Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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IGN: Tirkimojoxd
Age: 18
Reason for wanting to join: I've always wanted to play modded minecraft on a server but haven't yet to find a nice safe server with nice people but your server looks like a nice place to hang out.
Plans/goals: A long time stay with lots of building, I usually don't do much else but play minecraft so I'm hoping to get a really neat base going on your server.
Prior exp with MC, Tekkit, FTB: I've played minecraft since 2weeks after Notch first released his open Alpha of Vanilla Minecraft, I tinkered a bit with Tekkit but never really stayed with it cause at the time I like Vanilla more. Now I've been playing FTB Ultimate for 2 months before moving over to the 1.5.2 packs which I've also been playing non stop for a couple a months now.
Preferred voice chat: Team Speak, Mumble, Skype and Steam.
Will you record: Probably not no
Squirrels are cute or a pest? I love squirrels, as a kid I would always try to lure them out cause I wanted to pet them but I never got to pet one...
IGN: RinHorrorr
Age: 16
Reason for wanting to join: Building/Learning more about the modded packs. I'm still learning the ropes. o3o
Plans/Goals: Make a nice base and possibly get to end-game. :P
Prior exp with MC, Tekkit, FTB: A bit with tekkit, but not much with FTB.
Preferred voice chat: Skype, but can't voice chat much.
Will you record: Possibly, but very rarely if I do.
Squirrels are cute or a pest? I've always loved squirrels. :D I've had the opportunity to pet a few and they are just adorable little creatures. :3
IGN: RinHorrorr
Age: 16

Squirrels are cute or a pest? I've always loved squirrels. :D I've had the opportunity to pet a few and they are just adorable little creatures. :3

Any one else notice a trend here ?, or maybe I'm just mad, yeah thats most likely it..
IGN: Bluethousandand2

Age: 24

Reason for wanting to join: Kinda need an FTB server after abandoning the last one I was on, too many banned items made the entire thing garbage and a waste of time.

Plans/Goals(just curious): Have every resource a my finger tips, build a game or something for everyone to enjoy.

prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Been playing for quite a while, I think since the near end of beta. Played ftb since it first came out. (Beta pack A)
Preferred voice chat: Skype, please

Will you record(if so youtube channel) If you would like.

Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) Cute, thier little feet are so adorable :3

Bluethousandand2 added to the whitelist. welcome and have fun.

RinHorrorr denied thank you for applying.
In Game Name: bigtwisty
Age: 34
Banned Before: Not unless I was drunk at the time and no one told me about it later
Experience with modded MC: Used to play Tekkit, ran a small test FTB test server CaptainAna gave me for some friends back before release. Been an FTB guy since.
Goals On Server: Do I really need a specific goal? I just wanna get creative with some cool automated stuff. I really like CC, AE and MFR, and I wanna experiment with a CC automated AE system with the ME Bridge.
Unique Skills: Electrical Engineering, Systems Design, Software Design, not being a douchebag, etc...
How Active are you? Moderate, due to work schedule. Average of maybe 6 hours / week.
Which sums you up? Tech. Completely, utterly, absolutely, tech. (AKA nerd)

Edit: Oh, and I love squirrels. They go great with a nice red wine and scalloped potatoes. :)
In Game Name: tasuf
Age: 14
Banned Before: once for trying to help a guy rebuild his blown up house
Experience with modded MC: pretty much every mod except advanced bee stuff and factorization
Goals On Server: have fun! and maybe make new friends
Unique Skills?: idk im pretty good with redstone
How Active are you?: maybe 3-5 hours a day (my time zone)
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: i like building and im pretty social
In Game Name: beakerthecat
Banned Before:once on a roleplay server
Experience with modded MC: very experienced
Goals On Server: Make friends and build a nice house
Unique Skills?: Building, Pvp, Machines
How Active are you?: I am very active
Which sums you up? Tech, Social-Butterfly
In Game Name:stinkyfat
Banned Before: once for building too close to a town
Experience with modded MC:i've played a bit of single play FTB,I've not really gotten that far into it,nor have I played multiplayer FTB
Goals On Server:not completely sure but i'll probably just try to expand and derp around,i'll have to play a bit to get things planned
Unique Skills?:im not really sure how I am compared to others seeing as I have not played any multiplay FTB before
How Active are you?:not sure completely,i've had a tendency to enjoy multiplayer alot more then single player
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:kinda depends on how friendly everyone is,if I can build and trust everyone or have so sort of protection for my buildings i'll probably be pretty social but if not i'll probably build long distance from others.
In Game Name: purplemelon13
Age: 19
Banned Before: nope
Experience with modded MC: Played tekkit and FTB Direwolf20 pack
Goals On Server: I would like to make a big fortress for myself and anyone to explore it, and also a large factory with hopefully most items automated :) and to just have fun and make some new friends!
How Active are you? Somewhat, I have a few more weeks until school, so it might decrease some once that starts.
Which sums you up? Tech and some building
Preferred voice chat: I can pretty much download anything, but teamspeak and skype.
  • In Game Name: Roras
  • Age: 20
  • Banned Before: No.
  • Experience with modded MC: I have used almost all of the mods more than once.
  • Goals On Server: Play on a server that does not crash every 30 minutes (like my last one :<). Build an extensive base that is both functional and aesthetic.
  • Unique Skills?: I have knowledge of ComputerCraft coding, and I am also a creative architect; that is, I build more interesting structures than most.
  • How Active are you?: I try to come on at least once every day.
  • Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Jack of all trades; Master of none.
    Additionally, I am an active TeamSpeak user, so expect me on there frequently.
    I hope you can read the text as it is, since your application form is in color.
    Thank you for your time.