[Public Pack] EPiCCRAFT 1.0.x {Progression}{Survival}

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Server v. 1.10
Ars Magica 2

After you have create you Arcane compendium you get no skill points and so you can´t use the occulus and no spells.

A very nice package and also a very good idea, but still VERY much to do. Currently, there is unfortunately only in single player really enjoyable, because at server works when it comes up only 10% of what is offered :(

Are you logging into the server via a central hub that leads to several servers? This causes a problem exactly like you describe. Can also affect other things. Log directly to the server, and don't go first to the central hub.

And quite a bit more than 10%:) I've played on several servers that had had the pack up and enjoyed playing it for a couple of months.[DOUBLEPOST=1410282742][/DOUBLEPOST]
if mekanism is installed thats what always causes my sound to cut out on mc.

No mekanism, but I supsect weather possibly, from lots of thunder. Anecdotal evidence only, but i seem to hear thunder right before i hear nothing, or game crashes. Then again, there is a lot of stormy weather in the pack.

I do notice far less of a problem with everything in the pack on a server with good hardware, direct connect to the server, and regular restarting of the server.
Does anyone experienced want to play epic craft with me. I am new to epic craft and I need a guide to help me through it. If you want to play with me just message me. Thanks!!!
Is there any chance to get a german service/support for epiccraft ?
We haven't heard from either Jon or Cyanide in weeks. Jon logged into the server Aug 26th, cyanide a month before that. Maybe they lurk incognito to read posts, but they haven't posted on the server or here.
Life got busy for them probably, it happens.

Sorry, but I can not speak English or Spanish.

Well ... that is, the same as in any other package also ... can not speak English, to see how to get clear. :( :( :(

This is really discriminatory
He wasn't trying to be discriminatory, more that he was stating that the 2 main developers havn't been seen in a long time and so thinks that German support probably won't happen, also if this is hard to udnerstand, sorry, I used google translate.
Er versuchte nicht diskriminierend zu sein , mehr , dass er die besagt, dass die 2 wichtigsten Entwickler haben zu diesem Thema in einer langen Zeit gesehen worden und so denkt, dass die deutsche Unterstützung wird wohl nicht passieren , auch wenn dies schwer zu udnerstand , sorry, ich habe Google Translate .

Sorry, but I can not speak English or Spanish.

Well ... that is, the same as in any other package also ... can not speak English, to see how to get clear. :( :( :(

This is really discriminatory

Really not sure what you are saying here. I've tried answering your questions the best i can.
I'm having a hell of a time finding vanilla wheat seeds to do breeding with. In my search I've gotten plenty of rye and barley, and found plenty of essence seeds for my little farm. But I'm not finding any new types anymore, so I'm not sure if I'm just unlucky or if wheat is a special case. Do I just need to keep tilling grass? Is there an alternative to wheat I could use for breeding I'm not aware of?[DOUBLEPOST=1410644798][/DOUBLEPOST]I guess the key is complaining about it because after going through several tool repairs and a bunch of time looking, literally 15 seconds after I made that last post I found some. It's like it knows...
You can take wheat and turn it into seeds. Finding a village generally gives you a ton.[DOUBLEPOST=1410652526][/DOUBLEPOST]
Is there a list that has ALL of the mods in it?
Go to the launcher, the mods are generally in the description.
How are we supposed to help him if he can't understand english or use google translate?
He's got to be using a translator or he couldn't post. But in any case, just let him post the errors he finds over on the website, he got that far at leasts. Most of the stuff he asks about has been reported, and nothing we can do to fix it for him.
The fact is 80 % of Internet creation is in english :(

I'm french but with little effort and many years of study I can understand but some american words are obvious for me.
my game crashes when i try to create a world

I've set up a little server with some friends, updated SOL to solve bug with bottle/raw squid.

Anybody as sound problem (no sound at all) after a while ? Especially after a storm/tornado.

It's me or the number of tornadoes is too high ? On my server there is one or to tornadoes after one day or two ?

We changing one time of biome with no luck :(
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Mined coal, got blown up in a gigantic explosion caused by coal dust reacting with nearly torch, then proceed to get crushed by the cave collapsing. 10/10 would mine again (with care).