Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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IGN: truewolfhell
Age: 16
Reason for wanting to join: Because FTB is boring alone and im looking for a friendly community
Plans/Goals: Probably building a giant beehive and a factory
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: I played Tekkit since release and ftb for about 1 week
Will you record(if so youtube channel) Nope
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) cute
IGN: Relivard
Age: 20
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a friendly and helpful community
Plans/Goals: To learn more about mods that I never used, like Thaumcraft
Prior experience with MC, Tekkit, FTB: Played on a few MC servers, was on a tekkit server for a while, and have been playing FTB for about a week and a half
preffered voice chat: Teamspeak 3
Will you record(if so youtube channel): Not really
Squirrels cute or pest? They're cute, unless one decides to steal my food
IGN: Juggynaunt

Age: 17
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for people to play/have fun with and to get ideas from.
Plans/Goals: I'll probably be focused on bees and forestry.
Prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Started playing minecraft in beta 1.3, and started playing with mods 6months ago.
Preferred voice chat: I really have no preferences
Will you record?: no
Squirrels cute or pest?: Awesome :D
IGN: Holydays
Age: 15
Reason for wanting to join: I want to play with an active comunity and have fun! This server sounds nice and I can't wait to check it out (If I get whitelisted)
Plans/Goals: My plans are to learn more about the mods and have fun playing ofcourse!
Prior experience with MC, Tekkit, FTB: I have been playing minecraft since Beta 1.3 I think, still play it today! I have been playing tekkit and wathcing a lot of videos about FTB/Tekkit/Mindcrack
preffered voice chat: Teamspeak 3 Skype is a bit glitchy for me
Will you record(if so youtube channel): I would like to record, but I don't have any motivation to do so ;P
Squirrels cute or pest? Squirrels are cuuuute <3
IGN: Vhenza

Age: 30

Reason for wanting to join: I have been playing on a small server with friends, but have been wanting to get involved with a larger community.

Plans/Goals: I enjoy building, and have really gotten into beekeeping recently.

Prior Experience: I have been playing FTB for a couple of months now. Before that, just vanilla.

Preferred Voice Chat: Any

Will you record?: I'm not interesting enough to watch.

Squirrels, yay or nay?: I enjoy teasing my cat when they are outside the window. Otherwise, they are pretty cute when they aren't chewing holes in your siding...

Age: 21
Reason for wanting to join:
Ah, there's an interesting story behind this Application. In 2013, I remember it was, I got up in the morning and made myself a piece of toast. I set the toaster to three: medium brown.
To build a dragon house.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB:
I have done them all and made awesome things.
Will you record(if so youtube channel)
IGN: theHelion

Age: 24
Reason for wanting to join:
It would seem that this is one of the rare servers that has a fairly high age restriction. I will be glad to get away for a while from some of the less mature audience of minecraft.

To have a fun time while creating tier 5 mob spawners for public use.

prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB:

Will you record(if so youtube channel)
I am not a good spokesman :)

Squirrells cute or pest?
Cute only when you attach a tine cape to them.
theHelion whitelisted.
seperate note currently diagnosing the sudden tps drop. i may be doing reboots, or taking her down while i look into this. ill keep you guys uto date on here.
IGN: Hendo

Age: 23
Reason for wanting to join: Seems like a cool server and my friends play on here
Plans/Goals: To build with my friends
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Played Tekkit alot
Will you record(if so youtube channel) My youtube channel is hendo121212 dont know if ill record
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) Cute i guess
whitelisted Hendo, update: got most of my ticks back, still finetuning the rest of them ! pesky buggers keep escaping !
IGN: setzer1411

Age: 25
Reason for wanting to join: I and three friends are looking for a FTB server to play on. Preferably a small community that is grief free.
Plans/Goals: Establish a solid base in the Twilight, work on gravi suites, and anything else that comes to mind.
prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: years
Will you record(if so youtube channel) not normally
Squirrells cute or pest? (This one really dosent matter ) stew
IGN: ravenspine
Age: 24
Reason for wanting to join: I'm with Setzer1411. We're just a quiet, friendly group looking for a good community to take part in.
Plans/Goals: Breeding bees! And playing with the Forestry mod for farming purposes.
Prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: Started playing Vanilla over a year ago; Tekkit for about 5 months, and FTB for two weeks. Loving FTB.
Will you record: Naw, I'm too shy. :)
Squirrells cute or pest?: Adorable.
IGN: Aryene
Age: 25
Reason for wanting to join: I'm one of Setzer's friends, and like he said, we'd like a small, grief free community to play with.
Plans/Goals: Mine until my fingers fall off... Also, build a cool base with lots of neat stuff and get Setzer to craft me a gravi suit.
Experience with MC, Tekkit, FTB: 2 years MC experience. Fairly new to Tekkit and FTB.
Will you record: No.
Squirrels cute or pet? Cat food
IGN: deadfoot82
Age: 24
Reason for wanting to join: I'm lonely and Setzer is my only friend and I want to be just like him so I want to play on the same server as him.
Plans/Goals: Hang out with Setzer!
Experience with MC, Tekkit, FTB: Played the hell out of vanilla MC for quite a while, forget how long exactly, I know it was during Beta. Moved to Tekkit with Setzer, Aryene, and Ravenspine as well as others and played that for a couple months though I never got into the extra crafting bit, there were others in our group much better at that than myself. Recently played on a FTB server but things just aren't quite working out there.
Will you record: More than likely not.
Squirrels cute or pest?: Well lemme tell you about a squirrel I knew when I was a kid. His name was Rufus. And the thing thought it was a dog. Would bark and chase balls and stuff. Awesome stuff. Our mail carrier didn't care too much for ol' Rufus though. His last day on the job he hit him with a pellet he fired from a slingshot. Dead on impact. Tragic childhood scarring stuff.