Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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IGN: Chiclets
Age: 23
Reason for wanting to join: To play with ZantagX (RL Friend) and Landril (BF) and join the effort to make their base nice and also play with others.
Plans/Goals(just curious): No specific goals really but I'll probably build farms and make food. Probably decorate and things.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: I'm familiar with tekkit but I'm new to FTB.
Preferred voice chat(incase we need to set something more permanent up). Skype
Will you record(if so youtube channel) No
Squirrells cute or pest? Cute ofcourse! especially after they've been hit by cars ^_^
" join the effort to make their base nice " good luck with that ! whitelisted. oh and ill pop this in here as well for anybody who reads this far in, server will be upgraded in the next 7 working days i hope ( to a beast of a machine) also getting more support to keep the tps nice and healthy and the site should be up and running in the next few days, depending on how busy Blu is.
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Reactions: Ninjazombie
IGN: Hellblaue
Age: 23
Reason for wanting to join: I like complication and the mod set, I am roommates with ZantagX and want to get back into minecraft.
Plans/Goals(just curious): I love to build complicated machines.
Prior Expierence: I have put in many hours on tekkit, excited for FTB.
Preferred voice chat(incase we need to set something more permanent up): TS3
Will you record(if so youtube channel): No
Squirrells cute or pest? Not pests.
IGN: sxyoomonkey


Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a chill server with people that have swagg

Plans/Goals: Make a swaggtastic house and have so many materials i can raise a middle finger to gregtech

prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: been through hell with all three but ive always came out on top.

Preferred voice chat: doesnt matter i can use anything

Will you record: nah ..comp will implode lol
IGN: mT_eXecute
Age: 17
Reason for wanting to join: I've grown tired of playing by myself and want to try playing in a community - I want to help other people with what they're doing and I also want to share builds, ideas and resources. I want to make a good experience for everybody.
Plans/Goals (just curious): I want to build machines that can help not only my self but everybody on the server.
Prior Experience: I've played FTB for a while now and I played Tekkit for a month or two.
Preferred voice chat (in case we need to set something more permanent up): Any.
Will you record (if so, YouTube channel): No.
Squirrels cute or pest?: Cute.
sweet this thread has been moved so i can use it agian ! the followering have been whitelisted (from other thread about to close it)
Cloers yurilebbie PC_MoJo TDA_A7X vglocus KillerKeith Puzzle_Panda Brispere chocopotato Godis_Apan Digitalfear123 BoavaNet Yarrarrg98 SoSpecial Distillerz Monster_ pap_100

also server down while i upgrade this shouldent take long, i will update when completed
IGN: MalkeusDiasporan
Age: 25
Reason for wanting to join: I'm Looking for a mature server to try out all the new possibilities in Mindcrack V8. I'm sick to death of the open servers that are available
Plans/Goals(just curious) Giant castle encompassing examples of every mod within its walls.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: I've been playing FTB since it first existed, I can build a pretty mean sorting system.
Preferred voice chat(incase we need to set something more permanent up) I prefer Skype
Will you record(if so youtube channel) No
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) Meh, outside?
IGN: Kiwisz
Age: 20.
Reason for wanting to join: I was playing on a private server with some friends but they got bored and have recently quit, looking for a new server to join with active players as playing alone gets boring pretty fast.
Plans/Goals: Probably going to build an automated factory style base, probably focusing mostly on GregTech.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Been playing minecraft since it was only a browser game, played tekkit since it was released and the same with FTB
Will you record(if so youtube channel): Nah
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) Can be cute, but vicious :P
I went through a twilight portal and my game crashed and now I cant log back into the server, is there any way you could help me?
IGN: Grammernatzi​
Age: 18​
Reason for wanting to join: Want a good, reliable community for playing the MindCrack pack in. I don't mind conforming to rules, if need be.​
Plans/Goals: First things first, get myself settled in the world. After that, possibly build, do things with others, etc.​
Prior Experience: I've been an operator and donator on a Minecraft server that is sadly now defunct, a donator for BeyondMinecraft and am very good with both Tekkit and FTB. I have been playing Minecraft for over a year and was at Minecon 2011 (I will have a cape in-game).​
Will you record?: No.​
Squirrels?: I see a few randomly messing around my front yard in the morning, and honestly don't pay much attention. I guess they're alright.​
lucus ill look into it asap. had anouther player do the same.

Grammernatzi added to whitelist

looking into V8 bugs currently, as im not happy with a few things. at least theres still no lag, but that crash earlier has me wanting to investigate it a bit deeper
lucus ill look into it asap. had anouther player do the same.

Grammernatzi added to whitelist

looking into V8 bugs currently, as im not happy with a few things. at least theres still no lag, but that crash earlier has me wanting to investigate it a bit deeper
Thanks man :)
IGN: hardcore4

Age: 23
Reason for wanting to join: I would love to play FTB with other people. I love the mods
Plans/Goals: I want to master every aspect of the mods and learn how to use them together.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Limited xp, but I'm learning quickly watching Etho and Guud on YouTube. I have been on FTB for a month now.
Will you record(if so youtube channel): Nope
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) Cute