Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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In Game Name: borgut87
Age: 26
Banned Before: No.
Experience with modded MC: previously knew more about it and come back to this server to see the new features that bring mods
Goals On Server: learn how to use the mods included in this pack, play with friends and enjoy multiplayer
How Active are you?: usually play on weekends and some day in the afternoon (when work allows me)
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,minner, farmer.
IGN: GunnyWombat
Age: 41
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a stable hard mode server with a decent friendly community and staff that know what they are doing that I and some friends can join.
Plans/Goals(just curious):World domination as usual.............
Prior experience with MC , Tekkit, FTB: FTb/BTW for 1yr+ including building own 152 modpacks and server hosting on Creeperhost as well as server admin on clan MC server.
Preferred voice chat: TS but will also use two cups and some string if req'd.
Will you record(if so youtube channel): More than likely not.
Squirrells cute or pest? : Depends if they shoot back...
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In Game Name: zamder145
Age: 21
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Been playing with FTB for over a year, but vanilla mods much longer.
Goals On Server: Become a master at gregtech, IC2, And thaumcraft.
Unique Skills?: I seem to be really good at teaching myself things, using all the resources available.
How Active are you?: Very active, atleast a few hours a day. I've been more active in the past, but now I have a pregnant fiancee to take care of, so there may be some days I do not log in at all.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: tech builder. I like to build large homes that are functional for my tech needs. Been working on making them look nice as of late too.
GunnyWombat added to the whitelist. Welcome to SQUirrellCraft.

zamder145 denied. Thank you for applying and for thinking of us. I wish you every luck in finding a new Minecraft home.
In Game Name: nuka_cole
Age: 24
Banned Before: does the pub count?
Experience with modded MC: a fare bit form tekkit and all of ftb =)
Goals On Server: mining. hopefully make some freinds and work together making a mighty base
Unique Skills?: mining? love a tech tree and buiding complex machines
How Active are you?:every night
Which sums you up? tech
nuka_cole added to white list post on squirrelly on how to enter.

totally need to clean up ftb main post and site now that its fixed up
In Game Name: Thynsiia
Age: 23
Banned Before: nope
Experience with modded MC: FTB modpacks (mindcrack, ultimate, horizon)
Goals On Server:I love making buildings that fit in with machines, making sure that the tech integrates with design
Unique Skills?: Fast learner, i have run servers in the past and i'm aware of what can and can't be done on them.
How Active are you?: daily
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech
In Game Name: Liatinachy
Age: 23
Banned Before: never
Experience with modded MC: FTB modpacks, mindcrack, ultimate, unleashed, horizon
Goals On Server: thaumcraft, building something pretty, annoying Thynsiia ( he's my bf, already on the server :) )
How Active are you?: Working during the day, but in the evening & weekends I like to build me some stuff
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Social adventurous magician.

In Game Name: bcolman
Age: 17 almost 18
Banned Before: Nope
Experience with modded MC: Not a lot
Goals On Server: To have fun with my friend Amrauz
Unique Skills?: None
How Active are you?: Mostly Weekdays
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Social Adventurer
LittleExo_ I want to thank you for applying with SQUirrellCraft. We appreciate every application and consideration we get. However, we have a strict age restriction of 17 and older. I am sure you are quite mature. However, that being said I can not break the 17 and over rule. I wish you all the luck in finding a new minecraft home. :)

Thank you
Thats sad .. but thanks .
Hi everyone. I want to ask that anyone posting an application to please take the time to think about your answers and to provide more than just a one word answer. We want to find out a little bit more about you. :)
To have a great community it helps for us to know you.
SQUirrellCraft wants to provide the best experience possible for everyone who plays; please help us to do so.

Thank you
In Game Name:Jepikaiye
Banned Before:No , never.
Experience with modded MC:I have played tekkit alot.FTB ultimate (was my favorite).
Goals On Server:Learn something new from this modpack and build things that i have never built yet.
Unique Skills?:Im pretty good with redstone :)
How Active are you?:I can play couple of hours a day.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly:Tech and Adventurer
Jepikaiye denied. Thank you for applying with SQUirrellCraft. Good luck in finding your new Minecraft home.
In Game Name: ungraceful

Age: 18

Banned Before: Yes, but it was a couple years ago i can't remember what for.

Experience with modded MC: Yes, I've played with mods around the time when Industrialcraft and Buildcraft had just came out and i started playing Tekkit when my friend showed me it and started playing FTB later on.

Goals On Server: All magical based I've really taken a liking to Thaumcraft and I would like to make a base purely based on Thaumcraft and other magical stuff, that would be my ultimate goal.

Unique Skills?: I Like magical stuff anything to do with it i love it, Also I'm pretty good with other mods such as Industrialcraft and Buildcraft and I've started getting into qCraft and Forestry.

How Active are you?: Very, in a good day i can play all day and most of the night if i don't have work and other things i need to attend to.

Which sums you up?: I really like to be involved with people if they need help i'll help them, Granted i'm not good with building designs but if you need me to build i can do that, like i've said before i Really Really like magic.:)
In Game Name: coolcsl10
Age: 17
Banned Before:
- MCBan for compromised account from a spam bot a long time ago.
Experience with modded MC: Ever since tekkit 1.2.5
Goals On Server: Too just play, and talk to other people
Unique Skills?: Complex tech contraptions using all mods together
How Active are you?: A bit of a no life, but I mean
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech, Builder, but not much of a magic person because I have not tried it out, but I would like to.
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