Whitelist Server RE-OPENED ~SQUirrellCraft~ 1.6.4 Monster-Modified | 32G RAM |Dedicated|Community Based| 。◕‿‿◕。

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im not going to qoute what you wrote there as it shouldent be repeated.

but this ?
Banned Before:no
i was the one who banned you on the 1.5.2 server.
warning for avoiding afk kicker as stated in rules at newplayer spawn
Then you proceeded to steal from a players unprotected area with rossyboi and recieved a ban from us.

so no we dont need or require you around i would offer good luck in finding somewhere but i really have no patience for thieves and liers.

No, really, it's not acceptable. Enjoy your week off.
[Inappropriate Commentary Redacted by Moderator]
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Enjoy your week off, Rebo. That crap doesn't fly here. Do it when you come back and it becomes permanent.

Back to being a server promo thread time now. =)
So as you can see we are a mature community. We take care of our players and will not allow any form of griefing, stealing, or any such behavior that is deemed inappropriate. We appreciate the FTB community and the moderators for their hard work and for helping to keep the forums a nice place for everyone to enjoy.
We look forward to each and every application that comes our way and will continue to keep SQUirrellCraft THE server to play on!
Come and join us and see what it is all about.

In Game Name: Ace5000
Age: 19
Banned Before: Nope!
Experience with modded MC: I've ran FTB servers multiple times in the past, have played since around the time ultimate was first released, have made multiple modpacks on my own and resolved issues regarding mods many a time. I've built countless structures, my most proud being this.
Goals On Server: I've always wanted to build a level-based dungeon system that gives custom items and forces people who choose to participate to not leave until completed, where they'd finish one battle/puzzle/platforming zone and get warped to the next, given new tools, until the end where their stuff is returned and they get some form of reward. So that'd be my end-goal. And an underground cathedral base. Past that, who knows? Skynet? Skynet.
Unique Skills?: I can dedicate to myself to massive projects and not abandon them, and can build intensive, aesthetically pleasing structures. I am a quick learner, and am quite adapted to mods in general. I also play piano and make music :D
How Active are you?: I tend to be extremely active, playing 8+ hours a day on average
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: I'll go with Tech.
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Ace5000 added to the whitelist. Please read the personal conversation I sent to you before joining server. Also instructions on how to join are on pg 61 of these forums. Welcome to SQUirrellCraft.
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Reactions: Ace5000
In Game Name: JyrasiQ
Age: 21
Banned Before: Nope!
Experience with modded MC: unleashed and monster, about a year
Goals On Server: have a sick build.
Unique Skills?: building.
How Active are you?: 8-10 hours a day
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: builder, social.
JyrasiQ denied. Thank you for applying with SQUirrellCraft and good luck in your pursuit of a server.
In Game Name: Drag0notHutch
Banned Before: I have never been banned.
Experience with modded MC: Approximately three years of experience. I started with tekkit playing with a few friends one of which was Ace5000, I was astonished buy the content of mods and all the machines and how overpowered equivalent exchange was, but I also learned the basics of modded minecraft there. Than we moved on to FTB ultimate pack played that for awhile learning things with buildcraft and forestry and plenty of other mods. Unfortunately that world died from a memory leak, so we moved on to Ace's minecrack pack server. Since than I've also played with smaller mod packs like the Metallargy server.
Goals On Server: I would love to attempt building a MOBA on the server and a Zoo with as many of the mods mobs as possible.
Unique Skills?: Making use of the more under used parts of mods that would normally be skipped for efficient sake.
How Active are you?: Pretty much daily if possible, and if not I'll be on at least a few times a week.
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder mostly with a hint of tech if i can pick two
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In Game Name:dontmessup123
Banned Before: i haven't been banned before
Experience with modded MC:Ive played Minecraft since before i was born (wombcraft) I kidd. Ive played Minecraft for about 2 years and have played a bit of Tekkit here and there.
Goals On Server:Girls just wanna have fun (girls = i) I like minecraft and my friends said this was a good server so i plan to make it better with kindness
Unique Skills?: i like lamp i like carpet i am determined to help out my friends in need.
How Active are you?: i get on maybe 2-3 times a week
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Antisocial-Butterfly! JK JK i like adventuring
In Game Name:LittleExo_
Banned Before: Never was ! http://mcbans.com/player/LittleExo_/
Experience with modded MC: Played alot mods such as extreme weathers , buildcraft , thaumcraft and quite a few mods that I'm lazy to list it out :p
Goals On Server: Hope to be a friendly guy in the community , build and mine as well. :b
Unique Skills?: Mining , building , love being a magician as well ( Thaumcraft )
How Active are you?: About a few hours per day ? Estimate is around 4 or 5 days per week .
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Builder and Adventurer . Adventuring is fun :b
LittleExo_ I want to thank you for applying with SQUirrellCraft. We appreciate every application and consideration we get. However, we have a strict age restriction of 17 and older. I am sure you are quite mature. However, that being said I can not break the 17 and over rule. I wish you all the luck in finding a new minecraft home. :)

Thank you
In Game Name: Lastdeus
Banned Before: never
Experience with modded MC: Always played on modded MC servers
Goals On Server: can't wait to test Monster pack
Unique Skills?: mmmm... Mine!
How Active are you?: i get online 4-5 times a week
Which sums you up? Builder,Adventurer,Tech,Social-Butterfly: Tech owns
It would appear CreeperHost's servers are down, so I can't login through the FTB launcher and I don't want to export everything to a multiMC account. I guess I'll be on later when FTB is usable!
Lastdeus denied. Thank you for thinking of SQUirrellCraft and good luck in finding your new Minecraft home.
I am sending in two applications, one for myself and one for my mate I wanna play with.

In Game Name: xSainx
Age: 17
Banned Before: One time on a Prison Server. I was accused of having X-Ray cause i digged straight down the whole time because thats the best way to check the most blocks without digging much blocks. Like someone with X-Ray would dig down the whole time instead of digging directly to the goodies... . I even did a ban appeal but only the guy who banned me responded to that.
Experience with modded MC: Tekkit for some time; Extended Mindcrack Mod Pack for about 4 month; Voltz for 2 month; Resonant Rise for about 2 month; Unleashed for 2 month
Goals On Server: I wanna experience some more difficult gameplay, play some more with mods i didn't play for in a while or are new to me and to have a nice community.
Unique Skills?: I am good with AE, automated my whole production once, but i think I will try Logistic Pipes, didn't play with it for some time. I have great knowleage of IC2, ThermalExpension and Thaumcraft.
How Active are you?: About 1 to 2 hours daily, but I guess I will play in the beginning more.

Ingame name : darkkiddy
Age: 17
Banned Before:No
Experience with modded MC: Played many modpacks first was tekkit and then played through many others
Goals On Server:Having fun with my friend while playing menyoy a friendly community and try to make awesome buildings
Unique Skills?:i have a good knowledge of ae but i am interested in logistic pipes becasue i never worked with it before
How Active are you?:1-2 hours a day i would play for sure