seem to know what your doing after a quick check up. welcome on in

gmercyme - app on hold-
I have been about 3 servers and they just kept banning more and more items
All banning / restricted / config / mod changes (which a comprehensive list is located in our forums) is to keep generate the feel of our server
and to drive the community based play that we have going.
if this is something that suits you then shoot us a quick response, as i don't want you having to get on then realize... GT is in effect or something similar :)
I have been wondering about events? We are having some soon aren't we? If we are, what kind?
When? I know we are all wondering the same thing.
It was fun while it lasted, but I had to part from the server due to college starting up soon and I can't play as often as I would like. GT makes the game longer as you all know, so I don't have the time for the longer unleashed gameplay.

Thanks for letting me on the server - have a good one gummy, fay and the rest of the mods.
Aww Hollow. Your welcome back anytime you wish. Come and play when you get a chance. We will miss ya.
In Game Name: Mortalife
Age: 21
Banned Before: I haven't no. :)
Experience with modded MC: I have yes, I've created a couple of my own Mod Packs in the past, but I'll looking to set out of the hard work and get back to playing.
Goals On Server: Meet some new folks, do some mining.
Unique Skills?: I few, but I'm not a liberty to discuss them.
How Active are you?: A few times a month, when I have time.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: A bit of everything I hope!