Psi Discussion Thread

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First, I absolutely love Psi. Kudos.

Suggestion: Add the ability to assign hotkeys to the CAD radial menus to facilitate faster spell swapping.

I got this idea from a similar ability in the mod Intangible. The menu for the foci to cast spells is tangentally similar to the the radial menu in Psi. It can be a real bother sometimes to switch from one spell to another, especially in a combat situation. Plus, swapping spells seems to be fairly easy in the anime as well.

I have a couple more suggestions for Psi: CAD part swapping and perhaps the addition of a Cannon type CAD that somehow uses both hands to wield with some pros and cons compared to the other CADs. Maybe even Bow and Sniper variants as well. Just something to give a bit of choice and variability to the CADs and their parts.

Perhaps a Ring style CAD using Baubles which would allow some triggers similar to the exosuit but with more limits. That way people could get some usage similar to the armor yet still use other mod armors as well if they preferred to do so.

I was thinking along the lines of rings having trigger components so you could choose which armor piece they mimiced, but they would have their own set bandwidth and such independant of the main CAD the user had. And only one slot per ring, as well.
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I have just updated from 1.9 to 1.9.4 and the conjured light is bugged - it disappears on reload, meaning that it is actually still there (if you know where one is you can hit it and it updates) but it is not visible and the area is in darkness.
Is there a Way to reset PSI? Im playing PSI on the "All the Mods" Modpack in Curse Launcher. Already deleted the "Psi persisten" folder, but it wont work.

Im stuck in the Tutorial and got missing spell pieces after transfering to the new modpack.

sorry for my english :P
Is there a Way to reset PSI? Im playing PSI on the "All the Mods" Modpack in Curse Launcher. Already deleted the "Psi persisten" folder, but it wont work.

Im stuck in the Tutorial and got missing spell pieces after transfering to the new modpack.

sorry for my english :p

Not sure what your asking - if you want to delete ALL psi it might work if you go to your mods folder and delete psi, start your world, exit and refresh your modpack. I would expect that to reset it.

If your having issues with progress the tutorial solutions are here :
Thanks for your answer Ocker
I have already tried deleting the mod but after refresh the modpack the tutorial progress is still the same.
Im stuck on Level 5 Vectors 101. It says "Requierements: Level 5, Tutorial 4". Im on Level 7 and Tutorial 4 is already done.
All the Vector Operator Spell Pieces are missing so i cant import from Clipboard.
I think there is something in the Player data but im a noob in this.
Thanks for your answer Ocker
I have already tried deleting the mod but after refresh the modpack the tutorial progress is still the same.
Im stuck on Level 5 Vectors 101. It says "Requierements: Level 5, Tutorial 4". Im on Level 7 and Tutorial 4 is already done.
All the Vector Operator Spell Pieces are missing so i cant import from Clipboard.
I think there is something in the Player data but im a noob in this.

OK then I think you may have to try to contact Vaskii.

I don't know how Vaskii has made it so your achievements are transferred. but it appears you may have done an achievement that was later changed so it is recorded locally as being completed but wherever the "transfer" info is stored it says your not because that achievement has moved, maybe.

But in the mean time I would try going from the beginning, even though they are saying they are done, doing them again may trigger something. And as you do check the manual to make sure the trick on the table has the required item. Just reading the code the first time "vector" appears is in 4 (Explode) but I would still go back to 1. Sorry I can't be of more help. Good luck with it.
OK then I think you may have to try to contact Vaskii.

I don't know how Vaskii has made it so your achievements are transferred. but it appears you may have done an achievement that was later changed so it is recorded locally as being completed but wherever the "transfer" info is stored it says your not because that achievement has moved, maybe.

Nevermind, found it with the NBTEditor in the saves folder of curse instances.

Thanks for your Help
So I've gotten back into minecraft recently and decided to play a bit of 1.9 stuff. I've been having some issues with Psi, namely targeting and when to use what vectors. So I'm on the Elemental Arts tutorial and need to use the Smite trick, though I can't seem to get the targeting down. I've only got the targeting right on one spell but can't find a way to pull it from a spell bullet to a Spell Programmer to see how I managed it.

Here's the spell I'm working on if someone's willing to give it a look. It's supposed to Smite the nearest enemy in front of me, but it always says that the target is more than 32 blocks away even if there's a mob right in front of me.

Also, If someone's got a decent tutorial that covers what the different vectors are and when to use them, then that would be great. The in-game tutorial and DW20's spotlight wasn't much help in this regard.
Just learning to use this spoiler thing correctly. I will/have deleted previous fail

I use this, you may be able to use it to wotk out what is wrong with yours or just use this. Note I have full power available so you may need to check that you don't die.

I have been working on a spell that I can use in an ordinary spell bullet that will break a 3x3 area of blocks (at least along the x and z axis - I'm not bothered about the y axis), and I have tried to make it fit in an 8x8 grid (although that's not the problem) and I have for the most part achieved this purpose, but there is one small problem that I can't figure out and (to me at least) it makes no sense as to why it won't work perfectly.

The problem: it should work fine always, but (sometimes) when I cast it (using the creative CAD - and within all CAD parameters) it has a nasty habit of only breaking the column you look at if there are no blocks behind the block you're looking at, instead of also breaking the blocks to either side. There appears to be no pattern as to when it will decide to do this, but the above condition does affect when it has a chance to happen.

When I cast the spell (and the above happens) it returns as one of the two ray cast (and axis ray cast) parts around 7,2(the axis ray cast) and 4,3 as "not having an operational vector or null". This may be a misunderstanding on my part for how the ray cast pieces work but other than that I can't find anything wrong with the spell. Here is the spell so if anybody could please try and help I would be most grateful. :3

note: This is using the modpack: "All The Mods 1.9.4 v1.0".
Spell Code: {spellName:"Break Block Sequence",uuidMost:5016102779859583492L,validSpell:1b,spellList:[0:{data:{params:{_target:4},key:"connector"},x:0,y:0},1:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"operatorVectorExtractX"},x:0,y:1},2:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"operatorAbsolute"},x:0,y:2},3:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:0,y:3},4:{data:{params:{_target:4},key:"connector"},x:1,y:0},5:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"operatorVectorExtractZ"},x:1,y:1},6:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"operatorAbsolute"},x:1,y:2},7:{data:{params:{_x:1,_y:2,_z:3},key:"operatorVectorConstruct"},x:1,y:3},8:{data:{key:"constantNumber",constantValue:"-1"},x:1,y:4},9:{data:{key:"constantNumber",constantValue:"3"},x:1,y:5},10:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:1,y:6},11:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:1,y:7},12:{data:{params:{_target:4},key:"connector"},x:2,y:0},13:{data:{key:"selectorCaster"},x:2,y:1},14:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"operatorEntityLook"},x:2,y:2},15:{data:{params:{_vector3:0,_vector2:3,_vector1:4},key:"operatorVectorSum"},x:2,y:3},16:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:2,y:4},17:{data:{params:{_max:3,_target:2,_position:1},key:"trickBreakInSequence"},x:2,y:5},18:{data:{params:{_x:0,_y:3,_z:0},key:"operatorVectorConstruct"},x:2,y:6},19:{data:{params:{_max:3,_target:1,_position:4},key:"trickBreakInSequence"},x:2,y:7},20:{data:{params:{_target:4},key:"connector"},x:3,y:0},21:{data:{params:{_target:3},key:"operatorEntityPosition"},x:3,y:1},22:{data:{params:{_ray:3,_max:0,_position:1},key:"operatorVectorRaycast"},x:3,y:2},23:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:3,y:3},24:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:3,y:4},25:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:3,y:5},26:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:3,y:6},27:{data:{params:{_target:4},key:"connector"},x:3,y:7},28:{data:{params:{_target:4},key:"connector"},x:4,y:0},29:{data:{key:"constantNumber",constantValue:"3"},x:4,y:1},30:{data:{params:{_x:0,_y:1,_z:0},key:"operatorVectorConstruct"},x:4,y:2},31:{data:{params:{_max:4,_target:1,_position:2},key:"trickBreakInSequence"},x:4,y:3},32:{data:{params:{_vector3:0,_vector2:4,_vector1:3},key:"operatorVectorSum"},x:4,y:4},33:{data:{params:{_target:3},key:"connector"},x:4,y:6},34:{data:{params:{_vector3:0,_vector2:4,_vector1:1},key:"operatorVectorSum"},x:4,y:7},35:{data:{params:{_target:2},key:"connector"},x:5,y:0},36:{data:{params:{_target:4},key:"connector"},x:5,y:1},37:{data:{key:"constantNumber",constantValue:"3"},x:5,y:3},38:{data:{params:{_x:0,_y:2,_z:0},key:"operatorVectorConstruct"},x:5,y:4},39:{data:{key:"constantNumber",constantValue:"-1"},x:5,y:5},40:{data:{params:{_target:4},key:"connector"},x:5,y:6},41:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:5,y:7},42:{data:{params:{_target:4},key:"operatorEntityPosition"},x:6,y:0},43:{data:{params:{_ray:4,_max:0,_position:1},key:"operatorVectorRaycastAxis"},x:6,y:1},44:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:6,y:2},45:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"operatorVectorExtractX"},x:6,y:3},46:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"operatorAbsolute"},x:6,y:4},47:{data:{params:{_number2:1,_number3:0,_number1:3},key:"operatorSum"},x:6,y:5},48:{data:{params:{_x:1,_y:2,_z:4},key:"operatorVectorConstruct"},x:6,y:6},49:{data:{key:"constantNumber",constantValue:"-1"},x:6,y:7},50:{data:{key:"selectorCaster"},x:7,y:0},51:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"operatorEntityLook"},x:7,y:1},52:{data:{params:{_target:3},key:"operatorVectorExtractZ"},x:7,y:2},53:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"operatorAbsolute"},x:7,y:3},54:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:7,y:4},55:{data:{params:{_target:1},key:"connector"},x:7,y:5},56:{data:{params:{_number2:1,_number3:0,_number1:2},key:"operatorSum"},x:7,y:6},57:{data:{params:{_target:3},key:"connector"},x:7,y:7}],uuidLeast:-6828966819996993088L}

Here is what it looks like in game.

Here's a demonstration


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Also (unrelated) I was reading a blog by Vaskii for "things not going to be in psi" and after reading what he mentioned about the multiple inputs/outputs from one side, perhaps you could just throw extra arrows on each side when they are used and have them on top of each other - still displaying different colours so screenshots display all info about the spell - maybe you could throw on a max of two or three per face to retain the "challenge". On the other hand, it still does make it fun.
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Here are a few extra thing that I would like to see, I apologise if they have already been mentioned.

- And extra operator to the explode spell to negate damage/block destruction.
(perhaps I'm the only one who thinks a rocket jump spell would be badass).

- When you use the "kill" trick (to stop the spell) also have it negate the cost of the spell
(This is because I see no reason for the spell to cost anything whilst doing nothing).

- the blink trick to have at least a vector and if possible a position too.
(I understand that it would allow for the player to use a projectile then blink caster to focal point but this could be negated by having the cost (when including a position) be increased by the distance that the blink would have. Too far = death)

-Have the power level of wither not add so much to the cost.
(I understand you don't want an insta-damage spell piece but wither 1 really is useless).

-A spell trick that will remove any negative effects.
(Could include positive effects if your aim is to always be really problematic)

-I want a select key so I can select more than one tiles and move them.
(I'm getting tired of having to copy and paste 10 times just to move one construct in my spell without moving the rest of it, something like shift+A selects all pieces you click on while holding the key combo).

-I know it's a lot to ask this point but... I would love to see the ability to mess around with the circle spell bullet and be able to change things like the amount of casts (affecting the cost) and also the radius (likewise).
(This could be done in the cad configuration block or in a possibly extra block for configuring spell bullets).

-I also would love if you could have something like cross connectors, so they can overlap or perhaps hold more than one piece of data like up to three for example.
(Hopefully this can be implemented without bringing up too many problems but the overlapping at least would be nice)
-an alternative would be to allow the player to save and select a vector from the CADs memory within the same spell because (as it says in the tutorial and through experiment) you can use both save and select but not in the same spell.

-And finally the one thing I want to see above all else... (Drumroll) in the anime some were gifted with being able to see "psi" remains and *my favourite part* spirits!
(Yes, this would make my day if the mod had this in it. They, of course, wouldn't have to be all that useful, but they could hang around like other pets(dog/ocelot) and would just sit around and be super cute and pretty colours all day. I was thinking however, they could be reasoned with and be tamed to give you small buffs and/or give attackers small debuffs like weakness or slowness. They could take the form of little rabbits/birds (or other cute creatures&constructs) and only appear when you make (and cast) complex spells with 3+ different projections (too act like a lure(Different, so you can't just use the same one; because that's just boring)) a few times and can be tamed by right clicking (or other means) to siphon off a little psi 50-100 (as a permanent decrease until you no longer want them) and in return they give you some sort of effect (this would have to stack so those that tame several would gain a benefit from each one instead of just the first in the group)).
Oh and the owner/tamer of the spirits is the only one that can see them.
aaaannndd the type of spirit could be specified by the types of projections used.
This may not be in the creative and flexible spirit of the mod (no pun intended) but it can act as a secondary reward for those that construct complex spells.

I know my last request is quite a bit more than the others but it would be amazing to see and, to be fair, they are in the anime :3
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So, need some help with a spell i'm trying to make for my Psimetal Exosuit Leggings. What I'm trying to do is make a spell that will, if i've taken damage, trigger regen.

According the the Psi tutorials: "'Constant: Wrapper' requires two numbers, a constant one and a normal one. The constant value given to the piece will be the one used for any statistical calculation, whereas the normal number will be the one used for when the spell is actually put into use. The normal number's value will be capped out at the value of the constant during spell execution, to prevent any sort of tomfoolery."
This should mean that if i've taken damage, then it will cast the corresponding level of regen up to regen 2. What it's doing instead is completely depleting my Psi Energy and dealing damage to me faster than even regen 2 can heal, even if i'm at full hearts.

Anyone have any idea's on how to make this work? Also, what other things are even good on Exosuit Leggings?

Edit: Also, what's something good to do with Exosuit boots? I can't think of anything that would be good to trigger every time I jump.
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Exo suit leggings cast with every tick so any spell you use for it will quickly deplete your psi energy and kill you. If you want to cast a spell upon taking damage then put it on your exo suit chest piece instead.

As for what to put on boots try an add motion upwards spell for useful options or you can use a spell to create a sort of pseudo flight that can be switched out with the exo suit controller
Exo suit leggings cast with every tick so any spell you use for it will quickly deplete your psi energy and kill you. If you want to cast a spell upon taking damage then put it on your exo suit chest piece instead.

As for what to put on boots try an add motion upwards spell for useful options or you can use a spell to create a sort of pseudo flight that can be switched out with the exo suit controller
The reason I'm trying to put my regen spell on the leggings is because I have the chest piece giving me resistance on me getting hit. I'm going to keep messing with it to try and get it to work. I might play around with that Die piece to see if i can kill the spell when the value is 1.
You asked where to find the code.

2 links - first is the place where a lot of code is posed, as well as requests and questions and the 2nd is all the tutorial solutions.

Thanks for the reply, however I was only asking if anyone knew of why what I made might be buggy. I have already completed all the tutorials and - for the most part - I understand all the workings of each piece.
I will have a look to see if I can find any workarounds etc for use in spells from those links. Thank you :3
If you have nothing on your helmet you can use a stress sensor
If you add 1 -I think - then feed it in to the die piece and add an error suppressor that might work
The reason I'm trying to put my regen spell on the leggings is because I have the chest piece giving me resistance on me getting hit. I'm going to keep messing with it to try and get it to work. I might play around with that Die piece to see if i can kill the spell when the value is 1.
You can put multiple tricks in the same spell, by the way, so slotting a spell that gives both resistance and regen into your chestplate might be the simplest way to do it. You might, of course, run into problems with the cost of that spell exceeding the capability of your CAD, but reducing the level and/or duration of the buffs will fix that.

Alternatively, if you're not using your helmet for a light-placing spell, you could slot into it the sensor that triggers when your health is low, and have it cast a regen spell then.
You can put multiple tricks in the same spell, by the way, so slotting a spell that gives both resistance and regen into your chestplate might be the simplest way to do it. You might, of course, run into problems with the cost of that spell exceeding the capability of your CAD, but reducing the level and/or duration of the buffs will fix that.

Alternatively, if you're not using your helmet for a light-placing spell, you could slot into it the sensor that triggers when your health is low, and have it cast a regen spell then.

The regen spell is ~200/250 of my CAD. The resistance spell is similar, so combining them wouldn't do much good. I also haven't gotten around to trying to make a light placing spell or anything more advanced than these buff spells. I can't for the life of me get targeting spells working, so having a spell place things in certain positions is a quite a bit above my head at the moment. I only barely dragged myself through the tutorials by shear dumb luck and a stubborn attitude.