Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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Hey Fay and everyone :D just would like to throw it up there that I would like to come play on squirlly again ;) Can I get on that whitelist please?
In Game Name: NimeniAltu666
Age: 18
Banned Before: no bans as far as I can recall
Experience with modded MC: I play since the good old tekkit came out :)
Goals On Server: Achieve the best modded base :D
Unique Skills?: Honestly, not much, just skills with mods, but I guess everyone on this server has them.
How Active are you?: Everyday player.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech and social :D
In Game Name: Knosox940
Age: 24
Banned Before: Nope, never.
Experience with modded MC: I mostly play Ftb packs like unleashed/Monster but also tried the new madpack
Goals On Server: Getting into a cool community, building a techbase with much automation
Unique Skills?: I dont wanna say that i have a unique skill, i just love to combine many mods to automate something as a unique thing itself
How Active are you?: Very active up to 40h a week :cool:
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder / Adventurer / Tech

In Game Name: Ammaneus
Age: 23
Banned Before: Nevar!
Experience with modded MC: Heavy modded MC user since 1.2.5
Goals On Server: Creating builds that blend aesthetics and functionality (a never-ending quest)
Unique Skills?: Beating Nuka_Cole with a shovel, teaming up with Gunnywombat to hunt Nuka_Cole with MFR needleguns, being Scottish.
How Active are you?: Very!, too much to be honest.
Which sums you up?; See server goals, also trying to be original on every playhtrough, with regards to powersource, contraption designt, etc.
In Game Name: Lachoneous
Age: 25
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: Tekkit, Technic, Some FTB, lots of random little mods off of minecraftforums.
Goals On Server: Have fun and play with friends. Possibly also make new friends.
Unique Skills?: Murder, Chocolate Murder, Vanilla Murder, Swirl, Assassin for hire, Kite flying expert, Have opposable thumbs.
How Active are you?: I mostly just sit around when I'm not at work. Not a lot of exercise, but I like sports and outdoor activities. jk, I play about 2-3 times a week.
Which sums you up? Builder, Adventurer
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In Game Name: Lachoneous
Age: 25
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: Tekkit, Technic, Some FTB, lots of random little mods off of minecraftforums.
Goals On Server: Have fun and play with friends.
Unique Skills?: Murder, Chocolate Murder, Vanilla Murder, Swirl, Assassin for hire, Kite flying expert, Have opposable thumbs.
How Active are you?: I mostly just sit around when I'm not at work. Not a lot of exercise, but I like sports and outdoor activities. jk, I play about 2-3 times a week.
Which sums you up? Builder, Adventurer
Goddamnit Travis.
Knosox940 added to the whitelist. Welcome to SQUirrellCraft.

NimeniAltu666 denied. Thank you for applying with SQUirrellCraft and good luck finding your Minecraft home.
In Game Name: Naolas
Age: 31
Banned Before: No
Experience with modded MC: Yes, ran a Mindcrack/Ultimate server a while back (http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/forgotten-beast-v8-2-small-community-mature-18.7480/)
Goals On Server: Catch up on all the new mods in good company
Unique Skills?: Factorization routers used to be my obsession, but I'll probably focus on something else this time around
How Active are you?: I want to write casual here, but I'll probably play more than I should
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech > Social > Builder > Adventurer
IGN: Raghtur
Age: 39
Reason for wanting to join: Have never played on a server set to hard mode before and would like to give it a try
Plans/Goals: I plan to spend time getting to know some of the newer/updated mods in the pack, maybe build something somewhat epic out in the wilderness, otherwise just to play
Prior experience: Vanilla/vanilla server side mods for 4-5 years, started with technic pack about 2 years ago, then tekkit, direwolf, and one or two other FTB modpacks
Preferred voice chat: Any, already have TS3/mumble/Skype installed
Will you record: Aside from possibly recording for my own personal record of something I might build, I have no intention of doing recording for public distribution at this time, but I am willing to help out others if they wish it.
Banned Before: To my knowledge I've never been banned aside from temporary bans for the sole intention of testing purposes by server admins when they were updating settings (
Unique Skills?: Jack of all trades mostly, but really really good at the technical mods
How Active are you?: Due to work and other commitments I'm only intending on being active 1-2 hrs/day, but don't be surprised if I have a few marathon sessions of 6-12 hrs on the weekends
Which sums you up? As I already stated, I'm a Jack of all trades, but I'm mostly a builder/adventurer/tech specialist.
You have both been added to the whitelist. Welcome to SQUirrellCraft and we will see you in game. :)
In Game Name: BookerTheGeek
Age: I am as old as my tongue and a little older then my teeth. My tongue is a little over 30 years old.
Banned Before: I've never been banned, I am the Ban-Hammer!!!
Experience with modded MC: Is there another kind of Minecraft worth playing?
Goals On Server: To have fun, meet new people, and generally make the server more fun to play on. Oh, and have fun of course!
Unique Skills?: Um, I can stay awake for a week and still be functional?
How Active are you?: I work 50+ hours a week an hours from my house. So as active as I can be other then work, ex-wife, girlfriend, and friends. Basically about 4-8 hours on my two days off a week.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I like to build functionally attractive buildings with massive cross-mod interactions. So... all of the above?

By the way, tried the teamspeak on the first post, it is not connecting. Yeah I have a YouTube, no idea if I am going to record from this server or not.
In Game Name: fuhl
Age: 34 but I feel like I'm 33!
Banned Before: no
Experience with modded MC: Lots but I've been pausing for like 3 months so I expect lots of new things I don't know yet. Before that I was very actively playing FTB Unhinged and later on custom modpacks.
Goals On Server: Learn all the new stuff and things that changed while I was not paying attention. Ultimate goal: automate all the things, get rich, have fun.
Unique Skills?: I don't give up and don't hesitate to redo contraptions numerous times until they work as intended.
How Active are you?: Expect to see me almost every day on the server.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Adventurous Tech