[Public Pack] EPiCCRAFT 1.0.x {Progression}{Survival}

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On my first day (which was actually a while ago, but I still want to share this story) I was having a fistfight with a flower then one of my punches launched it into the air and it flew away. I looked up and saw this.
View attachment 12802
Pretty good first day.
Yeah, for all the destruction it causes, the weather and tornados are a lot of fun.
Yeah, for all the destruction it causes, the weather and tornados are a lot of fun.
It wasn't really that bad of a tornado even, it just took the leaves off some trees and pulled up a bit of grass. I was able to just sit in a ravine and wait for it to end without any worry.
My worst experience in the pack was on a server with about 6 of us starting out in a village. Tornado hit, and tore the roof off of everybuilding, sucked most of the villagers. Took the dirt from the crops, scattered blocks all over. An hour later kitty comets hit, decimating the town, damaging smeltery, blowing up the 3 fields i'd replanted, and hitting the building with our chests and tinkers stuff. Many craters. Followed by another tornado. The place looked like it had been worked over by a pack of psychopathic 10 year olds who had just figured out how to grief with mining lasers and tnt guns.

We moved to another village and got serious about meteor shields and weather deflectors :).
Just wanted to say that I love this modpack but are you able to make any wooden tools at all or is flint the first basic tool type. The reason I ask is because when I put the pickaxe head pattern onto the table and use wooden planks as my material it shows all of the stats it would have but it will not let me make it.
Whenever I Save & Exit, the game hangs on Unloading dimension -31 (Moo Moo Farm) for about 10 minutes at 3 GB RAM usage. The weather effects seem to cause a lot of lag too, but the lag is manageable when you repeatedly click Esc to pause the game.
Another thing is I keep setting "/veinminer mode auto" and save the config with another text command, but every time I load the game it's set to sneak again.

Any way to fix this (especially the Save & Exit thing)?
I play version 1.1 and suddenly there is no sound at all.

Restarting the game does not always solve the problem.

Lot of sudden crash, sometimes with NEI and other there apparently is no reason.

I hate the way Minecraft handles the spawn: my last spawns were in the ocean, in a lake of liquid poison and the top of a very tall tree :(
- If I mine coal, then I die instantly, they explode after mine.
- I lose per step I walk is 5% - 10% starvation and thirst - so much can not eat, what to drink
- NEI does not save the settings, you have to keep resetting
- I lose my Armor if I sleep in sleeping bag
-Coal releases an explosive gas, make sure there aren't any torches or lava around and you'll be fine.
-Just keep a constant source of water, and you can't just eat one type of food. I'd recommend switching food types every 6 food or so.
-Unsure about this one.
-The sleeping bag takes off your chestplate, you should be getting it back after you wake up.
Its something wrong the weather2, from the looks of it it's trying to render something the instance doesn't like, or at least that's why I think it is, no the best at these.

What would you suggest i do in this case, its starting to become quit annoying i must say.
I tried a new installation of the modpack didn't seem to work
And I always have the normal mc skin and not my originale.
Me too but not always.

I understand the fact switching food but how many times can I eat the same food before switching to another ? 6 times ?

I've noticed item disappeared from my inventory : I've crafted several TC table after they stay in my inventory.

You say modpack reset often solve problem but I loose my worl too or may I backup it ?
Huge fan of the modpack.
However im getting quit regular crashes on it which i cant seem to figure out why?
Any help:
Common occurance in the pack, no ones ever really had an answer.[DOUBLEPOST=1410099171][/DOUBLEPOST]
- If I mine coal, then I die instantly, they explode after mine.
- I lose per step I walk is 5% - 10% starvation and thirst - so much can not eat, what to drink
- NEI does not save the settings, you have to keep resetting
- I lose my Armor if I sleep in sleeping bag

The game takes off your chestplate when you use a sleeping bag. Just pick it up off the ground
Make sure you aren't overheated badly, you shouldn't be losing that much thirst so quickly.
Glenns Gasses adds coal dust, don't mine coal around torches.[DOUBLEPOST=1410099242][/DOUBLEPOST]
There are absolutly none lava or torches, if I mine coal. And I lose all my armors if I sleep.
And I allways have the normal mc skin and not my originale.

NEI does not show any reactions, I would like wasich enter in search box ... I get nothing displayed ... so I can not search for recipes, or have them show me.

Hmm, those are errors others aren't getting. I'd do a fresh install of the mod.
I do not wear armor. It does not matter where I am. My temparature is ALWAYS about 100F and decreases NEVER, even if I stand in the ice.
Reset the modpack it's not good your temperature should decrease or increase. Are you using camel pack ?
No matter how long I play and how I try to stop (Save & Exit, kill task, random crash, too many chunks loading), javaw.exe will stop working and crash at 3.75GB RAM usage (max RAM I can give it in FTB launcher) for about 10-20 minutes. I found out Save & Exit on Fullscreen somehow doesn't crash javaw, but Quit Game will, always.

It only happens with this modpack, too. There are no logs whatsoever, it just crashes.
Healing: Eat food that heals at least 1.5 drumsticks to heal half a heart. Grow magical crops and make magical food. Die. Eat a red heart. Live in a hotspring. Make potions. Weapon with lifesteal. Squid and drinking anything from a bottle are known bugs. Fixable, at least for the bottles, if the pack ever gets an upgrade for Spice of Life. Camel packs are your friend for water. Squid are not your friends.

Website is still down.
Sound going out on that modpack has affected many people. Has to be coming from some mod.
Restarting the game, sometimes computer seems to restore it.
The epiccraft website is still down, info on requirements might be there, or read through posts in this thread, someone might have figured out the requirements. Jon and Chris have not been around to answer questions in a bit. I heard Jon has family matters to attend to, which trumps minecraft.